
One Piece: It Bites!

[Not mine, I'm translating it] Cover not mine Original Author: Xomniac Sea Kings, seasickness, sunburn, 95% genocidal Marines and a million other ways to die. It's official: Being in an anime sucks... Noooo, I think it could be worse. I mean, where else could I sail with the future pirate king?

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3.2

"Damn it..." I said in awe when I saw the arch ahead. -This place is huge!

And I was right about that. There was no better word to describe the City of the Beginning and the End than gigantic. The architecture and crowds reminded me of Paris, except that instead of ancient buildings, or buildings in the process of being renovated, these were completely untouched. As for the crowd of people and the sounds around me, I actually found them quite calming. It was nice to finally hear people and not just the sounds of the ocean or the jungle.

It was especially gratifying to note that the mannerisms of the people around me were familiar enough to be understood. Nothing unusual, nothing that immediately caught my attention, which fortunately meant that the cultural influence was more Western than Eastern. Kudos to Oda for creating (or depicting) a culture that does not copy Japanese culture. If I had to adapt to using suffixes on names, I would throw myself into the ocean. It also helped that the fashion was stylistically diverse enough to allow me to not stand out too much, and the climate wasn't hot enough to make wearing a jacket uncomfortable for me.

Soundbite, like me, was eager to be in the thick of civilization, if not more so. His eyes looked in different directions, scanning the crowd, spitting out fragments of sounds and random conversations, and collecting a veritable arsenal of words and voices. Promising to potentially cause more than one headache in the future.

"So this is where the Age of Pirates began..." Sanji whistled in awe.

The rest of the team and I nodded as we stood in front of the city's entrance, taking in the sights with deep admiration.

Luffy snorted and nodded decisively. -So! I'll go and look at the place where they kill people!

"I bet I can find some good ingredients here..." Sanji mused to himself.

"I'll try to find some useful equipment!" Usopp agreed.

Zoro gritted his teeth slightly, casting a sidelong glance at Nami. -I also want to buy something.

Nami's face took on a truly sinister expression as she looked at the swordsman. -And I will gladly give you money for this... - Her smile became completely villainous. -Under 300%.

Zoro growled and bared his teeth. - Damn witch...

I sighed and patted the swordsman on the shoulder as a sign of consolation. -Look on the bright side: I'm just as broke as you, and knowing how much I need a new set of clothes...

Soundbite sniffed my jacket and shuddered in disgust. -Ugh!

- And him... - I pointed my thumb at the slippery devil on my shoulder. -I need Snail Transponder equipment, I need cash. Therefore, we will both end up in a hole.

- How gratifying.

"Since we're talking about it..." Nami turned and threw wads of cash at Zoro and me. To my surprise, mine was slightly thicker than the swordsman's. -Zoro, you need a hundred thousand belli to buy your swords. Cross, three hundred thousand.

Such generosity shocked the team. Nami giving as much as a hundred thousand was already surprising enough, but four hundred!?

- Uh... are you okay? - Usopp asked slowly.

"N-Nami-suan!?" Sanji stammered in concern.

"What the hell, witch!?" Zoro demanded furiously.

"OH, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS!" Nami was furious at them.

- Nami... - I tried to understand the situation. -I don't know how much you usually spend on your wardrobe, but...

"Cross, I'll buy you clothes myself," she interrupted me, quickly looking me up and down. -Dark colors, primarily gray and black, heavy jackets and cargo pants?

I blinked at the precision with which she summed up my taste in clothing. -Uh... I'm also partial to brown and white, and I like hoods and pockets, preferably solid or camo patterns, but... wait, why would you want to do that?

- Two reasons. First of all... - Nami primly raised her finger. -You are a man, and thus your taste in clothes can be described as questionable, at best.

I winced slightly. -Rough, but fair... although, if you think about it... it's still true. Very true.

"And secondly," she raised a second finger before pointing at the money, "This is not only for you, but also for me." You're going to where I want to do some shopping, so you'll buy some at the same time.

I paused, trying to figure out what she meant, until the sudden cry of birds reaching my ear gave me an idea. "You want me to buy Transponder Snails for you?!" I blurted out in disbelief.

"WHAT!?" Soundbite roared in a dozen furious voices, glaring at Nami.

"Oh, calm down!" Nami grumbled, hitting the snail's head with her fist. -We're not replacing you or anything like that, that's impossible considering you have a Devil Fruit. No, it's just... just in case, okay? So that the team can stay in touch even when we are scattered around the island." She refocused on me. -I want you to buy several baby Transponder Snails, enough for the whole team. You will take care of them, feed them, take care of their health... are you okay, captain? - She expected an answer.

