
One Piece: It Bites!

[Not mine, I'm translating it] Cover not mine Original Author: Xomniac Sea Kings, seasickness, sunburn, 95% genocidal Marines and a million other ways to die. It's official: Being in an anime sucks... Noooo, I think it could be worse. I mean, where else could I sail with the future pirate king?

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 8.2

I snorted slightly and rolled my eyes. Of course he's armed, why not?

Okay, okay, no time to panic, I just need to quickly come up with a plan... What's the best way to use sound and knock this guy out... obviously by stealth, so all I need is a good catch...

Wait...trick...trick...here it comes!

"Can you imitate one of the bounty hunters who hasn't been knocked out yet?" I asked quietly.

Soundbite muttered something under his breath before nodding. "Yeah," he grumbled in a strange voice.

- Okay... here's my plan: change my voice and then project it onto this guy, make sure I can hear what he says. You can do it?

Another moment of concentration and Soundbite nodded firmly. -Tell me when.

- Okay... okay... - I took a deep breath and pressed myself against the wall of the house, right next to the door. - Let's start.

A second later there was an electronic noise in my ear. -You're on the air.

- Pst. Pst!" I hissed. -Hey, hey, you!

- What the...? W-who-?!

- Shh! Come here!" I knocked lightly on the door, and it swayed slightly. -Come here, be quiet. One of the pirates is upstairs. We can take him by surprise.

The silence was unsettling. At some point I was afraid that this wouldn't work...

Until the agent spoke. -Fine. Don't fuss...

I took slow, deep breaths as my heart pounded in my chest, each moment feeling like an eternity as I waited for the right moment.

Finally, Soundbite squeezed out an almost imperceptible 'get ready' into my ear.

A second later, the door began to creak open, and I saw someone's face.

Without a moment's hesitation, I jumped at the man, punching him in the face with all my weight while my free hand grabbed the end of the barrel of his gun and yanked. Luckily, the force and shock factor of my blow was more than enough to cause the man to let go of his weapon as he stumbled back, trying to figure out what was happening. Instead of giving the bounty hunter a chance to come to his senses, I slammed the butt of my pistol into the guy's stomach. When he doubled over, I elbowed him right in the middle of the face.

The final blow of the weapon, aimed at the man's skull, knocked him straight to the ground and knocked him out.

As I stood there, breathing heavily and looking in shock at the man lying there, I came to several realizations: first, I was shaking as if I had been plunged into ice; secondly, I felt my heart pounding and roaring in my chest; and thirdly... thirdly, I had a massive and most likely slightly alarmed smile on my face.

- ...ross? Hey Cross, does this thing work?

"AHHH!" I screamed in shock, jumping almost a foot into the air when Zoro's voice came out of nowhere.

- Okay, it works. Cross, are you okay?

"Uh..." I muttered stupidly. Of course, of course... Soundbite must have made the connection... just... just need to calm down. -In order. I'm fine, I'm here... I just waylaid one agent, but I'm fine.

-... Cross, you...

"No!" I winced at how loud it sounded. -That... That is, no, no. He is OK. I'm fine. I don't... he's just unconscious, I wouldn't... not that there's anything wrong with that, if there are those who...

- Cross, are you really okay?

I paused for a moment, thinking about my answer before answering. -I... look, Zoro, I know it's completely wrong to enjoy fighting and violence, I know that... but... the excitement of all this... risk... it... there's nothing wrong with it. , right? Is not ...?

-Did you kick him in the head or break his bones for fun?

- Hmm... - I looked thoughtfully at the unconscious man, making sure that yes, he was still breathing. -No, no, I didn't do that. I did only what needed to be done, no more and no less.

- So you're still sane, Cross. You're still pretty crazy for, well, anyone, but you're not the dangerous kind of crazy. Well... at least for everyone except myself. Do you feel better?

I thought about this for a moment before sighing in relief. -No... It shouldn't have been, but for some reason your words helped. I really felt better. Thank you, Zoro.

- Great. Anyway, shitcock and I just finished tying up these clowns and Nami wants to count the cash. Get ready before she gets the idea to get to you herself.

I barely suppressed a panicked cry as I grabbed the bag of collected bellies. "Already on the way!" I winced when a thought struck me. -Ah...before I forget, were Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday among those captured? I could have sworn I saw them when Luffy went to punch that curly haired guy.

- A? Yes, we have them. They tried to attack me and the cook while we were fighting. Psst, as if fighting this idiot would distract me enough for this to work. Why are you asking?

- Great... - I was upset, trying my best not to show my irritation. This made the situation... difficult. Or at least interesting. -I just wanted to know because they seemed to have higher ranks than the others, if their numbers meant anything. Infantry is one thing, but officers are a completely different matter.

