
One Piece: It Bites!

[Not mine, I'm translating it] Cover not mine Original Author: Xomniac Sea Kings, seasickness, sunburn, 95% genocidal Marines and a million other ways to die. It's official: Being in an anime sucks... Noooo, I think it could be worse. I mean, where else could I sail with the future pirate king?

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 4.1

"Well, it turned out to be more difficult than I thought..." I grumbled gloomily, making my way through the streets of the city.

"It turns out that my job is not so simple, is it?" Nami asked innocently.

"You're supposed to be able to lead us all anywhere, anytime, Nami." I think that invalidates your argument a little," I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

- Hey! Don't you dare talk to Nami-suan in that tone!

"EC!" I screamed, yanking one of the headphones off my ear before staring at the giggling snail on my shoulder. -Turn down the volume, idiot!

Soundbite grinned evilly for a moment before adopting a much prouder expression. -Great job, Soundbyte. Your dinner today will be delicious!

"You're welcome!" the gastropod sang joyfully.

"There is no honor among thieves, hm?" Usopp asked gloomily.

"Don't tell me..." I sighed tiredly.

In the last few minutes, Soundbite had managed to locate most of our teammates and brought us all together through sound. Usopp was more than a little scared by the team's ghostly voices, but Nami quickly calmed him down... although Soundbite's increased power was a cause for serious concern. Soundbite pranking him with some truly ghost-like noises didn't improve the situation.

- Okay, that's enough. "Cross, have you found Luffy yet?" Zoro asked hoarsely.

We were all currently searching the streets of Loguetown for our captain. Nami informed us of an impending storm that was quickly approaching the island. In addition, she also warned us all about the danger of the local marines, in particular Captain Smoker. I made the... wise decision not to mention my close encounter with the fine captain. While it was fun, the idea of ​​causing Nami's wrath was nowhere near as charming.

I tsked and shook my head in irritation. -Nothing. Or he's being as quiet as a church mouse...

"HA!" Nami barked.

-... this echoes my thoughts, or, more likely, he is somewhere so loud that he is drowned out and Soundbite cannot recognize him. However, this is Luffy, so he must be close to the scaffold..." I paused for a second, and then lowered my head with a chuckle. -Although, knowing him, he will probably end up on the scaffold himself.

- Yes.

- It would be very similar to him.

- I wouldn't be surprised.

There was silence for a moment, which gradually became more and more awkward, until finally...

"Cross, can Soundbite find places loud enough to drown out Luffy?" Nami asked slowly.

I looked questioningly at the snail and winced when he nodded with a grimace. -EASILY!

- Does this answer your question?

- And... do you hear what's happening there?

I quickly tapped my headphones, preparing myself not to flinch as the wave of sound flooded my skull. I pursed my lips, trying to make sense of the cacophony, before wincing when I could make out something. "Did Luffy ever cross the path of a pirate named "Buggy"?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

There was silence for a moment. Then...

"Shit," Zoro summed it up briefly.

- Let's all run to the square! Now!" Nami ordered with a hint of panic in her voice.

-You heard the lady, Usopp! Move your feet!

- OK OK! But if you really want us to hurry up, then maybe you should take the heavier end of this thing!



Soundbite's most mature response was an explosion of multi-tonal farting sounds.

"You understand that he's right about something, this--AY!" I clenched my teeth when Soundbite bit my ear. -I give up! I give up! Let me go already!" I sighed with relief when he finally obeyed. -Okay, we'll talk about this later, but for now, hold on tight!

I set off at a fast trot down the street...

Before hastily retreating and jogging to a spot in front of the vendor's stall. "Excuse me," I asked, breathing heavily. -But, how much do especially durable Log Poses cost?


"Hey, guys!" I said hoarsely when I stopped next to the rest of the team. We were all gathered at the far edge of the huge square, a huge crowd gathered not far from us.

Zoro cast an indifferent glance at me and gave me a quick glance. -You need to train more.

"I... hu... doing this right now..." I groaned, thanking the heavens as the energy returned to my aching muscles. -Yes - *sigh* - success in your search -*wheezing* - Luffy?

The swordsman quickly placed his hand on my head and turned it so that I followed the direction of the crowd's gaze. I blinked at the tall wooden tower looming over the crowd of people before focusing on the prone and screaming figures at the top of the building. My gaze immediately turned sour. -To be honest, I really should have seen this coming.

"Yeah," Soundbite, Nami and Usopp nodded grimly in agreement.

Sanji sighed, flicked on his lighter and lit a cigarette, watching what was happening warily. -Cross, Nami, Usopp. Take the supplies to Merry, and Zoro and I will get our captain out of there.

I glanced at the navigator and sniper before shaking my head firmly. -Never. I'll stay here to help.