When there was no answer, she turned to look at him. "Loof - WHERE DID LUFFY GO!?" She screamed in rage when she realized that the rubber man was nowhere to be seen.

Zoro pointed his finger towards the street. -He ran in that direction a minute ago.

Nami growled furiously as she glared at him, her face slowly flushing with anger. -This... stupid...!

"Hey!" I hurried to help. -I'll go after him! I'll make sure he's safe and doesn't get into trouble! Who knows, I might even stumble upon a Transponder Snail store along the way! Sounds good?

Fortunately, our navigator managed to calm down a little. -This... this... is good. Fine! Go! Catch up with him!" She waved her hand. -Forward. This applies to everyone! Meet me on Merry at sunset. Just do me a favor and stay out of trouble, okay?

"I can't promise!" Soundbite shouted as I ran after Luffy.

"I WILL EAT YOU EVER, YOU LITTLE LOT!" Nami roared in response.

"And I'll let her," I warned the giggling Transponder Snail.

- Promises of promises.

For several minutes I tried to follow Luffy's trail, asking passers-by if they had seen the boy in the straw hat, but in the end I only received a blank stare in response. Soundbite was able to give me direction from time to time when Luffy said something, but he couldn't help with the actual maze I was in.

I groaned and scratched the back of my head tiredly as I walked down a random street that went in roughly the direction Luffy was going. -Well, crap... how the hell am I supposed to find him now?

"From the second star to the right and straight until the morning!" suggested Soundbite. (reference to Peter Pan)

"Somehow, I don't think this would work in real life." I glared at him before sighing and throwing my head back. -Damn it... Nami will kill m...

- Uiiiiii!

"Gah!" I suddenly screamed, almost colliding with a little girl who appeared out of nowhere. -Watch where you're going, girl!

"Sorry about that," the man said guiltily, walking past me. -My daughter loves her ice cream very much, and for the first time I let her have three scoops.

"No, no, no problem," I assured him. -I should have watched where I was going. Have a nice day!" And with that, I continued walking, lightly licking my lips when I suddenly realized my hunger. Now that I think about it, something like ice cream would be great right now. Although I doubted that I would ever be able to handle three full-sized...!

I was almost done when I froze in shock and horror. THREE BALLS!? FUCK ME!

Before I could die, the crowd around me froze, and everyone seemed to gasp in horror at the same time. Slowly, afraid of what I knew I would see, I turned around... and stared wide-eyed.


There were many other words that could be used to describe Smoker, but the word "hulk" stuck with me. Which I thought was pretty smart considering the Marine was a fucking giant, towering almost completely above most of the crowd. Of course, one must also consider the fact that he was built like an ox and had a face similar to a bulldog... or the Sea King. And he was focused on the scared little girl and the newly formed stains on his pants.

However, looking through the crowd, I couldn't help but shudder at the expressions on their faces: horror, foreboding and anticipation...

"They really think he's going to hurt her," I thought numbly. -Despite everything he did for them, all the pirates he captured, despite what he was like... they were all just petrified.

The atmosphere was... unsettling, to say the least.

Finally, Smoker moved, placing his hand on the girl's head and kneeling down... before offering a hand full of belly coins. "Sorry," he growled, his voice hoarse, like the grinding of granite on granite. -My pants ate all your ice cream. Here, go and buy yourself five balloons.

The girl looked at the captain in shock and took the money. -Thank you, Mister.

The girl's father quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to him. -Thank you very much, Captain Smoker. I'm very sorry, I will make sure this doesn't happen again.

"Make sure that happens," Smoker ordered firmly. -Not everyone's dry cleaning is paid for by the World Government.

"Yes, sir!" Father hastily nodded in agreement.

"Okay." He then pointed to the soldier who was following him. -Went.

I froze in place as the Marines walked towards me. Smoker walked a step away from me without even looking at me.

I slowly turned on my heel and watched them walk away a few meters away... before I started to follow them myself.

- What the fuck are you doing, man!? - Soundbite hissed in horror.

"The local Marine Captain is walking through the city in broad daylight," I hissed in response. -Who do you think could have caused such a commotion?

Soundbite thought for a moment and then grinned. "This idiot!" he said in Nami's voice.

"Tell me about it..." I sighed tiredly, resigned to the fact that I was watching the strongest Marine in the East Blue, not counting Garp, who had come for a family reunion.

