
One Piece: Jaeger Family

Travel through worlds? Allan experienced it. But… His family was slaughtered by Pirates. His home was burnt to the ground. Left with nothing. He had to beg for food and money. But the eyes around betrayed him. Battered and broken, he found a fruit. A Devil Fruit. Since he lost his family. He’ll build one. His hunt begins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image by ArtTower from Pixabay. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/mzFEvqD https://www.patreon.com/siraeronnovels

SirAeron · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 2

Now he had capital, but his body was still young and untrained, if he faced people with guns, Allan was not sure if he could win, and even if he could, it would definitely be a tragic one.

Of course, if he added the fear and panic he could generate by showing his half-insect or full-insect form, it might just make the gangsters panic enough for him to finish them, and by finish, Allan didn't mean kill, rather, he wanted to cripple them and leave, maybe it was his reluctance to kill, but leaving them crippled was the best method he could think of.

Leave them crippled and make them face the same situation as him and the other children and old people.

Of course, Allan had yet to consider how hard it actually was to just cripple them.

"But not now, I'm still not used to my power, but at least I'm sure to survive now that I have Devil Fruit powers."

Allan said with a smile.

One year at most, he thought, just like Windmill Village, Apple Island also had mountains with rich flora and fauna, Allan planned to stay there and train his newfound powers.

In fact, for the One Piece World that could feed giant animals even in remote villages and islands, food sources were the least of their problems, but normal people also couldn't beat the monsters that guard the rich food sources, village hunters might hunt beasts and wild fruits, but in each village, not a lot could do so, even so, just depending on agriculture in this rich world, food truly wasn't a problem.

After all, the world government was able to rule for 800 years.

The system shouldn't be too bad for its own era, but the corruption-filled society was the main problem.

Even Arabasta, a literal desert country didn't have too many problems up until Crocodile started his plans causing a man-made drought.

Nefertari Cobra was considered a good king, which meant that the tens of millions of people in Arabasta had enough to eat and live properly before the drought.

The change was coming, and if Allan wanted to survive, he at least needed enough power to ride the wave or even ally with Luffy.

As for waiting for Luffy to go to sea and join, Allan could only scoff at the thought, he did not know whether this world had a world will or something akin to a plot correction mechanism, but even without it, Luffy had enough background to survive, his grandfather, a marine hero respected by most if not all marines, not only that, his father Monkey D. Dragon was the supreme commander of the revolutionary army, Ace, the second commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Shanks, one of the four emperors.

Luffy's rich background would probably guarantee him not dying in many cases throughout his adventure while he was weak, the whole crew also had many instances of near death experience but would live through following the plot.

But how about him? Jaeger Allan? A nobody.

If he joined the crew, he might just die after a few episodes, and with how impulsive Luffy as a captain was, this was definitely a possibility.

So Allan decided to grow strong and maybe even build his own power, maybe then he would have a chance, as for what type of chance, only he knew.

"But first, I need to train."

Now that he had a Devil Fruit filling his body with strength, resilience, and even regeneration, training in the mountains while hunting his own food made the most sense, as for joining the marines or becoming a pirate immediately, he'll decide after he had enough strength.

But his tentative thought was becoming a bounty hunter, with his Devil Fruit ability, low bounty pirates shouldn't be a problem.

As for the timeline, this would probably be the only inheritance he got from his dead parents, literacy.

Although there were words he could still not understand, overall, he understood enough.

The latest news was Fisher Tiger's escapade, freeing the slaves of Celestial Dragons from Mary Geoise.

The current Sea Circle Calendar was 1509, Luffy went out to sea in 1522 so he still had about 13 or even 15 years considering the 2-year time skip to prepare, of course, he could just live a simple life without going to sea, but that was his life before, now that he had a second life and enough agency, why not try?

With a joyful grin, Allan sped up towards the mountains.

Although he didn't know much about combat, he knew a bit about taekwondo and boxing.

He especially wanted to train in taekwondo because he felt his leg strength was several times stronger than his arm strength.

Sure, taekwondo wasn't the most effective combat style in the modern century, but in this world, it was already decent.

With the bonus from his Devil Fruit mainly with his legs, Allan's combat direction was already decided, of course, he'd still train his upper body.

While running, he could already feel the resilience his body provided, insects were known to be resilient creatures, fleas especially, although normal Zoan-type Devil Fruits weren't that favored, Allan still wanted to know whether he could develop the flea fruit further than just the simplest physical strengthening.

After entering the forest, Allan slowed down, although he felt stronger, this didn't mean he could rampage around the forest, his 10-year-old body only contained so much strength after the reinforcement of the Devil Fruit.

Right now Allan was only 1.5 meters tall, and with his father being a 3-meter-tall man, the future of Allan's height was bright.

Although in Allan's past world, 3 meters might have been extremely tall, in this world, 3-meter height was regular tall, people like Gecko Moria were already 7 meters tall.

So for Allan, 3 meters was the perfect size.

The three admirals were all about 3 meters tall, although being tall was a big advantage, but also because of his father's height, he became a target for the pirates, his father who did not know how to fight died after a few bouts.

Allan finally saw a 1-meter-tall wild boar.

Facing the 1-meter-tall wild boar, Allan transformed into his full animal form surprising and stunning the wild boar.

Ehh human? Wait, what are you?

The wild boar's queries were left unanswered as Allan's hind legs tightened before shooting like an arrow towards the unsuspecting boar.


The wild boar was blown away squealing in pain, but Allan did not give it time to react, another hop and he landed on top of the wild boar, the front limbs held the wild boar in place while three needle-like appendages stabbed down, the two needles dug down the wild boar's body while the middle one started sucking blood.


