
Free supplies


Huh? Why am I at the beach again? I died right?

I looked around once more and saw the exact same scenery I saw when I arrived here.

Was it a dream? It felt so realistic though…

I even stabbed my hand. I heard a familiar sound.

Of course it was my stomach. This really feels like a deja vu. I went into the jungle.

Is this a paradox of some sort? I really think it is.

I smelt something. It was the smell I loved before I died. I did die right? Ah this smell how have I missed it.

It was the smell of a corpse. I walked towards the direction of the smell. My stomach was growling louder by the second. This really feels like a deja vu.

I experienced this already. I was even hungrier than I am now. I died by a grey tiger? But such a tiger doesn't exist right? Or do they? Heh, I don't even know if I am on Earth. Also, that fruit from before. I am 90% sure that isn't from Earth. It can't be that I am reincarnated right? Which 'god' would be so stupid to make me reincarnate?

The smell came closer. I saw the corpse…

Hm, it's the body of a man, Quite muscular too… Wait… That's me isn't it? The head of the corpse was ripped off the body.

I died that way in my 'dream' right? So it wasn't a dream? This confuses me.

What sorcery is this? I heard a sound.

Ah, my stomach is growling. I need to eat.

I could just eat my corpse? Right?

Heh, I have eaten my own flesh before, so eating my corpse won't be that hard. Right?

I walked closer breathing in through my nose and slowly breathing out.

I grabbed my hand. The hand of the corpse I mean. I placed my foot on one of the shoulders and started pulled the arm off.

It came off. The blood was spilling out of it. Such a waste…

I took a bite.

I knew I would taste good but not this good. It is probably because I am hungry. The arm tasted a little bland. The hand tastes good but the arm just tastes bland.

I continued eating. I bit something hard. It was the bone. I can make a weapon out of my bones.

To be honest, I was surprised that the tiger didn't eat my corpse but I don't really care since more for me.

It took me half an hour to eat my entire corpse. Seriously what is wrong with this enormous hunger? It's like you are in… What are they called again? Aneme? Yes that was it.

I have seen some characters in aneme have enormous hunger it was always weird how a human body could eat so much. But now I experienced such hunger. I ate my entire corpse leaving only the bones behind.

Ow and if you ever eat a corpse don't eat the genitals of males… They are disgusting.

Anyways I started using the bones to destroy the bones. I mean the ribs. I wanted to use my spine as a weapon. It has good length and a nice shape. I could also use the thigh bone since it is the strongest.

I decided to use both. I started sharpening both of them with other bones. This will take some time… So skip

There we are. It took me 4 days to finish. My body is trembling of hunger again and I am thirsty as f*ck.

I could seriously die any second. Now that I mention it. If I were to die would I just go back to the beach? Or would I finally die? Shall we find it out?

I decided to see if I would die. It's a win-win situation.

If I die then I die. It's as simple as that, and if I 'respawn' then it means I am sort of immortal? And most importantly it solves my thirst and hunger problem.

I could just kill myself and eat my corpse and drink my blood. Problem solved.

It basically means I have free supplies. That really would put a smile on my face.

Should I just kill myself? Or make it a little fun?

Not responding? Okay fun it is.

Let's think of something. Maybe I should call mister tiger again. I would love to see its stupid face when it sees that I am alive.

I have decided that I will go see mister kitty cat.

How will I find him though?

I won't need to find him. He will find me.

I grabbed my bone sword. Is it even considered a sword? Heh, no matter.

I stabbed it through my hand. I gritted my teeth from the pain.

I pulled the bone sword out and dropped on the floor. I sat down waiting for Mister kitty cat to show up…

It has been an hour since I said that. Mister kitty cat won't show up I guess. Sad.

Maybe the wound isn't good enough? I grabbed the bone sword again.

I cut my entire hand off this time. It hurt like hell.

But without pain there is no excitement in it so I must bear with it

Blood was flowing out of my arm. I stopped it with some pieces of clothes. If kitty cat didn't show himself then I would just die of blood loss.

The latter is less fun but atleast I die.

I waited for a couple of minutes when I heard a sound. Is it kitty cat? I hope so.

I started to grin.

It wasn't kitty cat… I was disappointed.

It was something else instead. A big yellow creature? It looked like a cross between a rhino and a lion. No idea what it was. Let's just call it Rhion? I think it sounds good so let's go with that.

The rhion looked at me. It was drooling? Since when do animals drool? It could be possible since I am not an expert in these kind of things but still.

I threw a rib towards the rhion. It hit his head.

The rhion became enraged and rushed towards me. It showed its horn and teeth. Do rhinos even have teeth? Ow wait, it can since it probably is a cross between lions and rhinos.

I stood there and spread my arms outward as if I was receiving it. Which I was.

It's horn pierced my torso and blood came out of my back. I coughed blood and started to laugh a bit.

Slowly but steadily. Everything became black.

You guessed it. I died.

But it was the same as I had expected. I could open my eyes. I saw the same beach and the same trees.

I was right. I 'respawn' when I die.

This really puts a smile on my face.

I walked into the jungle again.

After 5 minutes of walking. I found it.

My second corpse.

I will keep it for now. I gathered the items that were on my corpse till it was butt naked. I was starting to get hungry so I started eating my right hand. I will try to eat this corpse in small bits so if I get such an enormous hunger again I am prepared.

I guess I will be staying here for a while so better start making a sort of base to stay in.

I need tools and what is the best material I have access to right now? You could have guessed it already. It is of course, bones.

I will be killing myself a couple of times to gather enough bones for tools and more it will be pretty boring so skip.


It has been one week now and I have made a couple of items to cut trees or to fish I also made some weapons. I tried to cut a tree down but bones are more fragile than I thought but I was successful and I made a sort of base?

Actually, that's a lie. I was absolutely not successful. I just found a cave with a weak beast inside of it. I killed it after *ahem* 4 attempts. So I am proud of myself. If I am honest. I honestly have no idea what these monsters are made off. When I try to stab them nothing happens. Its like they are made of stone.

But lately I have been able to hurt them. I don't know how but it feels like I became stronger. Doing heavy lifting also became easier. I honestly don't know how but it happens.

Oh! I forgot about that. Someone visited me.

It was none other than Kitty cat!

You should have seen the face he made when he saw me. It was absolutely hilarious. His eyes were about to pop out and he was even trembling a little bit. Heh, that's what you get for mocking me.

He killed me again though.

There was also a weird part. I was confused about it. Lately I have been training with my bone sword. It really is a miracle that it is not broken yet. Anyways I was hitting it into the air and out of nowhere a strike of air came from it. It was really weird but the strike cut down a tree like it was nothing.

I haven't seen anything like it before and I really want to use it again so I kept trying for an hour more.

The result? Of course nothing happened afterwards.

Ow and right now. I am standing face to face with my nemesis.

Mister Kitty Cat...

That was it for today's chapter. Hope you enjoyed it and if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback feel free to ask or tell them.


PinguGod_creators' thoughts
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