Finally, after a few minutes of walking, we found ourselves at... the docks? Where did a bunch of second-rate pirates raise... holy hell!? What the hell was that! I quickly slapped my forehead in realization. Of course, the Loguetown pulp episodes. This means anime, not manga. Or a merger of both is quite possible.

Well, this threatened to damage my knowledge of the future, but hopefully it won't be that bad.

However, I allowed myself to relax significantly. Luckily, in the sneak peek episodes, Smoker didn't see Luffy's wanted poster until he dealt with those idiots, so while he was busy, my crewmates and I would be safe.

Which was great considering how quickly Smoker engulfed the pirates in a cloud of smoke and thoroughly beat them all up in just three seconds.

I swallowed hard at the sight. A talking snail and a rubber man are one thing, but this? It was just scary.

Soundbite shook heavily on my shoulder. "It's scary..." he whispered nervously.

"Don't tell me..." I muttered in response, looking around carefully. It should not have been surprising that at that very moment...

- Hey, Cross!

- OW! - I recoiled in shock as Luffy seemed to pop out of nowhere, in front of me. -...Captain! - I quickly came to my senses. -Where the hell did you come from?!

"Heh, I'm lost!" Luffy chuckled, rubbing his finger under his nose. "Although, that guy gave me directions!" He pointed his finger at Smoker, which allowed me to notice a trail of smoke that was rushing right above me. -I'll go look at the execution platform! Do you want to come with me?

I thought about it before shaking my head. -Sorry, I have some things to do for Nami. I'll watch it later though. Have fun!

- Shishishi! Fine! See you! - Luffy waved his hand and ran after the smoke.

"Make sure you're back on Merry by sunset!" I said after him.

"Got it!" he responded before disappearing around the corner.

I rolled my eyes as I listened to his footsteps go into the distance. "What a pain he is..." I grinned.

- Yes, he is, isn't he?

A chill ran down my spine as a blood-curdling voice boomed behind me. -Oh.

Soundbite swallowed hard in agreement.

- Turn around.

Slowly, hesitantly, I turned around and stared in horror at the sea captain. "Any problems, officer?" I asked obediently.

Smoker blew out a cloud of smoke that would make Sanji jealous and looked down at me. -You've been watching me for the last thirteen minutes. Why?

For a few seconds, I considered the options of running away or running as fast as I could. Then... I blinked when I felt something. It was like... a bubbling sensation somewhere inside. It felt like my stomach was boiling, but... it wasn't unpleasant. It was actually... nice. Invigorating, actually.

Succumbing to this feeling, I came to a decision. In the grand scheme of things, it was a stupid decision... but hey, what the hell? I'm in One Piece! And, as they say, living in Rome...

Taking a deep breath, I straightened my back and forced myself to look Smoker in the eyes. -I was curious, sir. I wanted to observe what I thought was a myth before.

Smoker raised an eyebrow in slight curiosity. -Oh yeah? And what is it about?

I clenched my fist tightly, holding Smoker's gaze. -About a decent Marine.

The Marine soldier tensed up as he looked at me, but Smoker's reaction was much more erratic, his jaw clenching around his cigars, almost hard enough to bite through them. "Could you clarify this statement?" he growled.

I hissed slightly as the sensation intensified and my blood sped up. I briefly thought about how to respond before an idea struck me, causing the bubbling sensation to intensify and a smile to form on my face. "Actually... I have a question of my own." I pointed at Soundbite. -Do you know any stores that sell Transponder Snails? This little guy is wild and I want to buy him some gear.

Soundbite looked at me in disbelief before coming to his senses and grinning at the captain. -Howdy!

To the snail's credit, he barely flinched when Smoker shot him a cold glare before focusing back on me. -I know one thing. So what?

My insides burned as I grinned at him. -I offer a deal: show me where this snail shop is, and in return I will tell you what I had in mind. Sounds fair?

Smoker fumed for a moment, both figuratively and literally, before glancing at his attendant. - Foreman!

The watchman in question quickly saluted. -Yes, sir !?

- Send people to patrol the docks. Keep your eyes peeled for Monkey D. Luffy.

I was scared, but I realized that neither Smoker nor his soldier were going to attack me.

"B-but, sir!" The junior officer faltered. -And what's about...?

-You have an order, soldier.

"Yes, sir!" the lookout shouted before quickly disappearing.

I looked warily at the patrolman as he walked away, resolutely casting my sarcastic glance at him before focusing back on Smoker. "Shall we go?" I asked innocently.

