
One Piece King Gravity

I'm writing fan fiction for the first time on an English-language site, I'm Russian myself, so don't judge strictly This story will be about a boy who overcame gravity and learned how to use it Follow the adventures of Shiki and his team in this vast universe, because after the ocean, space awaits them I don't own One piece and edens zero

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Chapter 5 Buggi

A small schooner that can hold 5 people is currently sailing on the sea now there are 3 people on the schooner 1 Zoro is sleeping on the mast 2 Nami is looking at the maps that Morgana stole and 3 Shiki is looking at what Nami is doing now

Shiki-Nami, and what do you learn by looking at these cards ? (Shiki asked curiously)

Nami-I'm tracking down pirates who may be on the nearest islands from our current location.

Shiki - Why ?

Nami-what a stupid question, that you two beat them up and all their gold went to me, forget about our agreement

Shiki-Well, if it gives us the opportunity to recruit more members of our team, then I agree to your terms, even if you have already become a member of my team (he said, taking out the black marker he took from Riki)

Nami - I won't be a pirate

Shiki, why do you see so few pirates ? (Shiki asked, drawing Zoro a mustache and a grimace on his face as he slept)

Nami-I already told you that all pirates are scum, I hate them, all I love is money and tangerines.

Shiki-I don't agree with your conclusions, not all pirates are scum, and there are those who can support you and your dream (said Shiki, twirling his straw hat in his hands)

Shiki - As soon as the pirates came to our village, everyone in the village was afraid of them at first, but after 2 days, all the residents realized that they were not such bad guys, and I even made friends with their captain, who believed in me and gave me his most precious treasure, believing that one day I would return it

Nami, listening to Shiki's story, wondered if the pirates could be as good as Shiki says

Shiki, you've seen Morgan and what a Marine he is, haven't you ? (Shiki asked her as he put on his hat)

Nami nodded Morgan was the last person who deserved to serve in the Marines

Shiki - I will tell you that this world is neither white nor black, everyone chooses who they want to become, there are bad pirates who only want death and beatings, and there are pirates who want adventure and freedom, so I am a type 2 pirate, but there are also Marines who want to benefit from their justice, and there are people like Kobi who value the moral principles of this justice.

Nami started thinking about what Shiki had said and realized that maybe he was right.

Zoro woke up and stretched

Zoro-Oh, I'd like to eat now

The three of them fell silent as Shiki burst out laughing, and Nami covered her mouth with her hand, trying not to laugh.

Zoro, what are you laughing at ? (noticing their looks on his face, he looked at his outgrowth in the ocean)

The bastard Zoro Shiki quickly fixed it, and what is that beard on my face (he started shouting)


Shiki-Oh, there are 2 people overboard, SHAS, WE'LL GET YOU OUT.

{Gravitational pull} said Shiki, raised his right hand and pulled 2 people towards him.

"Thank you, and now send us everything you have."""

"And you don't even think they're going to fight

After the screams of pain and suffering

Now 2 as it turns out the pirates are working the oars on Shiki's orders and under the threat of Zoro's Sword on their necks

Shiki, so you are buggy pirates, then we should visit him, I want to see what kind of pirate he is

Pritz - Do you know the captain ? (The pirates asked Shiki in surprise)

Shiki-No, I don't know, but I've heard a lot about him from my friend

Prirats - Then we think he'll be happy to see you **This idiot is probably going to die**

Shiki-Then go to the Orange City

After a while, Orange City

Shiki-definitely more like a Ghost Tree

Pirate-When Buggy took over the city, he decided to establish his own dictatorship

Pirate 2-But the next day there was almost no one left in the city, all the residents left the city

Nami-no wonder who will remain under the care of the pirate, if people had the opportunity to leave, then they did the right thing

Shiki-Okay, let's go to Buggy's, I want to talk to him about Shanks.

The pirates fell when they heard that name

Pirate 1-don't say that name in front of our captain

Pirate 2-If you do, the Captain will not be angry with us and will definitely kill one of us

Shiki-Hmm, why is he actually killing his Nakama ?