The wild boar fell down bloodless while Allan felt his abdomen expand, he could feel his body processing the blood turning it all into nutrients his body frantically needed.

The fight ended quickly, now that the blood from the wild boar was sucked out, the bloody smell did not appear making it safer for Allan to process the meat.

10 minutes was all it took for Allan to process the blood in his body, turning into his half-human form, Allan dragged the wild boar's body towards the fringes of the forest.

Feeling that he did well on his first hunt, Allan smiled with joy.

He then started to work on his temporary base, with his half-human form, he used the jagged areas of his limbs like a saw to cut down trees, he proceeded to roast the whole boar before building a small cabin, two small cabins were built before the sun fell, one was for him, and the other was for smoking meat.

Since he didn't need to drain blood, Allan only needed to smoke the meat to create a simple jerky, next time he'll hunt more and sell some in the port to buy salt and cooking utensils, as well as axes and clothes.

But his basic priority was eating and exercising his body.

So the boar still needed to be roasted since it would serve as his dinner.

While roasting, Allan started to exercise.

As for training in taekwondo or boxing, he'll start when he feels like his body was healthy enough.

Day by day, Allan hunted and exercised.

After a month, he felt like his body was good enough so he started training in basic kicks.

During this time, Allan had also found a better base, it was still on the periphery of the mountain forest, but far enough from the village where he wouldn't be found.

Wooden dummies were erected in the training area, but Allan still only trained with air, his body was too young and if he directly trained with hard objects, Allan didn't know if it might cause deformations, anyways, as long as he ate enough, with the bonus of his Devil Fruit, his body would still grow stronger.

"Hopefully I don't grow past three meters at this rate."

Allan said in worry.

He'd grown another 10 cm through the whole month, but it was probably just a rebound from when he didn't have enough to eat.

Growing tall was good, but he didn't want to grow too tall.

"After another month at most, I'll start!"

Allan murmured, to attack the gangsters.

Allan underestimated his strength gain before, and now he felt like he would be able to handle the gangsters after another month.

There was no Marine Branch in Apple Island, and he still didn't know where Apple Island was but Allan had been spying on the gangsters.

Although fleas had bad eyesight, his Devil Fruit still gave him a better ability to detect light which indirectly gave Allan a clearer eyesight.

With fast and stealthy movements, Allan was able to find the members of the Apple Island Gang.

In another month Allan would have more combat power, enough to handle simple gangsters.

And so another month came and Allan could be seen preparing in his cabin, he didn't plan to attack in daylight but chose to do it at night, there were five gangster leaders and one boss, the smart gangster who broke Allan's arms was one of the leaders, these six individuals all had guns which could threaten Allan's life.

The skies darkened and most houses lit their lamps, torches similar to lamppost were lit in the village by the guards.

Allan waited until late at night before sneaking inside the village unnoticed.

The leaders and boss of the gang all live in one area which made things simpler, it didn't take long before he was able to sneak inside one of the leader's rooms, inside was a muscular bald man, Allan couldn't help but sneer, such a man shouldn't have many problems in earning money, but still choose to be a gangster bullying beggars and orphans.

In fact, Allan wouldn't be too angry at these people if they were the type to ask for protection money and actually keep peace to some extent.

These types of gangsters at least had a conscience and might even raise orphans as their talent pool, maintaining a certain amount of peace in the place where they rule, but no, the gangsters in Apple Island were complete scum, some might have been forced to join but these types were in the extreme minority, most people were voluntary, of course, there weren't a lot of members to begin and they only had a total of 60 people, but in a small place like apple island, they were kings.

At first, Allan didn't want to kill, crippling them even seemed like a better punishment, but how would he do that without making much noise?

So kill.

If he didn't do it, many more orphans and beggars would die from the beatings of these gangsters, if he didn't do it, the families who were destroyed and exploited, the daughters and wives who were raped, killed, or coerced wouldn't be able to rest, if he didn't do it, more victims would appear.

Law enforcement in the past world could kill for law and security, but in this world, the marines in the local area might even be complicit to the point of sharing the loot with these scum.

So kill.

Allan held a dagger with shivering hands, with silent steps, he slowly closed the distance, and then.


The bald man's head was stabbed through a small dagger giving the bald man no chance to react.

One hit, one kill.

Allan's hands trembled, and although he filled his head with reasons to justify himself, the feeling of flesh being stabbed still gave him the urge to vomit.

But this world was already damned, to begin with, there was even a bridge built by 800 years worth of slaves, once a country couldn't pay heavenly tribute even knowing these countries couldn't afford it for different reasons, their status as an allied country would be stripped and lose the protection of the marines, meaning, a dinner banquet for pirates, free to be pillaged without any worry that the marines would attack.

After a few minutes, Allan calmed down, since he already started it, he decided to finish it.

The whole house was bathed in blood, except for the servants, wife, and kids, Allan killed everyone, if someday one of these people decides to avenge their father, then so be it, but Allan knew most of these wives were forced by the gangsters.

Allan considered himself a sort of moral enforcer to hang his conscience, only those that deserved to die would be killed.

Anyway, he had no plans of revealing his deeds, maybe someone in the future would figure it out, but right now, he was just a ten-year-old kid.

Three more houses and Allan finally arrived at the fifth house, which was the house of the person who stomped on his arms, at first he thought of talking with the man, maybe even torturing the gangster leader for revenge, but through his killing, Allan lost the desire and ended it quickly like the others.

Hi everyone!

Author here!

Hope you have a good read!

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