
One piece: Journey with a system

A Title is nothing but a name without power no title is of any use if you are not able to help yourself and the ones closest to you, So I will become strong, strong enough that no one can stand against me and my might.

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

It's not a dream...

The Holy Land Mary Geoise…

Rosward house…

A building which is like a castle with an 18th and 19th-century European style inside one of the rooms two little girls are arguing among themselves one has short white hair blue eyes while the other has dark orange hair which is closer to brown.

"Look Sera, I got my new ride.Su~ " the Orange hair girl said pointing at a middle-aged man who is standing beside her.

"When did you buy him, Shalria? " Sera asked with a confused tone because when her friend Shalria visited her home last night she didn't bring this man with her and she was sitting on her brother's slave.

"My father gave him to m3 as my 5th birthday present. Su,~ " Shalria said with a smug smile looking at Sera who is the only World Noble without a slave of her own and she had finally got her slave couldn't wait but to show this friend of hers so she sends someone and asked Sera to visit her home this morning right after getting her slave.

"My father will also give me one when I become 5 years old in a few months. " Understanding Shalria's thought Sera said with a proud tone.

Although Shalria also knows Sera can get a slave anytime she wants, however, she can't lose to someone who has yet to have any slaves can she, so with a mocking tone she asked looking at Sera "Then why don't you just ask your father to bring you out to buy you a new slave? amusu~ "

"Do you think he won't? " Sera asked with anger.

"Who knows? Maybe he will but can he get you a better one than me and more importantly you have yet to buy anything while I already have one. su~" Shalria said with a smile looking at Sera.

"Just you wait for me, Shalria. I will get one as well. " Sera said angrily before leaving the Rosward house only to hear Shalria laugh from behind.

"Sure, sure… "


Sabaody Archipelago…

Grove 1.

The Human Auctioning House…

Back to our MC…

Not long after getting dragged out of the Darkroom, I found myself becoming 12 years old and the One Piece complex guy who is holding me making telling me I am in the Sabaody Archipelago Grove 1 inside The Human Auctioning House come on just stop pretending and say we are in the World of One Piece and I will just accept that.

No, actually I won't accept that can you believe I have become younger by almost 15 years and even transmigrated in the fictional world.

Maybe I have read too many web novels and currently dreaming of everything.

Yes, that must be it.

I just need to close my eyes then wake up from my sleep and when I woke up I will be back in my sheep.

As I closed my eyes I felt something hit me on my face and from the way it hurt I knew someone just punched me on the head.

"Damn!!! that really hurts!!!! " I shouted angrily while opening my eyes and looking up I asked with an angry face looking at the One Piece complex guy "Why did you hit me? "

"I thought you are dead, so I punched you to make sure you are fine," he answered me with and straight face which made me really angry as I shouted angrily "Who does that to wake up someone? Couldn't you just call me? "

"I thought that would be more troublesome, so I just did it in an easy way. "the hell this ****** is really getting on my nerves and making me so angry that I just want no that's not it.

Why is he still here no that not the point why did I feel pain while dreaming and why haven't I woke up yet.

Doesn't they say when you are dreaming you will never feel pain then why did I feel pain?

Is it possible for my dream got an upgrade and the pain is added in my dream?

As I was thinking I couldn't help myself from turning towards the guy who is holding me to ask "Am I not dreaming? "

Hearing my confused words the complex guy looks at me as if he is looking at a fool the without answering my question he again punched me on the head making a potato grow up on my head which really felt painful as I asked him angrily "Why did you do that for? "

"Weren't you the one who asked me to do it? " he looked at me with an ugly smile before asking as if he is looking at a fool.

You know what he is really making me angry.

'Forget it Ryo he is just your imagination and nothing more. ' I said to myself while looking at the One Piece complex guy which I created in my dream then complained "I asked you if this is a dream not to hit me. "

"If this is a dream why would you feel pain? Don't you like to joke around boy? " he told me with a serious face.

No, it can't be.

While getting panicked I heard him continue speaking "That us right you are not dreaming and this is not your imagination. "

"No, you are wrong this can not be true. " I am really feeling bad about everything that is happening right now and couldn't help but murmur "Yes this must be a nightmare. Once I wake up I will be back in my room. "

"I know it must be hard for you but I have to make you disappointed kid because the Auction house bought you and there is no way for you to escape from your fate of becoming a slave. Accept the reality kid," he said with a serious face and stopped talking as I heard someone calling out from the other side of the curtain.

"Our next item is a Paramecia type Devil fruit as we don't know the name of the fruit and what power it will bring to the one who eats this Fruit the Price will be set at 100 million berries and every you need to add 1 million or more… "

As I hear and look at my surrounding I couldn't help but believe that I have really transmitted to the world of One Piece but surely it wasn't necessary for me to appear here of all places in this world just to be sold to become a slave of someone.

I think I would be even happier if I were to become bigger in some places in the weak sea then to become a slave at least that way I would be free.

No worry I will just escape once I become strong enough after all this is the world of One Piece and different from Earth where everyone is normal but here I can become stronger with enough time and training.

As I was thinking about the next action I heard the sound of a hammer hitting as the auctioneer shouting "250 million sold. "

That Devil fruit got sold for quite a lot but I am also curious what that devil fruit is?

Should I write in the first-person view or change it in the 3rd person???

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