
One Piece: Liberation

A man reincarnates into the world of One Piece. The story follows the man's life on his way to the pinnacle. The plot, the world, the characters of One piece belong only to its owner. All references belong to their respective original work and owners. Changes to the plot and the inclusion of other characters, are of my own invention. This Fanfiction was written just for fun.

BrokenQuill · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

The next day I saw two sleepy heads waiting for me in front of the door at four in the morning. I was not surprised because I knew that they were serious about training.

" Go on start running, and complete a hundred laps around this mountain within an hour, I will be watching".

Both Ace and Sabo started running without any questions and in the meantime I started training for my physique. The training continued till noon and by the time it was done both of them were dragging themselves towards my cabin. While I was preparing a meal for my famished siblings.

"Big brother you are so cruel, we know we were rude before so you don't have to be so petty you know". Sabo could barely stay conscious after the rigorous training they went through.

Ace was eating the meat while he was sleeping, I noticed that and felt it was a weird habit. I hope not all members of the D family have that habit. I shook him awake from his slumber.

"Oye Ace wake up, you can eat but you can't fall asleep now. To be truly strong you can't just rely on strength, you will also need knowledge. So I am going to teach you everything that you might need to survive in this world. And remember both of you, most of the information that I share with you was obtained only after countless lives were spent to acquire them. So remember to make sure with whom you share all this information in the future and some things I teach you may even end up endangering your lives, so you guys need to be careful".

I made sure that both of them were paying attention towards what I was saying.

"Alright, as it is the first day let's start with something interesting, have you guys ever heard of devil fruits?".

I asked them trying to add some amount of mystery to the conversation that we were having.

"Is it some kind of exotic fruit big brother? Does it taste good?".

Ace asked me with stars in his eyes. I couldn't help but shut him up with a knock on his head.

"You moron, Devil fruits are mysterious, distinctive fruits scattered throughout the world, known for permanently granting their eaters superhuman powers and an equally permanent inability to swim. With only one notable exception, it is widely believed that an individual can only acquire the powers of a single Devil Fruit and survive. As a whole, Devil Fruits encompass hundreds of different powers, from the mundane to the inherently mass-destructive. These fruits are broadly grouped into three classes: Zoan, which allows a user to transform into an animal as well as an animal hybrid; Logia, which grants a user the power to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element; and Paramecia, which offers any of a vast array of strange abilities that do not fit into the other two categories."

I gave them a summary about devil fruits and they were gobsmacked when they got to know that our world had such supernatural things.

"So big brother, are you saying that if we eat a devil fruit we can gain an instant power up along with supernatural powers?".

Both Ace and Sabo were excited to know about devil fruits for the first time.

" The answer to your question is both a yes and no, it all depends upon the type of devil fruit that you eat. And even then one is not without counters devil fruits have their weaknesses. If you ask me it would be plain stupid if a person only relies on the powers of a devil fruit".

I got up from my place and walked into my room and came back carrying a thick book and two boxes I had a third box but I left it under my bed.

Ace and Sabo were curious to see what I was carrying back, but when their eyes fell on the two little chests their eyes widened when they realized what it might be.

The reason I did not retrieve the third box is that I had already decided who that fruit should belong to and I did not want to disappoint my two little siblings in case they asked for it. I have already made plans for what fruit to get for either of them. I know where the Devil fruits are and it's just a matter of time before I get my hands on them. Even though I'm going to get them devil fruits I will make sure that they are not reliant on them completely.

"Here you go, this book has an illustration of most of the known Devil fruits. And these two chests contain a devil fruit each and mind you neither of them is particularly strong, I would say that both fruits are even below average. In case you guys want a devil fruit big brother will help you find a really strong devil fruit in the future, is that understood?".

It took me three years to find these two Devil Fruits and the Devil Fruit in the third chest was left to me by my mother.

"Yes, we understand. Big brother is the best". Ace and Sabo were excited as I handed them the book and the two little chests.

"Now use the book and tell me about the Devil fruits in your hands".

Both immediately opened the chests and took out the Devil fruits and started flipping through the pages of the book.

After about twenty minutes of frantic searching, they were able to pinpoint both fruits one of them was a Paramecia while the other was a Zoan type.

I retrieved both fruits and returned them to their respective chests, however, I could see both their eyes were still on the chests.

"Don't worry boys I will help you both find something way much stronger than these Devil fruits in the future".

With that said I returned the book and the fruits back into my room.

