
One Piece: Liberation

A man reincarnates into the world of One Piece. The story follows the man's life on his way to the pinnacle. The plot, the world, the characters of One piece belong only to its owner. All references belong to their respective original work and owners. Changes to the plot and the inclusion of other characters, are of my own invention. This Fanfiction was written just for fun.

BrokenQuill · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

It has been a week since Arthur fell into a coma, however, his body recovered at an astonishing rate. After the battle, Garp took him to his battleship to provide him with medical care.

Garp was currently at the bar trying to fix a misunderstanding between him and Makino and the kids. Makino, Ace and his blonde friend were angry at Garp for being heavy-handed and almost killing Arthur in the process.

When Makino got to know from Ace that Garp had carried the bloodied Arthur back to the warship to get treated she almost threw a punch at the old man. Makino and both kids have avoided Garp since then and he was trying to fix the misunderstanding.

"Makino chan it was just an accident the kid is going to be alright, at the rate he is healing I am sure he will be up in another week or two. I know I am in the wrong, I will properly apologize to the kid once he wakes up".

Both Makino and the kids kept ignoring the old man when the door to the pub opened and a marine entered and all their attention turned towards the man.

Bogard has never seen his superior being ever disturbed so much after he brought a kid who was almost at death's door and drenched in his blood. When the ship's doctor examined the kid he was astonished that almost every bone in his body was broken and most of his internal organs were damaged, it was a miracle the kid was alive. The kid's body was mending itself at an astonishing rate and as per the doctor's words, the kid's body was getting stronger as the injuries were healing.

Bogard knows Garp likes to test talents but this time he felt like the Vice Admiral had taken it a bit too far because the boy was way too young to receive such harsh treatment. Garp had ordered him to stay by the kid's side and inform him immediately of any changes. And after a week the kid stirred and started to gain back his consciousness, so Bogard immediately left to inform Garp.

"Garp San the kid is awake, he is almost completely recovered and he wants to meet you" Bogard informed Garp and immediately left the pub and walked in the direction of his ship. Makino and the two other kids in the pub also followed Garp towards his ship.

Arthur was awake and he was recalling all the events that transpired last week, he had a smile on his face because he had achieved his goal when meeting with Garp. The door to the room was opened and he saw Garp standing at the doorway with a broad smile on his face.

"You little brat, you gave me quite a scare I thought...". Before Garp could finish his statement he got pushed aside and Makino entered the room with both Ace and Sabo. Arthur perceived an incoming strike and chose not to avoid it because he knew who it was and why.

"Smack". Makino was so angry that she threw a tight slap even ignoring the damage to her soft hands. She had come to see Arthur like her own little brother and when she heard what Garp had done to him she was devasted.

"Never do anything like that ever again Arthur, do you know how worried I was? Did you even bother considering how others would feel?". Makino started yelling at Arthur and he could not help but take the scolding because he was in the wrong. Even Garp and his brothers stood aside to not interfere and to not make the little lioness angry.

After lecturing Arthur for a few minutes Makino hugged Arthur and started crying, Ace and Sabo joined her. Sabo had snot dripping from his nose as he hugged Arthur.

"Big brother we thought you were dead when the mean old man brought you fully drenched in blood. Please don't do this again next time you want to fight take us along we can punish the old man together".

Ace who was also in the group hug started wiping his snot, " Yeah Sabo is right we can fight together, maybe we can tie up the old man when he is asleep and tie him to a tree and beat him up together".

Garp who heard this wanted to give Ace a good smack to remind him that he was his grandfather. Bogard who heard what Ace had said couldn't control his laughter and snorted.

Arthur after seeing Garp's face turning black couldn't hold back and laughed out loud. He spent the next half an hour or so explaining what happened and clearing the misunderstanding between the old man and the others. Makino after a lot of persuasion from Arthur chose to forgive the old man but not before giving him a stern warning to him never to repeat such an act ever again.

Garp wanted to get answers from the kid, but he chose not to disturb the kid right now after just waking up from a coma. Arthur who noticed decided it was time to talk with the old man.

"Guys I am alright now, I need to speak with Garp San alone. Makino nee-san, I'm famished from sleeping for a week can you please cook my favourite meal for me? I will come to the pub later after I finish my talk with the old man. Take Ace and Sabo with you".

Makino wanted to protest but then she realized that he had to share something personal with the old man so she agreed to prepare a big feast for Arthur. When Ace and Sabo refused to leave she dragged them by the ears and took them to the pub.

Arthur waited for them to leave, once they left he walked towards the table and picked up Shusui and turned towards Garp.

Arthur bowed down and he sincerely apologized to Garp.

"I am sorry Jiji, I know that the words that I said during the sparring must have hurt you. But I had to do it to achieve something very important and I hope that you would forgive me for my mistake".

Garp had a very complicated face when he thought back to what happened during the sparring but he believed that the child in front of him had no ill intent and he chose to listen to the kid's reasons.

" I know that you have a lot of questions that you would like answered, please follow me and you will have all the answers you need". Arthur motioned for Garp to follow him and jumped onto the island from the marine ship and started walking in the direction of his wooden cabin on the mountain.

Garp simply followed the kid in silence because he knew whatever he was going to hear is going to be pretty important so he had a serious demeanour and his normally jovial face could not be seen.

