
One Piece King Gravity

I'm writing fan fiction for the first time on an English-language site, I'm Russian myself, so don't judge strictly This story will be about a boy who overcame gravity and learned how to use it Follow the adventures of Shiki and his team in this vast universe, because after the ocean, space awaits them I don't own One piece and edens zero

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Chapter 17 Whiskey Peak 2

A group of bounty hunters who were watching the actions of their kolegs decided that it was better not to risk their lives, and simply ran away through almost the entire destroyed city, but someone appeared in front of them

"They are losers," they exclaimed, looking at the bird and the beaver in their best clothes for the animals that had already tried to kill them.

"What a shitty place and why exactly did they send us here?" the African-American complained

"This place gets ugly in the middle of the night," said the lady with the umbrella.

"Hey, who are you?" The bounty hunters shouted and pointed their weapons at the 2 neznokomtsy

"Mr. 5"

"Miss Valentine," they said, and finished off the bounty hunters.

Line break

"Oh, let's go back to the guys and tell them everything," Shiki said to Zoro.

"Yes, I hope there's still some booze left" Zoro

As they left the wreckage, a wounded Mr. H emerged from the wreckage.

"What's the difference, Mr. Eich" Mr. 5

"Losing to such children" by Miss Valentine

Two more figures emerge from the wreckage, Mr. Nine and Miss Vezday, who go to help Mr. Eich by holding him down.

"We are very happy that you are here to deal with Shiki's Demon team."

"Shut up, you think we came all this way just to help you not overestimate yourself so much" Mr. 5

They began to talk about how they had been ordered to kill everyone on this island, in particular Miss Wednesday, who was supposed to be the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta

"Alabasta ?"" Shiki thought as he watched from the sky while Zoro woke up the team

Then it turned out that the princess knows who Mr. 0 is, and knowing this information only brings death, after which Eich or Igaram told Princess Vivi to escape from the peninsula, he covered her retreat, but was blown up by snot

"WHAT's really going on?" Shiki exclaimed, looking at the battered Igaram, and Mr. 5 and Valentine had already left, and Shiki flew over to Igaram.

"Please, you Demon Pirate Captain Shiki, please protect Princess Vivi," he begged desperately.

"Why would I protect her ?"" Shiki asked

"The Kingdom of Alabasta will pay any price, but I beg you to protect her," he pleaded again with tears in his eyes.

"Any price, how about 1,000,000,000 beli" Nami suddenly appeared and startled Shiki and Igarama

"1,000,000,000 beli you're crazy" Igaram

"Which is more important-the life of the princess, who will be protected by my captain, who can destroy cities just by standing still, or her death at the hands of these thugs?""

Igaram thought about this while Shiki was in shock, but he remembered Nami's lessons about finding benefits in any situation, and listened to them further

"I agree, just protect her" Igaram

"Great forward Shiki Zoro 1,000,000,000 Beli won't earn themselves" by Nami

"Well, no, why should I listen to you, Shiki, that's not our concern," Zoro said to Shiki's zadumon

"You owe me 300,000 beli Zoro, or you'll get paid interest," Nami threatened

"I gave you back 100,000 belli and I don't owe you anything" Zoro

"That's enough, I've made the decision that we'll protect her."

- what? Zoro asked.

"Excellent" Nami

"Thank God" Igaram

line break

Vivi straddled Kara the duck and headed straight for the dock, but was blocked

"Take your time, girl," Mr. 5 quivered in his nose.

"I'll kill her myself, just wipe it off Mr. 5," Valentine took off from the ground

"What's the matter ?"" Vivi

"The power of the devil fruit Kila-Kila with this power I can increase or decrease the weight now die 10,000 kilograms" Valentina flew straight at Vivi, but she was stopped in the fall, it was Shiki who grabbed her leg

{Gravity jump} Shiki released her gravity and sent her flying in a different direction, shifting her weight

"What KYAAAA" girl flew to another part of the island

"Miss Valentine, you motherfucker, you're gonna pay," Mr. 5 aimed a kazula at Shiki, but was stopped by a cut on his chest made by Zoro

"Sandai-Kitetsu," Zoro said, and Mr. 5 coughed up blood and fell

"Why?" Vivi asked, startled, standing in front of her defeated 2 members of 5 Barques working so easily

"So, you're a princess, you need to talk about something," Nami said.