Pirates - When the captain is not in the mood, he can do whatever he wants.

Shiki-Well, then, let's just look at it from the outside

Pirates - Then we will not detain you, in order to find him, go in that direction (they said and went in the other direction)

Zoro - If your captain is where you're going now

Pirates - Well, you know, we haven't eaten in a while, so

Zoro-Everything is clear (said and sent 2 pirates to a knockout)

Shiki-Well, now let's go find a stroller.

After Zoro knocked out 2 pirates they found a Ship no it's more like a circus ship Shiki Zoro and Nami watched the deck of the buggy ship from the roof of a nearby house and saw Buggy kill his nakama with a cannon shot for nothing

Shiki-Did he kill him ? (Shiki asked his friends in a low voice)

Zoro-Yes, this guy is definitely dead

Nami - This Buggy Is Crazy Even For A Pirate

Still looking at the deck as everyone left, she suggested a plan

Nami-shiki, are you sure you want to go there and talk to him

Shiki-Yes, why not ?

We-Then how about a plan, if suddenly Buggy wants to kill you, then we will become enemies with him, then you will need a plan of action against Buggy and his team

Shiki ... Well, I don't mind what you suggest ?

Nami-I've seen many pirates go east, leaving the rear almost open, I'll drill through their rear, and if Buggy decides to kill you, I'll steal his cards and the gold he has.

Shiki-Okay, then Zoro and I will go straight to them

Nami-No, Zoro will not follow you, he is a pirate hunter and they will kill him right away, better let him go east and wait for the signal, when you give the signal, I will continue my plan and Zoro will defeat the pirates who went east.

Shiki-Nami, you're so smart, I'm lucky you're my navigator.

Nami-Oh, shut up, you idiot (she said sheepishly)

Zoro-Then it's time to start, I'm going east.

Shiki-Okay, let's go

Line break

Captain Buggy is a 180 cm tall man with blue hair and red noses his name is Buggy the Clown Captain pirotv Clown Buggy

Pirate 3-Captain Buggy some guy comes in and says he knows you

Buggy - What a kid, I don't have time for some daredevil death seekers

Pirate 3-But he said it's very important and he has a treasure map for you.


The pirate went to bring Shiki on deck, and now Shiki is standing in front of the Buggy, which is sitting on a rich chair, and behind him is his crew

Buggy - And here I welcome you aboard my ship, baby, I'm the captain of the Buggy pirates, and who are you ?

Shiki - My name is Shiki, the one who will become the Pirate King.

Breaking The Line With Us

Nami rolled her eyes again, listening from the lower deck of the ship.

Nami - He's at it again (she said as she collected the treasure buggy)

With Zoro

Zoro-Where the hell did I end up (he said, looking at the Bejin camp near the village he came from)

Zoro - This not pirates and ordinary people that this for magic such a accurately I after all went on east

With Shiki

The Buggy crew burst out laughing

Buggy - Then you must be ready to die, baby, because I am too ? (Buggy noticed the Straw Hat on the back of Shiki's head.

Buggy-Hey, where did you get that hat?! (He screamed)

Shiki-i Shanks gave it to me as a gift from your friend

All the pirates gaped in anticipation of the captain's punishment

Buggy is my Friend, don't be silly, and because of him I lost the ability to swim, and my best card you'll find, and you'll say he's my friend, yes, he ruined my life.

Shiki ... Don't tell me you're alive and well right now, and that's the main thing, if it wasn't for Shanks, you'd have drowned in the sea.

Buggy - No, it's Red's fault, and I can see that you and he are good friends, then this will be the beginning of my revenge, load the BUGGY GUN (he shouted to his friends)

The pirates loaded a cannonball and aimed it directly at Shiki

Shiki-I don't think this is a good idea, Buggy, you might regret it later

Buggy-Shut up, you asked for the Pirate King's certain death, HA, you can't even be a buggy because your life will end here IN the FIRE !!!

