
One Piece: Journey of the Pokemon Trainer

Story is about a 14 year old boy who got transfer to one piece world in his sleep now the only way back home is to help luffy become the pirate king with the help of his Six Pokemon. How can he survive one piece if he only watch 47 episodes of it. Not really knowing what lies ahead of him

the_vlog · Anime & Comics
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I recently finished watching Episode 47 of One Piece, and it was quite a shock to discover just how many episodes the series actually has - a whopping 2022 episodes! The sheer number is enough to make anyone feel exhausted. In the upcoming episode, Luffy and his crew are set to embark on their journey to Loguetown, where they will witness the execution site of the pirate King. Despite Luffy's comedic and seemingly foolish nature, it's only been 47 episodes, and I can't help but find him entertaining. However, it's hard to take him seriously when he aspires to become the pirate king. Unlike Luffy, Zoro demonstrates a level of intelligence and is less of an idiot. Meanwhile, Nami comes across as a bit of a gold digger with some serious stress issues. Personally, I don't find her cute or pretty in any way.

I have mixed feelings about her actions towards Luffy; sometimes it seems excessive to hit him so forcefully. It's counterproductive, as it only serves to make him even more foolish. Personally, I wouldn't tolerate anyone treating me that way, regardless of their gender. After all, my hands are Rated E for everyone. On the other hand, Ussop will need to undergo significant growth if he hopes to achieve fame as a pirate. As for Sanji, I don't have much of an opinion on him other than the fact that he may struggle to find a girlfriend.

"What time is it?" I glanced at my phone and noticed that it was already 11:30. Curiosity piqued, I checked and saw that the latest episode of One Piece, Episode 48, had finished downloading. With a sense of satisfaction, I closed Citra on my laptop and powered it off. Since I didn't have a desk, I carefully placed the laptop underneath my bed for safekeeping. Eager to dive into the new episode, I tapped on the completed download and switched to the gallery to start playing it. Engrossed in the captivating scenes and storyline, just three minutes later, exhaustion took over and I found myself drifting off to sleep.


"Huh, where am I?" I muttered, scanning my surroundings. The darkness enveloped me like an empty void, except for a solitary source of light ahead - a mesmerizing blue glow.

"Kirito," the light called out, causing me to startle. The sound of my name echoed in the darkness.

"Do you want to go on a grand adventure?" the voice continued, its tone filled with excitement and anticipation.

Perplexed, I cocked my head in confusion. "Huh? What grand adventure?" I questioned aloud. The voice, unmistakably masculine with a thunderous quality, intrigued me further.

"What kind of grand adventure are we talking about here?" I probed, hoping for some clarity.

The voice chuckled warmly before answering, "An adventure akin to Pokemon, Dragon Quest, and Fairy Tail - filled with endless possibilities and thrilling quests."

"What kind of grand adventure awaits us?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity. The light in Kirito's eyes sparkled as he replied, "A journey filled with thrilling challenges, heartfelt connections, and profound growth." Intrigued by his words, I couldn't help but blurt out, "That doesn't sound bad at all."

With a mischievous smile, Kirito continued, "So, are you ready to embark on this grand adventure?" Thoughts raced through my mind as I pondered his question. "What if I say no?" I wondered aloud. "And where exactly am I? Is this all just a dream?"

Kirito's reassuring tone resonated with confidence as he explained, "Your consciousness resides within my domain while your physical body remains asleep. As for the choice, unfortunately, you don't have one." My heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words. Concerns about my family and the uncertain future flooded my thoughts.

Though unsure of what lies ahead after finishing school and pursuing acting and comic writing, the allure of this extraordinary journey tugged at my very core.

"How long will this grand adventure last?" Kirito asked, his eyes filled with anticipation. "I want to make sure I'm prepared for whatever lies ahead."

"Don't worry about your family," reassured the light in front of him. "When you complete your journey, it will be morning in the real world. I will create a duplicate of your physical body and send it to the other world, along with your consciousness and a copy of your soul."

Kirito's excitement grew as he listened to the dialogue. He knew that embarking on this extraordinary quest would not only test his skills but also bring about unimaginable experiences. With determination in his heart, he eagerly awaited the start of his grand adventure.

"Alright," I started to feel a surge of excitement within me, ready for this grand adventure.

"So, how many wishes do I get? And please, tell me which world I'll be transferred to. Is it a familiar one?" I inquired eagerly.

"You won't have any wishes granted, and you'll be transferred to the world of One Piece," Light explained calmly.

"What? One Piece? Why on earth would it be One Piece?" I couldn't help but freak out, not because I disliked the series, but because it was known to be dangerous and I still had so much to learn about it. Only 47 episodes in!

"Now listen carefully," the light voice took on a more serious tone. "Your mission is to help Luffy become the Pirate King."

"Huh? Why is that?" I questioned, curious about the reasoning behind this peculiar task.

"What will I have? I mean, I can't survive in that world. I've got nothing on me." As my mind raced with doubts, Kirito reassured me with a confident smile.

"Don't worry, I've got it all sorted out." Confused, I looked at the glowing light before me and couldn't help but think.

"I still haven't said goodbye to them. How long will it take?" With a heavy heart, I whispered my final goodbye and reluctantly said.

"No no wait." I panicked, feeling the weight of uncertainty settling in.

"Bye." But deep down inside, a resounding.

"No!" echoed through my being.


"Why are you lying here in the middle of the street?" Luffy asked, concerned about my safety.

As I opened my eyes, I was momentarily blinded by the sun's glare. Squinting, I could make out a face peering down at me, wearing a familiar Straw Hat. It was Luffy, the protagonist from my favorite anime.

"Also is that your pet" Luffy asked

Curiosity piqued, Luffy pointed towards a peculiar creature nearby and asked if it was my pet. Trying to gather my thoughts, I realized that it resembled a blue squirrel with a spiky tail. But instead of thinking about pets, my mind wandered to a certain electric-type Pokemon from my childhood memories.

Suddenly, the name "Pachirisu!" escaped my lips as I jolted upright. It dawned on me that this encounter wasn't just a figment of my imagination; it somehow connected to the void.

As I stared at Kirito and his Pokemon companion, all I could think was, "It wasn't a dream."