Nami looked at me with confusion. -No offense, Cross, but how can you help these two in a fight? I saw you naked...

"Don't remind me..." I grumbled, a blush filling my cheeks.

- and you have almost no muscle mass. You will die in less than three seconds!

"If I really get into a fight," I corrected. I glanced at the crowd before pointing to three civilians standing separately. -Distract them.

Soundbite immediately turned his gaze to the civilians and grinned mischievously before speaking without actually making any noise.

The response was... impressive, to say the least. Almost instantly, the townspeople jumped almost a foot off the ground, looking around and searching for the source of what had just happened. One of them suddenly turned and, with a furious expression on his face, punched the other in the jaw before being grabbed by the third. Within seconds, all three were locked in a brawl that threatened to spread to the rest of the crowd.

Internally, I gaped in unabashed shock at the madness I had just caused. Outwardly, I maintained a neutral gaze before looking at the giggling snail on my shoulder. -I said "distract", not "unleash the dogs of war"...

Soundbite's laughter doubled, although judging by the fact that no one was looking in our direction, he was holding back.

"...but I think I've proven my point." I looked Sanji and Zoro straight in the eye. -I know I can't fight, but I can provide support. Perhaps I could help from afar thanks to Soundbite's range... - I shook my head decisively. -I do not want it. I'm a Straw Hat pirate, and this... - I pointed my finger at the platform. -This is my captain. The future Pirate King, preparing to die in the same place as his predecessor." I allowed a hint of despair to appear on my face. -This is my first chance to contribute to the team. Don't take this from me. Please. Allow me. To me. Help.

Soundbite looked at our teammates for a second before nodding once, firmly and silently.

The rest of the team remained deathly silent, looking at me stunned, and then slowly looked at each other, as if something unspoken had passed between them.

For a moment my heart sank and I was afraid that they would tell me to leave. Of course I will do it if they insist. Reasoning logically, I understood perfectly well that my presence here would absolutely not change a damn thing. Emotionally speaking... I knew my speech was cheesy, but I meant every word. One week might not seem like much to many, but honestly, a week with Luffy... I wanted to do it, do it as best I could.

I finally felt the heaviness leave my chest as Zoro and Sanji nodded at me.

"Be ready to run," Sanji ordered.

I nodded in understanding before looking up at the platform. -Do you mind if I give you some advice?

Zoro shrugged, untied his bandana and tied it around his head. -Which?

- Don't attack right away. We're lucky this guy looks and talks like he loves the sound of his own voice. He will continue the monologue until he is interrupted. Get as close as possible and strike when it looks like he's coming to the end. I'll ask Soundbite to wreak havoc as soon as the battle begins.

Sanji and Zoro looked at each other, then shrugged and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan," Zoro grumbled, returning his swords to their sheaths.

Sanji pointed at Nami and Usopp. -You two will come back anyway, no objections.

Usopp swallowed hard as he regained his balance from the huge fish he was carrying. -You can't argue with that!

Nami looked at all of us before picking up her bag as well. -Get him out and then get out. We need to get out to sea before the real storm hits.

I nodded decisively at her. - Let's do that. And don't worry, I'll keep you updated on what's happening." I looked at everyone, absentmindedly handing her a bag of transponder snails. -We all know what to do. Let's take our captain and get the hell out of here.

After these words, we parted ways, Zoro and Sanji slipped unnoticed into the crowd, and Nami and Usopp rushed down the street to the pier.

As for me, I began to slowly pace back and forth along the outside of the crowd, slowly scanning it as I watched the execution platform. Luckily, my summary was accurate: Buggy lived in the moment, no matter what. To be honest, I really wondered what was going on in his head when he came up with this plan. Executing Luffy was fine, considering he was a psychotic ass and all... but doing it where his own captain died? I couldn't tell if he was tipping his hat to Luffy in some weird, twisted way, or if he was simply blinding himself to the reality of his location.

I was suddenly awakened from my thoughts when a flash of green caught my attention. My eyes stopped in place and scanned the crowd, searching for that color again. I knew it couldn't be Zoro, his sense of direction was terrible, but not that bad, so that really only left one option, but damn it, I can't...

It was at that moment that I noticed the green-haired man I was looking for, as well as his heavy fur coat.

Well... crap. So...what the hell should I do with it? I mean, nothing good can really come out of this... but can I? What if I ruin everything? What if I irreparably change history? What...

I blinked as a thought struck me. So what if I change something? In Sabaody, Luffy made the right point: an adventure is no good if you know every step of it. It might be worth making a change to the current deck.

So, having made my decision, I walked up to the man and patted him on the shoulder before pointing to the scaffold. -What a spectacle, huh?

