
One Piece: King of Desire

Few can ever claim to be the best at anything in the world, yet he achieved it. No target has ever lived when targeted by his blade. But the price for being the best was death, yet he dived in head first for his only goal. When he thought everything was over and he could finally rest with a smile, he realized it was just the beginning. With his dream already completed with his passing, he must find a reason to live. Or maybe just enjoy his newfound freedom? (I don't own the cover photo or anything related to One Piece.)

Bobodolo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


The drag of the Island prevents Themyscira from reaching top speeds; Even still, the island is moving as fast as some ships. 

A hand-drawn map of South Blue appears on the screen. Drawn by Sol himself after flying across every inch. Even a few islands located in the calm belt appear on the map.

While he didn't find an island like Rusukaina with extreme weather; He did find some islands with powerful beasts.

"Course set to Sorbet Kingdom. Optimal pathing will take us by seven islands, only two are inhabited." The girl responsible for navigation reports to Janet.

"Are we going to stop at them all?" Janet glances at Sol by her side.

"Yes, we can restock our supplies for those below. We can also attack the two towns, we have to let the Navy know we're here." The corners of his mouth rise as he thinks of his good friend Sengoku.

"Have you met Garp and Tsuru yet?" Sol mumbles under his breath. Excited about meeting strong challengers in the future.

His head suddenly turns when he senses the Desire Demons have turned to mist; Absorbed into World's body and turned him back into a man.

After thinking about it for a few days, he decided to use Bonney as the mother of his child.

"Janet, by next year we'll cross the grand line into East Blue. From there we can gain access to North Blue as well. Get a group of spies ready, we can't lose the ball now that it's rolling."

"Master, where am I supposed to get those people from. My maintenance staff? Or operation girls? Or the daycare workers? I'm already understaffed." Janet pouts at Sol's unreasonable request.

"World has a little over twenty people in his crew. One is a skilled doctor and herbalist, send her down to take care of the habitats and health of the workers. The other has a cube fruit, use him for logistics. His fruit can compartmentalize our supplies and increase our maximum storage."

Janet nods with joy when she hears about two such capable people. "And the others?"

"Nothing special." A devilish grin appears on Sol's face. "I just realized how to get more spies for you. It seems like weak pirates and marines have a purpose after all."

Janet's eyes bulge as she looks Sol up and down. "That seems more evil than what you normally do. Didn't the men you turn into women to get pregnant complain so much you had to silence them? That doesn't seem like a good spy."

He can't help but sigh when he hears her words. While he can charm women he can't change their personalities.

His fangs show as his face moves closer to Janet. He gently kisses her lips before whispering into her ear. "That was before."

With a wave of his hand, a plume of mist is ejected, taking on the form of a Desire Demon.

Instead of being naked, she's wearing a skin-tight pink bodysuit with long dark purple boots.

"With this, I can trap their minds in a world of endless desire. As long as my energy remains in their body they can never escape. Then, you can mold them into whatever you want them to be."

Janet looks at the beautiful elven woman curiously. Although she saw it through the monitor, she looks more beautiful in person. Her image seems to change into whatever the viewer deems most desirable.

Walking up to the demon, she slides her hand across her face and feels her smooth skin.

The demon places her hand atop her and the other starts trailing up her arm towards her breast.

The touch sends shivers down her spine, her very fingers seem to contain magic.

Just before the demon touches Janet's breast it disappears in a puff of smoke; flowing back into Sol's body.

Janet snaps back to her senses and looks at Sol in horror. The moment she touched the demon she wanted it to ravish her body. No other thought could even enter her mind. "I wa-"

Before she can explain Sol puts a finger on her lips. "Don't worry, I'm not upset." Sol chuckles at her response. Sensing her anxiety, he knows she thinks she betrayed him. Almost falling into the arms of another.

"The desire demons look and feel real, but are made from my sexual energy and lust. No one I've charmed can resist a single touch from them, they're what you desire most."

Janet breathes a sigh of relief. "Is this devil fruit awakening? Too strong, too strong." She slowly shakes her head. "It kind of makes me want a devil fruit."

"Oh? I never thought of getting you a devil fruit." Sol rubs his chin as he thinks. There are a lot of auxiliary devil fruits, Robin's flower fruit would be great for Janet.

