
One piece: Journey with a system

A Title is nothing but a name without power no title is of any use if you are not able to help yourself and the ones closest to you, So I will become strong, strong enough that no one can stand against me and my might.

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Marine vs WGA



As there is no Garp I decided to play no I mean train in teacher Zephyr's camp together with Smoker and Hina who are arguing among each other at the moment and I am writing some notes about the different ways I can use my devil fruit when something invaded my "Magnet Zone" with extremely fast speed startling me as I look up I saw a muscular teenager who is not stopping even after entering the training camp.

As I observe him he didn't stop and if I am not mistaken he has started moving faster than the time he entered my Zone making me suspicious as I stood up when I saw him straightening his hand to use a finger pistol on Hina as I moved behind her and held his fist before asking with a serious face "What do you think you are doing? "

"You found me? " As if he never expected someone to find him he asked with a surprised face looking at me.

Hearing our conversation from behind her Hina turned around to ask with a shocked face "What happened? "

"Who is this kid? " Smoker asked with a serious face.

"I don't know but he was about to attack Hina so I stopped him. " I said looking at the teenager with a serious face.

"Let go of me? " the teenager shouted angrily while pulling his hand to free it from my grasp as I had yet to let go of him but with his pitiful straight how can he pull himself and stood on the stot as I held him.

"He was going to attack Hina… " Hina asked with a shocked face before walking next to him and caging him up while angrily shouting "How dare you to think you can get away with the intention of attacking Hina. "

After which, Smoker also came beside him, and punching him asked "Why did you attack Hina? "

"Let go of me? " getting hit by Hina and Smoker the teenager got angry and shouted looking at us when the other learners started noticing us and started asking what happened as Hina started explaining and I was interrogating the teenager with Smoker who was asking us to let him free and fight if we wanted to know who he is or he thinks we are losers who can bully him together and we are afraid of him that is why we are not letting him free and he wants a fair fight.

"Smoker, why don't you go and ask teacher Zephyr to come I don't like him? " I asked looking at Smoker shaking my head and not caring about the retarded teenager who attacked a Marines training camp in the middle of the day and that is in the headquarters of Marine.

"Yea I think that is the nest idea. " Smoker said before nodding at me.

At this time Hina cane beside me and started hitting the teenager with an angry face while asking "Confess who asked you to attack Hina before Hina gets angrier than she is? "

"Damn it just let me free and see if you dare to hit me again? " the teenager said with an angry face looking at us.

At this time I heard teacher Zephyr's tone from the camp entrance "Smoker where are you going? "

Hearing his tone turning their way I saw a man wearing a golden mask beside teacher Zephyr and Smoker who is yet to leave saying "Teacher Zephyr I was going to call for you. "

"Is there something wrong? " Teacher Zephyr asked with a frown as I only look at the man beside Teacher Zephyr with anger in my eyes because I saw him in Hell and looking at him I am sure he is one of the WGA when Hina asked from the side "Ryo are you okay? "

Hearing her call I realized unknowing to me I had actived on of Stratosphere's ability which made the whole training camp cold and some trainers have already started shivering because of it and realizing it I said with a nod before stopping the cold "Yes I am fine. "

After that teacher, Zephyr came to with that WGA and introduced him as the head of CP-9 and the captive boy as Rob Lucci who is the youngest genius of CP surprising me as I know him and I am sure you do as well.

His purpose here is to challenge us and prove that the World Government Agents are better than us Marine which made me sneer at him saying "Yes that is the reason why he is bound inside a cage in a sorry state even before hurting us. "

"You wouldn't be able to say that if you 3 hadn't ganged up on me. " Lucci said angrily looking at me.

"Oh~ you are acting pretty tough even after we have turned your eyes black. " I said with a sneer looking at him, to be honest, his eyes are black like a panda because of me while he was using iron mass only I was able to punch him to give pain.

"Just let me go and see if I am tough or not? " Lucci argued back as I punched on his head angrily well I am feeling angry just because he is part of the WGA.

"That us enough Ryo. " teacher Zephyr said stopping me from punching Lucci before turning towards Hina to asked "Let him go Hina? "

"Why should Hina free him? " Hina asked with an unwilling face but looking at teacher Zephyr's serious face she said with a sigh "Fine. "

After getting free he looked at the head of CP-9 asking "Is it fine if I break some of their hand and legs? "

"Just don't kill anyone. " CP-9 head said with a carefree face.

"Fine by me. " Lucci said with a smile looking at us.

Hearing their conversation I turned toward Teacher Zephyr saying "You heard him? "

"Fine go easy on him. " teacher Zephyr said with a sigh (while thinking 'This CP-9 kid has dug his own grave. ' )

"As you advise. " I said before turning toward Lucci who is also looking as I wanted to move I felt Smoker has taken his Nanashaku Jitte and knew what he is thinking so I said before deactivating my "MAGNET ZONE" to fight against Lucci on an equal ground "Smoker let me fight first? "

"But when you are done I wouldn't get my chance. " He complained angrily.

"Not this time. " I said with a serious face as he puts his Jitte back to its place before saying "Fine. " when Lucci moved at me so did I.

After vanishing from the spot using Soru I discovered although he is fast he needs to kick the same place 9 times while I need to kick 8 times to achieve the same speed which proved I am a step faster than him and the moment we came close I moved my head to the right to avoid his punch before giving him a kick in the face sending him flying as he lost his balance and went flying I didn't want to give him a chance to stabilizing and going behind gave another a kick in the stomach when I saw I won't be able to reach him or he has a chance of stabilizing himself I would send finger bullet at him causing him to get off balance after a few rounds of beating up he started coughing blood before losing his consciousness and I think I have accidentally broken his limbs when teacher Zephyr stopped holding my hand said before I can give another kick "That is enough kid he lost. "

"Oh, I didn't hear him saying anything because so I thought he is just warming up. " Actually, I did everything on purpose and broken his limbs after he lost his consciousness.


While Ryo is fighting against Rob Lucci everyone else minus Zephyr was only able to see his shadow and from time to time him hitting Lucci in the head and stomach.

When he stopped fighting and said "Oh, I didn't hear him saying anything so I thought he is just warming up. "

Everyone thought 'Did you even give him the chance to scream or surrender and we are sure you will not stop until anything is left of him.

Now I even feel sorry for him. '

Looking at Lucci's condition the CP-9 head angrily cursing at Ryo for hurting a WGA and Ryo turning towards Zephyr asked "Teacher Zephyr can you understand the dog's shouting? "

"If you don't like it just kick it away so it doesn't get the chance to bite you. " Zephyr said with an angry face as he also didn't like how the CP9 head humiliated the Marine in front of him who is a former Admiral and he even went so far as to order his agent to break the limbs of his students whom he thinks as his own children.

"As you advise teacher Zephyr. " Ryo said before slowly walking towards CP9 head who started retreating in fear saying "You can't do this I am a WGA. " but ignoring him Ryo came near him saying "Does it look like I care. "

As Ryo finished his words he kicked the head of CP9 in the stomach making him caugh out blook and broke some of his bone which caused him to fall on the floor before losing consciousness and looking at everyone in disbelief and hearing Zephyr saying before his vision went completely dark "He is still alive you know if you had killed him that would also be fine because of my status in Marine even the 5 elders wouldn't say anything if I say so. "

"I didn't know. Should I end his life? " Ryo asked with a surprise before walking towards CP9 head when Zephyr stopping him said "It's fine you don't need to take action and I think it is his luck to live this time. "

"If you say so. "

I think CP9's head would not be foolish enough to offend Zephyr unless he got permission from 5 elders.

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