After that, they started discussing a deal that includes protecting Vivi while they head to Alabasta, until Vivi said that she can't agree to such a deal, but she is very grateful for the rescue, but it's still her burden, to which Nami replies that she can give the money later when everything is normal in the country, but Vivi objected that they could easily be killed by the Crocodile Shichibukai, and at that moment everyone froze, while the Beaver and the bird memorized everything they say and drew their own pictures. portraits in which Nami praised the work of the artist little Beaver, trying to bribe him, but he's already left with a report for the boss

"We just entered the Big Line and we have to deal with the Shichibukai, I don't want to," Nami exclaimed as Vivi tried to calm her down

"This Shichibukai seems like a great opponent." Zoro

"Yes, this is a big test of our abilities." Shiki clenched his fists

"You two monyaks" by Nami

"Maa-maa means that everything is settled now," Igaram appeared, dressed as Vivi

- WAAAAAA, 2 VIVI, WHAT'S GOING ON? Shiki spun around on the spot, not understanding what was happening.

"My disguise is really excellent," Igaram said, to which everyone else thought Shiki was too trusting.

After Shiki calmed down, Igaram said that he would go to Alabasta to divert the bounty hunters ' attention to himself, thus saving time for Vivi, and asked her to give him the Eternal Pos Nami asked what it was, Igaram said that it was a compass that would always point to a single point unlike Log Pos so it was decided to act according to the plan to distract the hunters until Vivi and Shiki and the team reached Alabasta via 2 islands on a Log in the image

"Then goodbye, Vivi, take care of yourself" Igaram

"You are also Igaram", after which he became desperate

"After all, this old man turned out to be a good guy. "

"What is what is" Zoro

BOO-oo-oom !!!!

The place where Igaram was swimming exploded with a powerful explosion


"It works" with us

"Then let me go to the Zoro ship."

Shiki walked over to Vivi and saw that her mouth was bleeding from her teeth, Shiki shook her.

"Don't you dare stop, he wouldn't want that," Shiki said, scooping Vivi up in his arms and flying straight towards the ship.

"Wait, I can't leave Cara," Vivi said, blushing.

"What a Kara" by Shiki

"My big duck, she's very dear to me" Vivi

"You mean the one," he pointed to the Walking Jolly One, where the big duck was wiping them off

"KAROU, HOW ARE YOU?" Vivi called to the duck.

After that everyone boarded the ship Sanji and Usopp had already prepared everything but they still couldn't get away from the fact that all the fun that was on the island was subpar soon the ship disappeared into the fog

"Be careful, it's very easy to crash into rocks now," said a mysterious voice that everyone turned around to see that it was a 25-year-old woman, wearing a cowboy hat, wearing a top, skirt, and boots, the girl herself had blue eyes and black hair down to her shoulder blades on her back.

"You're miss Oll saint," Vivi said, looking at the girl sitting on the railing of the ship.

"So she's evil and whose mate is she?"

"She's a friend of Mr. 0, I followed her to find out his identity" Vivi

"To be precise, I'll let you know how funny it is to see a princess trying to do the impossible," everyone says.

Then a gun was pointed at her, which was held by Sanji, and on the other side was Usopp with a slingshot

"Please don't point the gun at me," Oll Saint said, and Usopa and Sanji just fell over the railing with an invisible force.

"Devil fruit?" Shiki asked, and his hat flew towards Oll Sind

"So, you're the captain of the Demon Team, Shiki, but it's a pity that your adventure will end before it even starts," the girl said, twirling his Straw Hat in her hands and putting it on over her own.

"So I have no reason to kill you, you will kill yourself if you don't want to die, then here is a gift for you," she threw Shiki the Eternal Photo.

"It points to an uninhabited island off Alabasta, as long as you're floating on it, you won't be followed," but then there was a crash

BREAK Shiki Break the Eternal Picture Don't even squeeze my hand Just the pressure of gravity

"You don't tell me where this ship is going," he said in a threatening tone that startled everyone, even Allsynd.

Shiki's "Hat"

Oll Sind threw a Straw Hat on Shiki's head

"It's amazing that you seem to justify 60,000,000 beli for your head, I like such brave people," said Oll Sain, looking at Shiki, and went to the Sea Turtle, which was equipped with a comfortable chair, and went in the other direction.

"Shiki, you idiot, you could grab it just by thinking about it, and Eternal Pos, why break it," Nami shouted with shark teeth to her captain

"I already said that the reason why we wouldn't go where she pointed and why I didn't grab her was my special feeling," Shiki said

"Now, if there are no questions, go to the next island.""

"TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON HERE" by Usoppa and Sanji