"It should be noted, however, that Devil Fruits, despite the immense power they grant, are not what determines whether or not one can conquer the sea. The true defining factor is Haki. A clear example of this is Ace's father Gol D. Roger, who, despite not having a Devil Fruit power, conquered the Grand Line and matched Edward Newgate in his prime, who is believed to possess the power of the "Strongest Paramecia" which could destroy the world."

Ace's face turned a bit sour when heard his father's name and I chose to ignore it because he needs to overcome this trivial issue by himself. Sabo raised his hand and asked a question.

"So what is this Haki thing brother is it some kind of supernatural power like the Devil fruits?".

" Nothing of that sort, Haki is a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their spiritual energy for various purposes.

It can be used to sense people's spiritual energy and predict their actions, give the user a protective coating of spiritual energy, and, for a certain group of "chosen ones", overpower the willpower of others. All living beings in the world are capable of learning Haki; however, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it".

I picked another book from my table and passed it towards them.

"So are you saying that this haki thing is dormant within us and with enough practice, we will be able to use it ?".

Ace asked me full of excitement on his face. Before I could answer Sabo shot a question of his own.

" Big brother is this haki thing that you used to beat us the other day?".

"The answer to both your question is, Yes. Now listen carefully because what I am going to share is important, Haki is separated into three categories, or "types". The three types of Haki are:

Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki), gives the user a sixth sense of the world around them, allowing them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of other people. It also grants limited precognitive abilities, allowing the user to sense their opponents' intentions and predict their actions and attacks before they happen. An advanced level of Kenbunshoku allows the user to foresee a short period into the future.

Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki), which allows the user to use their spiritual energy as armour to defend against attacks, as well as make their attacks more potent. It can also be used to bypass Devil Fruit defences, such as Logia intangibility. A person can apply the armament to a section of their body, over their entire body, and even imbue it onto their weapons. An advanced level of Busoshoku allows the user to emit the armament a short distance without a medium. A higher grade of advanced Busoshoku allows the user to make the emitted armament flow into a target's body and destroy it from the inside out.

Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki), grants the user the ability to unleash their willpower to overpower the will of others. This results in victims being mentally overwhelmed by the user, with particularly weak-willed foes instantly losing consciousness. Haoshoku is a rare form of Haki that only one in several million people are born with the ability to use. An advanced level of Haoshoku allows the user to infuse their conquering spirit into their weapons and physical attacks, greatly augmenting their power. Only a small handful of the most powerful Haoshoku users can achieve this. Another advanced level of Haoshoku allows for the ability to manipulate one's aura or presence, which negates an opponent's ability to sense the user with Kenbunshoku Haki.

Most people who can use Haki tend to have one type that they are better at, and, as a result, focus on training and fighting with that type primarily. However, a person can improve their abilities with all the types of Haki, it just requires more work.

Each type of Haki has levels of usage, so even two proficient users might not be of equal strength. Furthermore, it is possible to use at least two types of Haki simultaneously and it is believed a person who has mastery over all three types of Haki can merge them all together."

I couldn't help but laugh at the dumbfounded expression both Ace and Sabo were giving me.

" So big brother can you use all three forms of Haki?" Sabo asked.

" Yes, I can use all three types of haki. Currently, I am in the initial stages of advanced techniques in both my Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku as for my Haoshoku I need a lot more practice. However, it will take me some time for me to master them".

I openly told them how much progress I have made in my haki training.

"Big brother, do you think either me or Sabo can use Haoshoku haki. Because you said people are born with it and how long do you think it will take us to master the Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku haki"?

Ace was eager to start learning about haki. And if I allowed it he would jump into training right away, the same could be said about Sabo.

"To be honest with you guys I have a theory about Haoshoku haki, I honestly do not believe only a select amount of chosen people can use Haoshoku. My theory is that if a person is really pushed beyond a limit and even then his will holds strong without faltering at the slightest then the person might have a chance to awaken his Haoshoku. That is as long as a person follows a dream or an ideal without giving up no matter the odds, then we can say he has the qualities of a Conqueror. So you guys don't have to worry because I am sure you guys will never give up no matter what to reach your goal one day. As for how long it will take to master your Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku it all depends on you, it might take a few years maybe a few decades or maybe you guys might not awaken it your entire lifetime, honestly, it all depends on how much effort you put into it. Well, that's enough information for today let's go out and start training again".

I put the books back on the table and picked up Shusui and drove both Ace and Sabo outside the cabin to continue the hellish training.