- Quite fair. But don't worry, they are connected and won't cause us any problems.

"I see, I see..." I slowly nodded to myself. -Well, anyway, I'll be back soon. Hold on.- And after these words, I waved my hand at my throat. As soon as the connection was lost, I let out a slight groan and looked at the sky, looking for an answer. Well, it was one hell of a mess. Although the sky above us began to darken, we were still at the beginning of the timeline, and without Mr. 5 and Valentina to put deadly pressure on Vivi and Igaram, neither of them would reveal their identities to us.

Somehow, somehow, I had to get these two to reveal their identities to us and tell their stories. Otherwise... well, it's better not to think about such consequences.

Well, being away from the team won't help anything. Besides, maybe a walk will help me come up with something.

Fifteen minutes later I was back in the building and my mind still hadn't given me anything. Be that as it may, my train of thoughts could be summed up as a feverish repetition of the words: -What-to-do-What-to-do-What-to-do!?

- Hey, brother!

"OH MY GOD!" I jumped in surprise again when a voice, this time Nami's voice, came straight out of nowhere. I glanced at Soundbite. -And why didn't you warn me!?

"Too FUNNY!" Soundbite giggled.

"Grgh..." I hissed before taking on Nami's enthusiastic behavior. -And as for you, what's the deal with "brother"?

"Anyone who helps me earn fifty million bellies in one night is like family to me!" Nami chirped impatiently, pulling the bag of money out of my hands.

I blinked in shock when I heard that amount. -Did you manage to find fifty million on your own?

"Actually, there are fifty of them in total with your bag," Nami explained, squeezing the bag in her hand.

I ran that phrase over in my head for a second before looking at the navigator with concern. -One glance was enough for you to understand how much money is in this bag?!

"This is a gift!" she chirped, throwing the bag over her shoulder. -Fine! I'm going to go and lay it on Merry. Go change Sanji and tell him to get to work! - And with these words she left.

I blinked, trying to come to terms with what had just happened, before slowly looking up at Soundbite. -This girl is too scary for someone her size.


- I wouldn't deny it...

Having digested what had happened, I entered the building where the monstrous trio was waiting for me.

"Hey, Cross!" Luffy waved his hand, greedily devouring the remains of his food. -Did you have fun?

"To some extent, you could say that." I grimaced, tilting my hand from side to side before looking at the other two. -What about you guys?

Sanji coughed awkwardly, refusing to look me in the eye. -I... got a little excited during the fight, and Nami got a little angry with me. Nothing serious.

I swear I felt a bead of sweat roll off my forehead when I saw the mass of bruises adorning Sanji and Zoro's skulls, as well as several small cuts on Sanji's face and legs. -Okay... I see. In any case... - I pointed my finger at my shoulder. -Nami wants us to switch places. Grab your bag and start robbing, I'll stay here and keep an eye on these clowns.

"Got it," Sanji nodded, leaving. -I'll gather supplies while we're here. There's not enough food... Maybe also a few barrels of fresh water... - And after these words he left, muttering an ever-growing list.

I looked after him for a while, and then turned and looked at our former attackers. Most of the bounty hunters were still unconscious, their limbs tied behind their backs with several lengths of rope. However, not all of them were unconscious. As it was, Mr. 9, Mr. 8, and Miss Wednesday were still conscious, albeit badly bruised, gagged, and bound. The trio demonstrated their clarity of mind by glaring at us all with furious looks.

I glanced at the three briefly before looking at Zoro. -Did they say anything?

The swordsman grinned as he rummaged through the ruins of the house in search of a whole bottle. -Nothing worth hearing.

I chuckled knowingly, looking at the Advanced Agents, namely Miss Wednesday. However, the second she caught my gaze, she pierced me with a menacing gaze. It was quite a sight. In fact, the way she acted the entire time I knew her seemed a little strange... familiar...

Wait...could this really work? Undoubtedly, such a possibility existed. After all, Vivi was proud of herself for being different, so it's...possible?

There was only one way to find out.

I pointed at Miss Wednesday. -Does anyone mind if I remove her gag? I want to ask her something.

Luffy and Zoro stared at me in confusion, and then shrugged their shoulders indifferently. - Go for it.

- Thank you... - I walked up to the tied up girl and knelt down in front of her, pulling out the fabric stuck between her teeth.

Miss Wednesday spat and choked for a moment, then glared at me. "What do you want?" she growled.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Vivi was a damn good actress. If I didn't know the whole truth about her character, it wouldn't have occurred to me to doubt her bitchiness.

And on this obvious discrepancy between her two personalities, I decided to bet.

"What's your name?" I asked.

The "agent" tilted her head to the side and arrogantly said: "Are you crazy?" You know very well that my name is Miss Wednesday.