Smoker snorted before turning around and stomping down the dock. "Go and speak," he ordered.

I shrugged slightly and complied, picking up my pace a little to keep up with the big man. -Where do I begin?

"Your general opinion about the Marines." There was no room for compromise in his tone.

I thought about my answer for a moment before raising my hands with a sigh. -I don't really have anything to say. The Marines are an unscrupulous, morally corrupt military organization that is feared by civilians around the world. Everything is very simple.

Smoker glared down at me, blowing out some particularly nasty-looking smoke. -So that's what you think about us?

"No..." I drawled, looking at him coldly. -This is a proven fact. You proved it earlier.

Smoker snorted furiously, his gaze even harder. -I didn't hurt that girl, and you know it.

"You didn't have to," I answered coldly. -That girl, her father and everyone who saw you were scared. Not you, not your powers, but your form. What you imagine. The only difference between you and those pirates you arrested?" I pointed my thumb over my shoulder. -You are well funded. You are organized. There are more of you than them. And you are always there. And if the civilians try to rise up and get rid of you, the World Government will crush them like insects.

"This argument is starting to sound familiar to me..." Smoker narrowed his eyes menacingly.

I snorted and looked forward defiantly. -I'm not a revolutionary, but I'm not an idiot either. I'm keeping an eye on the cards. The islands disappear, never to be heard from again. Tenryubito are allowed to flagrantly violate the rules set by their so-called ancestors. Heck, I've heard stories of Marines tracking down and capturing civilians, all because they wear shoulder straps. Very specific shoulder straps. I threw my head back and let out a sardonic chuckle. -The Great and Powerful Marines: Enforce laws that are not followed and protect civilians from everyone but themselves.

"Ugh," Soundbite spat venomously.

Smoker smoked gloomily for several seconds, pondering my words. -Maybe you have evidence to support your words.

"I can give three." I was unperturbed. -I can immediately remember: Captain Morgan Axe, who ruled Shells Town as his own little fiefdom until he was overthrown by a pirate; Captain Nezumi from the 16th Division, whose pockets are too open from what I heard; and Admiral Akainu Sakazuki, who doesn't care about protecting civilians and simply kills every pirate in his path, good and bad.

This caused Smoker to snort derisively. -Good pirates. It is a myth.

- Well, I can give you two examples. First of all... - I raised my finger. -I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely sure that Whitebeard taking Fish-Man Island under his protection is definitely a "good deed."

"Neither King Neptune nor any of the nobles of the Ryugu Kingdom asked for support from the Marines, and the World Government did not order us to send troops to provide support," Smoker quickly said in his defense. Too fast. It sounded rehearsed. As if he was making excuses not only to me.

"Oh, I got it!" I squeaked in a sickeningly sweet voice. -In short, the Watch will not do their job and bother until they are ordered, and the World Government orders, I repeat, to do their job and protect the civilian population of a member country, because they do not care about the pirates and slave traders who raid the their personal aquarium. Well, does it sound familiar?

Smoker growled darkly under his breath.

I snorted and rolled my eyes. -You know, I don't understand why people call the Shichibukai "government mongrels." After all, from what I've seen so far, the Marines are the bitches of the World Government.

"Didn't you say that you have two examples?" Smoker spat quite quickly.

I chuckled mirthlessly before moving on. -Well, as for the second... - I sent the captain a cheeky grin. -You talked to my captain before, and he seemed quite decent to you, didn't he?

The captain immediately stopped, looking down at me menacingly.

I looked at the Watchman with a completely deadpan expression. -Including me and the snail, my team consists of exactly seven people. We didn't loot, pillage, or pillage all the way here, and as far as I can tell, they never harmed any civilians, period. All we do is sail under the Jolly Roger's flag and stock up on supplies before we head to the Grand Line. But hey! - I raised my hands with a feigned sigh of defeat. -None of this matters to you. It doesn't matter to the Marines. Our flag is black, which means we must be villains! So come on! Lock me up! Throw me into Impel Down to be tortured far more brutally than most pirates can imagine! I mean..." I cocked my head to the side curiously. -This is your job, right?

Smoker looked at my hands impassively for a second, and then abruptly turned away. -We came.

I blinked and looked at the sign hanging above me in the shape of a snail shell. -Yes. It is." I smiled politely at Smoker. -Well, it was an invigorating conversation. Thank you for your help!

And after these words, I squeezed past the captain into the store, closed the door behind me and immediately collapsed on it.