Suddenly, three fruits come to mind. "Find any information you can on the Door Door fruit, the Mirror Mirror fruit, and any information of the Capone family of West Blue."

'I wasn't serious!" Janet quickly waves her hands in distress. "No need to do so much for me."

"Hahaha, aren't you the one doing the work to find them?" Sol's words stun her before he turns to leave the room.

Janet looks at his back with her mouth hanging open, realizing she is the one who has to do all the work. "I need more helpers! Twenty, no, forty more!" She yells at the closed door while waving her fist.

The girls in the room look at her out of the corners of their eyes, holding back their snickering as they try to work.

Leaving the command center, he heads to his room to bathe and change pants. After freshening up he leaves the building.

Sol heads towards World's crew. All of them are still women, lying on the ground in a sleep-induced coma.

A Desire Demon appears next to him, allowing him to see through her eyes.

He quickly spots the main three members of World's crew. Nightin looks no different because she was already a woman. Gairam has shifted from his egg shape to a beautiful woman, mostly because his hormones will make them appear as their most beautiful self.

World's older brother Byojack has become a thirty-year-old legal loli. Looking no different than a ten-year-old girl.

"How can parents have such vastly different children?" Thinking of the Boa sisters, he can't help shaking his head. "Maybe they have a bit of fishmen DNA?"

He can't stop his smile when he thinks of Fishman Island. With his ability to control births, he can create an army of powerful merfolk. To him, Amazon Lily is nothing to Fishman island.

Shaking his head, he puts his future plans behind him. "Do it."

The Desire demon smiles before taking a few steps forward. Her hips sway, emphasizing her perfect ass for no one to see.

She places her hand in front of her mouth before blowing gently, releasing a cloud of multicolor haze.

The mist enters the eyes and ears of the World crew, besides the two cadres and World's new sister; Trapping their mind in a world of desire.

"Uhhh." Nightin and Gairam slowly wake up. When they see the demon and Sol their bodies freeze before relaxing.

"Master!" The two call out in unison as they rise to their feet.

Sol nods at the two slightly useful members before waving his hand at the demon. "Wait here, someone will come out to give you orders."

Sol turns and leaves without waiting for them to respond. The demon picks up Byojack by the back of her neck and carries her after Sol.

Nightin and Gairam look at each other and sigh, knowing their fate is sealed. Even the thought of resisting fades as soon as the word enters their mind.

Walking back to the pavilion, he sees World sitting on the beach. Watching the water move around the island.

In the distance, Nora is practicing. Creating Angelic Warriors out of paper to fight herself.

Each one has to guard a different direction on the island. While Sol can detect any ships within range, he can't detect an oncoming tsunami or waterspout.

World turns his head when he hears Sol walking behind him. His eyes seem lifeless and dull. He remembers everything Sol did to him, even if he can yell and scream he can't do anything about it.

"Did you come to see your trophy? It ended just like you said it would." He turns to face the sea once more.

"You know, when I saw my crew betray me it felt so real. At that moment all my delusions were shattered."

Sol walks behind him and just listens.

"I realized, all I wanted was to travel the sea with my brother; But I was seen as a threat the moment the Marines laid eyes on me." He raises his huge hands and stares blankly at them.

"They came at us from every angle, but we survived thanks to my power." A wry smile appears on his face. "I thought we, no, I was without equal. So we headed for the Grand Line."

World tilts his head back and looks at the sky. Tears streaming down his face. "You said even the strongest man can be brought down by a group. I didn't understand but now I do."

"Our enemies would have gotten stronger and stronger but my crew wouldn't be able to keep up. They're just normal people seeking an adventure."

He wipes the tears from his eyes. "I can't protect them forever, eventually they would break."

The Desire Demon walks in front of World and drops the girl on his lap.

"Fool." Sol scoffs when World finally finishes speaking. "You speak as though your dream has come to an end. The only difference is you'll achieve it under my flag now. You can wallow in self-pity all you want, when you die your fruit will be put to good use."

Sol leaves towards Nora in the distance.

"Wait! Is this girl Byojack?" World looks at the girl before turning towards Sol's back.

The corners of Sol's lips rise, revealing his sharp fangs."Maybe you should call her Byojane from now on?"