
One piece : King Luffy

Luffy encountered a large vortex when he went to sea and drowned in a wooden barrel. A Blue Star Soul, took this luck by chance. Occupying Luffy's body, and becoming the new Luffy. As the Background king of the sea, Luffy originally thought this was the beginning of His plot armour maxed, but he never expected the big adventure system to come! On this day, the sun god awakened in the East Blue! “Savage monkeys from the Kingdom of Goa are rampant in the East Blue!” “The vicious straw hat pirates have entered the great route!” “The despicable straw hats have destroyed the island of justice!” “Admiral of the Straw Hat Fleet, Monkey D. Luffy is approaching the Chambord Islands!” “Your Majesty the Supreme Sun God, arrived at your faithful Marie Gioia today!” When Luffy completed the dominance of the great route, he faced the news interview. “You are the king of the world now, what do you want to say to the world?” “I would like to thank the crew members who accompanied me along the way. They supported me silently under my body.” The reporter looked behind Luffy, and the girls of Ying and Yan snickering at Luffy. He couldn't help imagining what it meant and scolding secretly in his heart. For support you can visit my ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/red_tomato # think of this as a parallel world where Luffy's soul is replaced by someone with greater plot luck leading to such a tragedy thus occupying his body and becoming one. # Casual read #author -dolly and dot

Red_tomatoes · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Showdown Between "Bad Women"

Nami, who appeared shortly after, also discovered that her two Rokushiki fruits had been stolen and eaten.

Her heart instantly turned cold.


She let out a scream and quickly approached Vivi, grabbing her collar in anger.

"Spit it out, spit it out! That was a gift from Luffy to me!"

As she spoke, she shook Vivi back and forth.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Vivi, who was being shaken, was both digesting the power of the fruit and continuously apologizing in her mouth.

"What's wrong, Nami?"

Nojiko returned to the Thousand Sunny and, looking at her sister's appearance, couldn't help but say, "Did a thief come in?"

Nami threw herself into Nojiko's arms. "Originally... originally, I wanted to save it for you, Nojiko, but it was stolen!"

On one hand, it was a gift from Luffy, something she cherished.

On the other hand, she have mastered the Rokushiki with just four out of the six fruits and planned to share the remaining two with her sister.

But before she had the chance, someone else ate them.

Just thinking about this made her very angry.

Seeing more and more people returning, Mr. 9 became nervous.

"Miss Wednesday, what are you still doing here? Get ready to fight! Hmph, it's your bad luck to encounter us, pirates!"

He pulled out a baseball bat from behind and launched an attack towards Luffy.

Luffy lacked interest in dodging or defending and watched as it was about to hit him.

"Protective barrier!"

A transparent barrier unfolded in front of Luffy, and Mr. 9's head collided with it, causing himself to bleed and his nose to collapse.

Bartolomeo, with his middle finger and index finger crossed, walked in with an angry expression.

"Who do you think you are, daring to attack Luffy-sama? You're really asking for a beating! Barrier Sandwich!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a square barrier appeared behind Mr. 9.

The two barriers sandwiched Mr. 9 forcefully, and with a loud bang, he let out a scream, his whole body being squeezed in the center, almost flattening his face.

"Mr. 9!?" Vivi was shocked. Are they ability users?

Zoro's face turned cold. "Luffy, how should we deal with them? Throw them into the sea as fish food?"

Johnny's expression was unfriendly. "Zoro, we're letting them off too easily. They dared to steal Nami's things. They should be tied to a rock and sunk to the bottom of the sea!"

Hearing these terrifying remarks, Vivi was scared and trembling.

Luffy laughed. "Tie them up. These two are agents of the Baroque Works."

Baroque Works?

Zoro frowned. He seemed to have heard of this organization before and was even invited by them.

"I'll do it!"

Nami took matters into her own hands and slowly approached Vivi. She also used her villainous tone and revealed a terrifying smile.

"Don't even think about resisting, little girl. You ate two of them, so you should understand, right? Techniques like the Rokushiki are part of it."

Vivi swallowed her saliva, looking like a little white rabbit being stared at by an eagle, her face filled with despair.

Because she had eaten them, she understood that resistance was meaningless.

"I... I'll compensate you with money," she weakly said.

Then, she was tightly bound.

The other Mr. 9 had already been knocked out, and after Bartolomeo deactivated his ability, he also tied him up like a dumpling.

"I'll leave them to you. I'm going to check on Kaya's condition."

Luffy said a word and then turned and left.

The crowd carried Mr.9 out of the Sunny, while Nami stayed behind.

She sat on the sofa, assuming a bad woman's posture:

"Now, it's interrogation time, little girl. Tell me, what's your name? Who sent you here? What is this Baroque Works that Luffy mentioned just now?"

On the other side, the Merry Go.

Johnny poured a bucket of cold water, waking up Mr.9.

Bartolomeo grinned, revealing a row of sharp teeth:

"answer me, obediently tell us your purpose, don't think about making up stories. You two will be interrogated separately! Understand? Hehehe..."


At the Twin Capes, next to the lighthouse, there was a small house.

Seeing Luffy return, Kaya immediately asked with concern, "What happened, Mr. Luffy?"

"Two thieves came, but they have been subdued, no need to worry."

Luffy turned to the pirate doctor and asked, "Crocus, how is her condition?"

"It's a congenital genetic disease, if you want to treat it..."

Crocus shook his head, took out a piece of paper, wrote a few words, and handed it to Luffy, saying, "I don't have the necessary medicinal materials here, at most I have some painkillers. You should go to Drum Island and find an old witch, I know her. Give her this note, she will help."

Luffy took the note.

Kaya nervously held her skirt and whispered, "Will... will it be very troublesome?"

"Miss Kaya, don't worry, this is the pirate king's doctor. Since he said so, it will definitely be cured." Sanji comforted her.

Crocus smiled and said, "Little girl, don't be nervous. Your illness is not incurable. You will be cured when you go to Drum Island. The premise is... your captain chooses which route."

"Which route?" Usopp looked puzzled.

"It's different from the East Blue where you came from. The islands in the Grand Line have magnetic properties. To navigate here, you need to rely on log poses."

While explaining, Crocus stood up and took out two log poses from the drawer.

"In this sea area, past sailing experience is completely useless. The only thing you can trust is this."

He placed the two log poses on the table:

"One is a permanent pose pointing to Whisky Peak, and Drum Island is on this route;"

"The other is a log pose that hasn't stored any magnetic force yet. You can decide which route to take yourself. The range of the lighthouse is large, different areas record different routes, a total of seven."

"Straw Hat Luffy, I can only give you one of them."

The others looked at Luffy one after another, waiting for the captain's decision.

Luffy didn't hesitate, he picked up the permanent log pose and smiled, "There's no need to ask about this, thanks, Crocus. Are you interested in joining my crew?"

"Hahaha, I'm already old, adventures belong to you young people, and besides, there's something I can't rest assured about here..."

Crocus couldn't help but laugh. Did they really choose this route? Is it for the sake of curing this little girl, or is it fate's arrangement?


Suddenly, a low and long sound rang out, vibrating the eardrums.

"What is this sound?" Sanji's face changed slightly. "Some kind of beast!?"

Crocus also tensed up and without saying a word, rushed out.

"It's the cry of an island whale, a very big whale."

Luffy said a word and followed him out.
