
One Piece : Kill Roger At the Beginning

The Battle of the Valley of the Gods ended, the Rocks Pirate disbanded and everyone thought it was over. Until, a man named Rocks·D·Will came out of Impel Down! He vowed to take revenge on every single person who led to his tragedy. Defeat Kaido and Kill Oden in Wanokuni. Kill Roger to declare the start of his journey in this world. He declared to the world that Rocks has returned and this era, is called Rocks. Watch how Will conquers the world of One Piece with the help of his On- Hook system. **PS- Roger won't literally be killed in the first chapter. The title only means that killing Roger will truly mark the beginning of his journey. ******************* Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs

A Man From Over Eight Hundred Years Ago

Everyone showed horror in their eyes, and they were extremely shocked to see this scene in front of them.

"How can it be!"

On the battlefield over there, the surrounding buildings have disappeared, leaving only a messy land.

And in the center, a huge, nearly circular pit appeared. And Will and Oden were right in the center of the pit!

At this moment, the lightning armor on Will's body has already disappeared. But he was still maintaining the form of the dragon man, standing there quietly.

There are many small cuts on the body surface and blood was flowing out from the corner of the mouth.

The sword Asuka in his hand had already been torn apart, leaving only a small half, and that too was full of cracks.

Meanwhile across from him, his opponent Oden was in an even worse state. 

Kneeling on the ground on one knee, his hair hanging loose and his clothes were so torn that they almost became rags.

The most surprising thing is that his arms were hanging down to the ground, as if there is no bone intact to support them. 

Also, he no longer has Enma and Ame no Habakiri in his hands!

Oden, who never left his sword, lost his favorite sword in the battle, which shows a very serious problem!

Those who checked the situation here soon found Enma and Ame no Habakiri lying at the two corners of the deep pit.

All of this has already shown the result of this battle.

Kozuki Oden, lost!

This is undoubtedly shocking news!

Especially for the people of Wano country who think of Oden as the strongest warrior in the world. 

No matter how disappointing his recent actions were, he was still their highness, the most powerful warrior in Wano country!

But now, their highness has lost in an upright duel without any cheating or conspiracy, and the faith in their hearts has collapsed.

An unspeakable sense of frustration floated in everyone's heart.

Even the fact that Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi joined forces to rule Wano country by exploiting them did not make them feel so uncomfortable.

"Master Oden..."


In the other direction, Kaido also clenched his fists, his eyes full of fright.

He now finally knows what Will's devil fruit ability is!

Like himself, it is a top-level phantom beast dragon fruit, most likely a Thunder dragon fruit!

As for what the exact name is, it doesn't matter anymore.


He gritted his teeth tightly in unwillingness. 

But in the end, the indignation and unwillingness turned into a deep sigh.

"Kozuki Oden, lost!"

Kozuki Oden was an opponent that Kaido was never able to defeat but today he was so easily defeated by Will.

This can only show that the opponent's strength is stronger than Oden and indirectly himself too. Now he really had no excuse to justify his defeat against the opponent. 

The last trace of luck in his heart disappeared completely.

Taking a deep look at Will, he resolutely turned around and left.

"Although the sea is very vast, but ironically it's also very small. When we meet again, I won't be the same as today, running away like a defeated dog!"

"Asshole, just wait for me!"

However Will naturally didn't know that when he was fighting with Oden, many things happened in the background. 

At this time he has also deactivated his dragon man form and returned to his normal human appearance.

Looking down at Oden in front of him, there was no surprise on his face after defeating a strong enemy.

"Looks like I won!"

Hearing Will's words, Oden, who had kept his head down, slowly raised his head.


Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth and sprinkled on the ground in front of him, like a blooming flower of death.

Oden smiled bitterly: "Yes, you won!"

"My hands are half useless now, even if I have the strength to fight again, it is meaningless, it is just a futile struggle."

He supported his body on one knee, bent the other foot, and knelt on the ground and looked up at the still clear sky. 


First he laughed lowly, then laughed loudly, and finally started laughing wildly.

Will just watched all this silently without interfering. 

After a long time, the laughter gradually stopped.

Oden looked at Will: "Although I failed to avenge Spencer, I don't think he will blame me, right?"

"After all, I've tried my best!"

Will still didn't speak and just watched him quietly.

"I really miss the days at sea. I don't know what happened to Roger and the others. Did Rayleigh and the others hold a grand banquet in a certain sea area like they wanted..."

Oden rambled on a lot, and Will also listened quietly.

After a long time, Oden stopped and looked at Will with a solemn expression.

"Your Excellency, can you allow me to make one last request before I die!"

Will nodded calmly. 

"You can say it. Although I will listen, but I may not agree."

Oden nodded understandingly, 

"Your Excellency, please treat the people of Wano country well. I owe this country too much. I have no chance to make up for them. I hope you will be more lenient to them!"

Will frowned slightly, not expecting Oden to make such a request.

When he died in the original book, he didn't ask Kaido and Orochi to do this. But looking at what the two of them have done over the years, it's not impossible to guess that they are not the type of people to do such things. 

"As long as they don't make trouble for me, it won't be a problem for them to live and work in peace and contentment!"

"Hahaha, that's good!"

Oden straightened his body, with no fear of death on his face.

He looked past Will and looked at the distant sky, with a gloomy gaze and a gloomy tone.

"The whole world is waiting for that person to appear. When that person appears after 800 years, the world will usher in great changes!"

"I really hope that Wano country can change the status quo of being closed to the outside world and become his helper!"

"Its just that, my journey...."

"It's over..."

* swish *

The half-cracked sword Asuka was flung out from Will's hand in a flash, leaving a red line on Oden's neck before it completely shattered bit by bit.

Kozuki Oden, dead! 

As for Oden's last few words, Will didn't pay much attention to them. 

He also knows a lot about Pirate World. Except for the hole that the old thief Oda dug and didn't fill, even if you rely on guessing, you can guess the rest, that is, Luffy must be Joey Boy's reincarnation or something like that and he is going to change the world. 

But that was before Will came to this world. He doesn't believe in absolute future, as long as one's own strength is strong enough, who will kill whom is still uncertain. 

"Master Oden!"

"Master Oden!"

Seeing the light of the knife across Oden's neck and seeing Oden's head roll off on the ground, the people of Wano country exclaimed hysterically and were overwhelmed by anger.

Many people rushed towards Will to take revenge. Only...


A violent figure landed in front of them, blocking their way.


Bullet snapped his knuckles, staring playfully at the group of people in front of him.

"Hehehe, if you want to die, I can fulfill your wish myself. There is no need to bother Will for such a small thing. "


The crowd was in an uproar, and the group finally regained some reason after being so frightened by Bullet.

After looking left and right, the situation was in a stalemate, neither advancing nor retreating.


Bullet snorted and turned away in disdain, ignoring the group of people.

At this time, another group of people walked out from another direction, and approached the big pit cautiously.

Their appearance attracted everyone's attention.

Will also looked at the person coming, revealing an incomprehensible smile.

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