Bartolomeo shot me a slightly annoyed look before, thankfully, brushing off my apparent impudence in favor of watching the show. "Buggy is a little annoying, but yeah," he grumbled with grudging respect. -It's a pity that the boy will die. It takes a lot of courage to climb the scaffold in broad daylight. I already know, I was imprisoned more than once for this.

I smiled somewhat uncertainly, looking at the local bandit. -Oh, I wouldn't bet on him dying today. I'm pretty sure he'll get out of it somehow.

"Really?" Bartolomeo chuckled, looking sideways at me. -Do you know him?

I shrugged slightly. -My captain. He's a good guy, if a little empty-headed. I didn't join the team very long ago, but I've heard enough to know that he's already gotten out of some completely impossible shit. He will survive.

This prompted Bartolomeo to frown in irritation and turn into open surprise. -Captain, you say? So this brat is really a pirate?

"His blood is salty, as it should be, that's for sure."

- Hmm... - The bandit shrugged and looked up at the scaffold, frowning in irritation. -Well, the guy certainly has courage, but I really don't understand what makes him so...

- HEY!

Barto and I, not to mention the rest of the crowd, jumped in surprise when Luffy's voice rang out:

"I WILL!" he roared, his voice full of confidence and determination. -KING OF THE PIRATES!

My breath caught in my throat as I felt the same wave of confidence, the same sense of inevitability, that I felt the first time he said those words.

"D-damn it..." Bartolomeo gasped in shock. -D-did he really just say that?! Here, now, in front of the whole damn world!?

I chuckled hesitantly and nodded slowly in agreement. -Like you said, he has courage.

Suddenly I noticed some movement coming from part of the crowd standing at the scaffold. A quick glance at Soundbite showed him frantically muttering a bunch of words and sounds.

Apparently Bartolomeo didn't notice this as he looked at the top of the platform. -He's just... he's not human. Where the hell did he get the nerve to say that??

I let a smile stretch across my lips as I looked at him. -I told you, didn't I? Salt flows in his veins. His insides? This is the guts of a pirate.

Bartolomeo nodded slowly in agreement and suddenly tensed. -Well, this gut is about to scatter all over the area!

I followed his gaze. A shiver ran down your spine as you saw Buggy holding his sword high above Luffy's neck.

- No... - Numb with horror, I exhaled. I knew that someone or something would save Luffy, be it Dragon, fate or pure luck, but... I couldn't help but feel that there was every chance, that there was a possibility, that there was a possibility where Luffy... .where is Luffy...

"Please... Please don't let it end like this..." I begged in a low voice. -Please...

"Cross?" Soundbite suddenly transmitted Nami's voice. -Cross, what's going on? Is Luffy safe?

I opened my mouth to say something...


I jumped as Luffy roared.


I felt my heart stop as Luffy smiled an open and carefree smile, not having a care in the world as Buggy's sword descended on his neck.

"Sorry," he chuckled. -But... I'm dead.

"NO!" Zoro's voice rang out.

"DON'T SAY STUPID things!" Sanji desperately demanded.

"LUFFY!" I shouted, and my own voice smoothly mixed with the voices of Nami and Usopp.

Suddenly, without any warning, the sky seemed to split open in a flash of light. A moment later, I was shocked to the core by a crash and crash loud enough to make me wonder that the island itself had not broken apart.

When I finally managed to collect my thoughts, the platform was burning with blue flames and began to collapse.

- Cross, what just happened!?

I jumped when Usopp's voice brought me out of my daze. I hesitated desperately for a second before I could answer. -I... ah... uh... a flash of lightning... it... the platform... It hit the platform! Lightning struck the platform!

There was a moment of shocked silence before Usopp finally spoke. -This... this is not as surprising as it should be...

"What about Luffy?!" Nami demanded. -He is OK??

I opened my mouth to answer...

- Hey, I'm alive! Great!

I let myself whistle in relief when Luffy spoke. "He's alive..." I grinned, relief flooding my body. -He's alive... he's alive!

Nami and Usopp breathed a sigh of relief.

- God bless...

- I knew that this idiot wouldn't die so easily... okay, grab him and run to Merry as quickly as possible! Let's get the hell out of Loguetown!

"I can't help but agree with you!" I nodded in agreement. -See you soon, end of connection! - As soon as Soundbite interrupted the connection, I looked at Bartolomeo. The bandit stared at the spot where the scaffold stood just moments ago, his jaw hanging as wide as it could.

"See?" I smiled uncertainly and patted him on the shoulder. -I told you he'll get out alive!

However, before I could say anything else to him, a very familiar trio ran past us.

"LEGS INTO HANDS, CROSS!" Sanji ordered.