
One Piece: Like father like son!

A fellow weeb gets reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Portgas D. Jackson, the twin brother of Portgas D. Ace. His randomly generated cheat is letting him synchronize his battlepower and techniques over time with an anime character, which is also randomly chosen ;). I don’t own anything beside original characters Writing for fun but also trying to improve so pls leave a feedback

End_boss · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

A new homie

"Seems like we made it in time."

Law commented casually after landing next to Kuina. He and Augur met up just a minute ago, and decided to use Augur's devil fruit's power, in order to arrive faster.

"In time for what? I've been doing perfectly fine till now. Though it surprised me that you arrived before Sabo."

"Augur saw him heading towards the others. Apparently, they are dealing with Big Mom's remaining children, since they somehow managed to group up and lead all those allied captains as an united army. Therefor vice-captain headed to aid them after beating Katakuri."

"So, he already beat Katakuri? And here I suspected that our vice-captain was taking his sweet time."

Kuina and Law actually held a nice little conversation while Augur was busy, shooting exploding light beams at Big Mom while she was still down. Too bad for him, Augur couldn't just keep shooting infinitely.

Using that short instances to get back up and reassess her situation, made her ashamed to have been surprised and knocked out like that before rage took over her mind.

"You… You damn brats…"

Her eyes practically blazed with a dreadful red light, as she loomed over Law and Kuina like a beast, ready to pounce on it's prey.

"Seems like she doesn't like us being here."

Law commented. He usually didn't show much of an expression, but it was undeniable that Big Mom's current appearance had an intimidating effect even on someone like him.

"You will pay for this… all of you…"

Kuina got ready for another round, fully understanding that having numerical advantage doesn't necessarily guarantee that they will win.


A purple Aura burst out of her body. It was another flood of conqueror's haki, that spread throughout the rooftop. Augur used the chance to fire again but this time all shots stopped and exploded before touching Big Mom.

Even the resulting shock- and heatwave didn't get to even scratch her skin. Fully enraged, she swung Napoleon in a savage manner.

"Ikoku Sovereignty!"

Another sword blast was cast, this time in the general direction of Augur. Unlike her previous attacks this one was blazing bright with flames since Prometheus was still partly covering Napoleon in his fire.

At the same time, Kuina's eyes shone as she was using foresight. It showed her, what would happen within the next few seconds enabling the young swords woman to act upon it.

Just like she foresaw, a giant light circle opened up above Big Mom, through which, shortly after, her fired Ikoku attack came crashing upon her.

Augur used his portal gate powers to send back her own attack but she dodged and moved in Kuina's direction. The young swords woman was ready to intercept and sneak attack her but Big Mom turned to face Kuina and brought down the blazing Napoleon upon her opponent.


So far, everything went as she foresaw. Receiving that attack instead of dodging, hurt like hell, but it at least gave Law an opportunity to use his powers again.


His sword's blade extended in an attempt to pierce Big Mom again, who managed to disengage Kuina and dodge at the last second, before countering.

"What the?!"

Kuina exclaimed surprised since according to her vision, this should have hit her neck. Ever since learning advanced observation haki, the only times her visions turned out wrong, were when her opponent also used advanced observation haki to alter his actions accordingly.

'That means Big Mom can also use foreseeing- !'

"Stop ganging up on Mama!"

"I'll burn you all to ashes!"

Both, Zeus and Prometheus, intervened by shooting out giant columns of fire and lightning forcing them all to fall back. Law, who couldn't open a room while using his awakened abilities, had to suffer their combination attack, which left him with nasty burns and a short muscle paralyze.


Big Mom tried to use that opportunity to smash him into pieces with her great sword but another light gate suddenly opened up from behind Law, through which a hand appeared and dragged him away.


"That bastard again! Stop hiding and show yourself!"

Of course, such a cheap provocation proved to be ineffective as the only answer she got, were more exploding light laser shots.

Kuina's eyes lit up once again, as she pushed her observation haki to the limit. It was her attempt to follow up on Augur's support and find a good striking chance, but things happened differently from what she expected.

"No! Stop her!"

From Big Mom, a purple aura erupted as she activated her devil fruit powers. The aura gathered around her hands, which she formed into a sphere to trap Augur's laser shots. Her plan worked and born was a new homie from his laser.

For a moment everything was quiet as they stared at Big Mom's newest creation. It was a cartoon like looking golden star with the face of a young woman.

"Mamama! You brats caused me a lot of problems but at least you were useful for one thing."

Linlin's laughter broke the short silence. She practically gloated in their faces. Just now she managed to turn a laser, an expression of energy in the form of extreme heat and light, into her new homie.

"Let's see… your name shall be Stella!"

"Ohoho, aye mama."

Next she took the golden star into her hand and threw her in Augurs direction. A laser shot out, heading straight towards her target. Augur didn't have time to open another gate to counter but there was still Law.


With his sword, he managed to deflect the laser beam giving Augur enough time to open a gate and bring them to away before another came.

(AN: Hey everyone! Don't mind me just dropping a very short chapter here. I think it's about high time that the story moves forward, so I thought about how to progress the plot. Don't have an answer to that yet but I have an idea how I want to end the whole cake island arc (took me long enough, didn't it?) I won't bore you much longer with this fight though I'd like to know, do you believe everything will be already settled even before Jackson appears? Or will Big Mom reverse the situation and gain the advantage again?)