Both Arthur and Garp reached the wooden cabin, Arthur entered the cabin and returned with a small bag, he then directed Garp near the Plum Blossom tree and sat by his mother's grave.

"Come sit old man, ask me what you would like to know. I promise to answer all your questions without withholding anything back" Arthur conveyed his sincere intentions to Garp and started rummaging through the bag.

Garp directed his gaze towards the grave and realized it must have been someone important to the kid.

"Tell me child whose grave is this?" Garp pointed his attention towards the grave and asked because he felt it was somehow important.

Arthur had a bit of a sad look when he looked at the grave. "It belongs to my mother. By the way, you knew her too. So if you want to pay your respects please go ahead".

Garp chose to follow the kid's suggestion and paid his respects because he will have his answers soon. Once he was done Garp sat next to the child.

"So tell me child who are you? And why do you know so much about what happened in Gods Valley?".

Arthur released a long sigh before he started answering.

" My father is Monkey D Gary, and before you ask, yes he was your nephew so that makes me your grand nephew".

Garp was shocked when he heard the information, now realising why he felt a vaguely familiar sensation when he met Arthur for the first time.

"As for my mother, as I told you earlier, you knew her. She was widely known by her moniker as the 'Blood Rose', she was an excellent doctor and one of the greatest prodigies of the century".

Garp's eyes simply widened when he heard who the kid's mother was he was even more surprised than when he heard that he was his Grand nephew.

"That is impossible, if what you said is true then that would make you..." Garp didn't complete the sentence, because if the kid's parentage was true then the whole world would want the kid dead.

Arthur took a deep breath and continued. "Garp San nothing is impossible in this world. My mother is the same person that you are thinking about her full name is..." Before Arthur could continue he was interrupted by Garp.

" Donquixote Jane Garcia, the princess and heir to the main family line of Donquixote, was also known among the Celestial Dragons as the 'Black Dragon' and she was also the only decent Tenryuubito that I have met to date". Garp had thousands of old memories racing through his mind.

Garp realized now how the kid knew about the Gods Valley incident, he knew little Jane was present back then. He still remembers clearly how much effort the child had put to protect the other tenryuubito's slave's lives, Jane never had a slave under her and she was against slavery and the world order and trying to change it and she was always an oddball since she was a child. He then directed his attention to the kid sitting next to him.

"Kiddo, do you know what this means? You are the heir to the Donquixote line. Even though your father was from the D clan, It doesn't change the fact that you are a Celestial Dragon yourself.

So most of the world would want you dead because you are a D and the rest would want you dead because you are a Tenryuubito. You pulled yourself the short end of the stick in this life". Garp couldn't help but feel amused because of the lineage of the kid. His situation is even way much worse than Ace and honestly thinking Garp felt it couldn't get any worse than the current situation.

Garp felt conflicted from within because he did not know how he should proceed, then after a few moments he resolved himself.

"Kid would you like to join the Marines?, I may have given up on my dream but I can still keep you safe, you can at least have a peaceful life".

Arthur took a deep breath and said, " You are mistaken Garp San, the day my mother died I swore an oath to her. I am going to help her achieve her dream even if it kills me and as for joining the marines, well before she passed away she handed me two letters so that I can pass them over to you when we meet, I would like to hear your answer first before answering your question. Because whether I join the marines or not will depend on your answer".

Arthur passed the two letters to Garp which he had picked out from the bag, one of these letters was from his father and the other from his mother.

Garp took both letters from the kid and started reading them one by one, they were pretty long letters and it would take Garp a dozen few minutes to complete both letters. Arthur did not disturb the old man, however, as minutes went by the old man's aura was blazing stronger and stronger and I could see tears from the corner of the old man's eyes.

By the time Garp finished reading both letters, the atmosphere was so heavy and he was releasing his Haoshoku without restraint. It has been years since the Gods Valley incident and that was the last time he consciously used his Haoshoku, he had vowed not to use his Haoshoku since that day.

Garp knew now that he had been such a fool, they never intended to keep their word. He swallowed all his pride and buried his dream deep down all for nothing. The anger in Garp's eye was so tangible that anyone who dared to look him in the eye would have their spirit crushed.

Arthur stood up next to Garp and turned towards the sea.

"So what is it going to be old man, are you going to follow your heart one more time or are you going to remain a fool till your last and follow this fake Justice?".

Garp stood up and the momentum he expended scared even Arthur who had bathed in the blood of thousands if not millions.

" I, Monkey D Garp, as a member of D clan vow before this grave that I will pursue the will of D with all my heart and never falter ever again. And I will not give up on my dream and I will not stop no matter the consequences".

Arthur couldn't help but blossom with a smile while he heard Garp's oath because this would change the entire playing field.

"And you brat from today you will be my grandson and your name is Monkey D Arthur. And you will be joining the marines and if you ever falter from your path or break your oath like how I did back then, beware I will make sure to bury you with my own hands. Is that understood?".

Arthur couldn't help himself from smiling and his heart was filled with joy because at last, he had someone in this life he can rely on and call family.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Jiji".

Garp was satisfied with the amount of resolve the kid showed because the kid's will was shining brighter than even his back during his younger days.

"I will be personally training you kid so be prepared for it, I will do my absolute best to help you achieve your goal and shield you the best as I can until you grow up even if it costs me my life in the process. So you better be ready kiddo because we are either going to change an era or die trying on the way to achieve it".