I grumbled in annoyance and rolled my eyes. -Your real name, dumbass, not your code name.

I could practically feel Mr. 8's eyes boring into me as the blue-haired girl twitched subtly. - Why - why do you need to know this?

I shrugged, continuing to look at her calmly. -I want to know your name to confirm my theory.

Cold sweat broke out on Miss Wednesday's forehead as she swallowed slightly. -What...? What are you talking about?

- You can stop pretending, it's written on your forehead. The way you walk, the way you look at me and my friends, the way you carry yourself... - I cocked my head to the side. -You're rich, aren't you?

This made Wednesday blink in shock. -I...w-what?

"Your family has a lot of money, doesn't it?" I clarified. -Every feature of your demeanor is a textbook of blue blood behavior that you have studied throughout your life, and it can only mean one thing: you are rich, and you have been this way since birth.

Miss Wednesday spent several moments flapping her jaw to no avail, trying to come up with an answer. "W-what... does it matter whether my family has money or not?" Her gaze suddenly turned steely. -You want to take me hostage for ransom or something like that, huh? Is this the point?

I couldn't help but smile at such protection. The girl is smart and quite impressive. It's a shame she missed the mark by so much. -Not even remotely. I just wanted to make sure of that before I asked you my real question: why?" Wednesday blinked, stunned, but I pressed on before she could answer. -Why are you here? You have money, you have position, period. So why join Baroque Works, huh? Why would a beautiful girl like you, who has everything, get involved with a nefarious criminal organization? And don't try to tell me that this isn't a step down from your usual position.

These questions did their job, making Miss Wednesday nervous and look away. -I... what... why would you suddenly...

"I want to know," I stated firmly, leaning to the side so that I could look her straight in the face. -Because tonight I was attacked by people who acted with full intent to kill, and so I want to know why. I need some motivation, I want to know why a man like you would so willingly kill me. Are the rest of you idiots? It's simple: they want to get rich, and I can at least understand that idea, even if I'm far from respectful.

"But you?" I pointed my finger at her. -As I already said, you have money. You don't have to stoop to base violence to get rich, because you're already rich. So I want to know why. What the hell are you doing here?

Wednesday bit her lip furiously, turning back and forth in her seat, not wanting to look at me at all.

"For the thrill?" I demanded. -Are you tired of living in complete safety? Because I admit that risk is a hell of a thing. Or maybe it was just youthful rebellion? "Sick of being Daddy's precious little princess," I spat out the word, making Wednesday wince. -All this time, you wanted to escape from your secluded life? - I cast a contemptuous glance at Mr. 9. - I seriously doubt that you decided to do this for the sake of romance, especially with him... - I then looked at Mr. 8 with a grimace. -And I really hope not with him.

"Mmmmm!" The couple roared furiously under their gags, although for different reasons.

Meanwhile, Miss Wednesday was openly fidgeting in her seat, clearly in extreme discomfort. All that's left is to push...

I pretended that a thought struck me. - Or maybe... - I threw an accusing glance at her. -You like it, don't you?

Wednesday looked at me in confusion.

-You like to cause pain.

This accusation brought horror to her face, her whole body tensed as if she had been struck by lightning. "No..." she muttered numbly.

"That's the point, isn't it?" I resolutely condemned her. -You like to hurt people, kill them, hunt them.

- No no no...

"You enjoy tormenting them, taking their lives, gaining their trust and stabbing them in the back the second they least suspect it. The whole reason you're here is because you take pleasure in the suffering of others, the suffering that you...

- NO!

I recoiled in surprise from the sudden scream, barely able to contain the victorious smile on my face.

Miss Wednesday was long gone, and in her place sat Princess Nefertari Vivi of Alabasta, huffing and panting furiously and glaring at me with equal parts royal fury and genuine despair.

"This is not true!" Vivi said passionately. -Do you think I like it? Do you think I enjoyed causing so much pain? I hate hurting people! I hated this my whole life! Every second that I was a part of this organization, every second that I worked for it, I had to fight with every fiber of my being to keep going! I assure you, there is no person in the world who hates Baroque Works more than me!

"Then why join!?" I demanded, standing right in front of her face. -Why become a part of it, why rise through the ranks until you find yourself just a few inches from the top?! What possible purpose did this serve!?

- Espionage, first of all.

- But I wouldn't be surprised if sabotage also took place, kyahaha!

My blood froze when very familiar voices sounded behind me, and judging by the way Vivi suddenly turned pale with horror, my memory was correct in this regard.

Trembling with fear, I slowly stood up and turned around, looking at the couple standing on the street: a dark-skinned man in a raincoat and a slender girl in a yellow dress with lemon patterns and an umbrella in her hands.