

Over Onigashima, the colossal dragon Kaido's immense form rolled, his gaze fixed on the defiant figure below.

"Oh haha, I heard you! Yamato! Praising Straw Hat and Oden's son, aren't you?" taunted Kaido, his eyes ablaze with contempt.

Yamato, in her beast form, met his gaze fearlessly, teeth bared as she retorted, "That's right! Luffy and Momonosuke are the ones who can bring hope to Wano!"

"Your presence is irrelevant, Kaido!" she added defiantly.

"Hope? I can give them that only if I choose to!" roared Kaido, fiery breath billowing forth. "Do you know what I thought when I fell into the ground?"

"I considered I've been too lenient with you all! Maybe I shouldn't expect anything but to kill you and those brats!" he continued, eyes gleaming with malice.

Unfazed, Yamato's response was icy. "I wish you could!"

After a brief silence, Kaido declared, "Then I'll show you that the hope you seek is the cruelest thing in the world!"

With a menacing glare, he gathered fiery breath once more, targeting the notorious pirates of the Worst Generation this time.

"Take cover!" cried out the pirates, recognizing the impending danger.

"Too late, the range is too wide!" lamented others, realizing the imminent peril.


Suddenly, a specific hemisphere of space materialized, encompassing half of Onigashima, including Kaido's fiery breath.


Law raised his index finger, redirecting the redirected breath back towards Kaido, eliciting a deafening roar from the dragon.

"Captain!" cheered the Heart Pirates as Law discarded his bandages, regained his composure, and wielded his sword Ghost Cry.

"No time for celebrations, this is just the beginning!" he cautioned grimly.

Not far off, Kid, also recovered, eyed Kaido with a sinister grin. "You enjoyed attacking, right? It's my turn to strike back!"

"Magnetically Empowered!"

Kid unleashed his magnetic abilities, enveloping Kaido in a strange, powerful energy.

"Magnetic Collision!"

Kaido's colossal form became a magnet, drawing all metal materials on Onigashima towards him.

"An intriguing attack!" Kaido chuckled as steel torrents collided with his fiery breath.

"Young brats with potential indeed!" he conceded.

Meanwhile, Law interrupted, "Kid, time's ticking. Let's not waste it bantering!"

"Don't lecture me, let's get down to business!" Kid snapped back, turning his attention to Kaido.

"Magnetic Conversion!"

Kid's magnetic energy reversed, attracting Kaido downwards with incredible force.

"Worm! Release me!" Kaido struggled, the ground rupturing under the intense pressure.

"Get lost, you nuisance!" Kid retorted, exerting his power to its fullest.

With a thunderous roar, Kaido was dragged from the clouds, plummeting to the ground outside Ghost Island. The earth quaked violently as he crashed down, a cloud of dust and debris obscuring his form.

"Kaido was brought down by that young man!" marveled the onlookers.

"Is this the strength of the pirates from overseas?" wondered the warriors.

The Kid Pirates boasted proudly, "This is our captain's power!"

Kid, exhilarated, declared, "Kaido's head is mine!" With a triumphant gesture, he soared away aided by magnetic attraction.

Meanwhile, Law turned to the Straw Hat Crew, urging, "Administer the special medicine to Luffy! We need his abilities against Kaido!"

Chopper hesitated, concerned about Luffy's condition. "But Luffy's body can't take more medicine. The side effects..."

"We're fighting for our lives! If we can't stop that monster, we'll all perish!" Law reminded firmly.

Leaving these words behind, Law disappeared using his "Slaughterhouse" space transformation technique.

As Chopper deliberated, Sanji approached, offering reassurance. "Don't worry, Chopper! Think about what Luffy would do now!"

Their captain's unwavering resolve provided the answer for all.


Beyond Ghost Island, amidst the fractured earth, Kid and Law converged on Kaido's location.

However, they found themselves beaten to the punch as Law had already arrived, courtesy of his Op-Op Fruit abilities.

An infuriated Kid cursed, "Trafalgar, you bastard!"

Ignoring him, Law urged, "Save your energy for the fight!"

From amidst the dust and smoke emerged Kaido, his form altered and more formidable than before.

"Hey, Kid, Kaido looks different!" Law observed.

The dust settled, revealing Kaido's transformed figure, wreathed in flames and lightning.

Amidst the chaos, Kaido's laughter echoed ominously, signaling that the battle was far from over.

Inside Onigashima, amidst the chaos and smoke, Luffy, freshly injected with special medicine, lay unconscious. Yamato, clenching her fists, watched over him with concern.

The Beasts Pirates, reinvigorated by Kaido's return, renewed their assault on the samurai and pirates, plunging Onigashima into turmoil once more.

Sanji, using his powerful kicks, fended off the approaching soldiers, while Jinbei punched with all his might to hold back the enemy forces.

Franky, Brook, and Usopp protected the injured Chopper, while even Robin and Nami, despite their own injuries, rejoined the fray.

"Miss Yamato, would you..." Sanji began, only to realize she had vanished.


Outside Ghost Island, in an open space, Yamato raced towards Kaido's location, intent on intercepting him to buy time for Luffy's recovery.

Realizing Kaido's formidable power, she knew victory lay in exhausting him, not brute force.

Suddenly, she encountered the BIG.MOM Pirates, detouring to avoid Kaido's wrath.

Both sides, wary and uncertain, prepared for confrontation.

Smoothie, noting Yamato's unfamiliar appearance, questioned her allegiance.

As the tension mounted, Daifuku launched an attack, only to be met with Yamato's swift counterstrike.

Despite Daifuku's determination, Smoothie intervened, opting to face Yamato herself.

Their clash, fierce and intense, echoed across the battleground.


Outside Ghost Island, on the opposing terrain, Law and Kid faced Kaido's fearsome new form.

Kaido, now in his Dragon Man awakened state, taunted them with his increased strength and speed.

Unfazed, Kid unleashed his magnetic abilities, conjuring a colossal metal bull to assail Kaido.

However, Kaido deflected the attack effortlessly, prompting Kid to morph the metal into a towering steel demon.

In a sudden turn, Kaido appeared beside Kid, wielding his electrified mace with deadly precision.

Only Law's quick thinking spared Kid from certain doom.

As they regrouped, Law warned of Kaido's enhanced prowess, signaling a challenging battle ahead.

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