The cannon fired at Shiki

Shiki raised his hand, and the core stopped 5 cm from his palm

Shiki-So you decided so, and I wanted to be friends with you (said Shiki and threw the ball into the sky, where it exploded with a powerful explosion)


With Zoro

Zoro learned from the campers that they are refugees from the village, but until now he has not decided whether to help them or not, if he was a pirate hunter, he would help for a reward, but now he is a pirate and follows the orders of Shkik, then he noticed a movement from the bushes and noticed a Huge lion on which a man is sitting.

- Here, finding the camp was easier than I thought, now the captain of the Buggy will be happy (said the man sitting on the head of a huge lion)

Zoro-Are you one of the Buggy pirates ?

"That's right, I'm the vice-captain of the Buggy Moji pirates, and you're the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro.

Zoro is a former pirate hunter, now I am also a pirate, and my captain seems to be a friend of your captain

Moji - What an interesting story came out

An explosion thundered above them

Bam !!!

Zoro looked there and immediately understood everything and put on his bandana

Zoro-Okay, Moji, it was nice talking to you, but now I'm going to have to flog you.

Moji-Hmm, I know you overestimate yourself, Richie attack !!

Richie-GRAAAAA !!!

Line break

Buggy - You're strong, I can see that, now fight my second mate Klbaji.

Kobaji is a 182cm tall man with dark green hair, carrying a sword in his right hand and riding a unicycle

Kobaji-Yes Captain

Buggy-Give me his head


Kobaji charged at Shiki, releasing smoke with his acrobatic abilities to blind Shiki

The entire area surrounded by Shiki was covered in smoke Shiki watched as the wind blew from the right, fire appeared from it, Shiki dodged, but from the left, the sword flew at him, Shiki dodged again, but felt something pierce him, a dagger with a severed hand flew into Shiki's right side


Buggy-Ha-ha-ha and that's all you can do a future pirate king

Kobaji stood next to Zadie Shiki, preparing to deliver the final blow

Kobaji-The last word

Shiki-I was at my best again, thinking that by lifting this ship, I could defeat you.

Buggy - Who did you pick up there

Then all the pirates looked around and saw only the clouds around the ship

Shiki-hee-hee Nami managed to escape from the ship, so {Gravity Drop}

As soon as Shiki said this, the ship began to fall directly into the sea from the height of the clouds and 300 meters from the pier of the island where it was located

Buggy - You bastard !! I'LL FIND YOU !!

Shiki-Aha, I'll wait for that.

Line break

With Zoro

Walrus-Come on, Richie, kill him

The lion runs at Zoro and raises its paw to strike, but

Zoro was already behind them

Zoro-weakly (he said, sheathing his swords, as soon as the closing sound is heard, Lev and Moji get cuts all over their bodies, but not fatal)

Zoro-Hell, they're unconscious right now, and how do I know where north is?

?"Young man, let me show you

Zoro - Who are you ?

Mer - My name is Budley Mer from Orange Town Village

Line break

Nami sees the ship she was on recently fall from the sky and crash into the water

Nami - He can do that, too (she said with trepidation)

Zoro-Hi, how are you ?

Nami-Zoro, it's all right, I stole everything I could, and you broke up with the pirates.

Zoro-Yes their vice-captain and the rest lie to the south-votoku from villages (Mer villages decided to help Zoro after as the defeated Moja and showed him where east )

Nami-Then it was our first victory in the team

Zoro-Aha, you saw a good plan

Shiki-that's for sure (he said, landing next to them)

Nami-Shiki!! who you so wounded (prinelas examine his wound)

Shiki-I lost my guard because of my carelessness, but the main thing is that you are all alive and well

In the end, they were called heroes again, but Shiki and Zoro didn't care because they could eat to the brim and also get drunk, Shiki again asked to give 70% of the Buggy profits to this village, Nami said he would only give 60%, and they closed the topic by giving 60% to the villagers.

The next day, Orange City

Shiki-Well, come on, hey, and maybe you should buy another boat, and then this one doesn't seem to hold the weight of gold anymore, I can make it easier, but it's better to think about buying a ship now

Nami-You're right, I heard that there is a carpenter in a village near this island who is building a ship, maybe we can buy a ship from him at a cheap price

Shiki-Then Head On!!!