
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Worst Generation

When Hatchan shouted that Camie had been kidnapped, Luffy quickly requested some privacy and went to a random alleyway to resume the call with Hatchan.

The other Supernovas heard what Hatchan said over the Den Den Mushi and they were confused. Who is Camie and why is she kidnapped?

"Luffy?" Nojiko called Luffy with a concerned tone as Luffy walked back with a dark expression. Luffy put back his Den Den Mushi into his pocket and looked back up at everybody.

"Camie has been kidnapped and is being sold to slavery." Luffy revealed, the Straw Hats immediately got ready to find her. Kid chuckled and looked at Luffy.

"First of all, who's Camie?" He asked Luffy.

"She's a mermaid from Fishman Island." Luffy explained.

"That would explain why she would be kidnapped. Female merfolk are worth 70,000,000+ Belly." Apoo commented. Luffy looked at Law.

" Do you guys have any idea where she could be brought to?" Luffy asked them.

" Grove 1." Law replied. The Straw Hats looked at him with confusion written on their faces. Bonney nodded, agreeing with Law's answer.

"There's a place there called the Human Auctioning House. It's euphemistically referred to by the Marines as the Public Employment Security Office. It's a center of slave trade and a bidding house for selling living beings as slaves." Bonney explained to them.

" It is owned by the Warlord Donquixote Doflamingo until he gave it to Disco who is now responsible for running it." Bege informed them. He looked at Luffy.

" I'm not trying to discourage you, Mugiwara-san. But Doflamingo is currently someone you shouldn't be messing with. He has Conqueror's Haki, like you do. There is also the risk of the Tenryūbito being there." Bege warned him.

" If you invade that place, there will be a 100% chance that there will be an Admiral coming after you." Lucci added. Luffy shook his head.

"There ain't no way I'm giving up! I refuse to let my friend get sold to the Tenryūbito!" Luffy declared, making Kid laugh. Luffy then looked at the Supernovas.

"Listen, I know it makes me look weak. But can you guys lend me a hand in this?" Luffy asked them with a smile on his face.

" Hah?! Go ask the Marines for help or something, bastard! They like justice after all!" Kid shouted back. Luffy glared at him.

" You don't need to be a Marine to know what's right and wrong, Jaggy. C'mon guys, what's the worst that could happen? " Luffy asked them.

" An Admiral is the worst that could happen." Bonney replied while munching on a slice of pizza she got out of nowhere.

"Man, you guys are cowards. " Zoro said while looking at them seriously. Kid grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in.

"The hell did you say, Moss Head?! We ain't no cowards!" Kid argued. Zoro pushed him away and looked at them all.

" Prove it by helping us then, Jaggy! You guys are pirates, you should have more guts than this. If you're not with us, then good luck with dealing with the Admiral on your own while we make our escape." Luffy waved at them before he started walking away.

" Who said we don't want to help, Mugiwara-ya? Jaggy here is the only one being a pussy." Law smirked at Kid who started yelling profanities at him. Killer laughed psychotically.

"Faffaffaffa!!! Everyone, let's all go to hell together!!" He declared. Luffy grinned as he stood around the Supernovas who were gathered around in a circle.

"Oi! I did not agree with this!" Bonney shouted angrily at Killer who ignored her and kept laughing.

"You being here with us means you already agreed to it." Zoro smirked at her as Hawkins looked at a tarot card he drew from his stack of tarot cards.

"Hmm....I see the shadows of the worst thing coming to existence." He muttered. Urouge grinned broadly as he looked at what was happening. He was glad to be a part of such a grand mission, especially one that would upset the world and boost his career. Actually everyone was glad they agreed to help Luffy, they agreed for selfish reasons obviously. They're pirates after all. But in their hearts, they also wanted to stop this sickening operation.

While that was happening, a horde of journalists surrounded them. They were hiding before but they found some courage to be out in the open. Some were taking pictures of this scene while some were writing down what the pirates said.

The pirates ignored this as they were all focusing on what Luffy wanted to say next. Luffy grinned at his fellow pirates.

"I know that we may not get along with each other. We each have our own opinions of each other and that's fine. We have our own goals to do this too. But I truly believe that we are all doing this because it's the right thing to do." Luffy held out his fist.

"With this, I declare the formation of an alliance between the Straw Hat Pirates, Pigeon Pirates, Kid Pirates, Heart Pirates, Fire Tank Pirates, Bonney Pirates, Hawkins Pirates, On Air Pirates, Fallen Monk Pirates and the Drake Pirates!!!!!! " Luffy declared as cameras flashed endlessly around the circle of Supernovas.

"The name of our alliance?" Luffy grinned broadly as the captains of each pirate crew held out their fists around Luffy's fist.

"We'll call our alliance, the Worst Generation! We will be the worst generation of pirates anyone's ever seen in pirate history!!! ARE YOU GUYS WITH ME?!!"

" YEAH!!!!!!"




" It's all my fault! Mugiwara!! It's all my fault!! I should've paid more attention to her while in Sabaody Park!!!" Hatchan cried as he found the Worst Generation and their respective crews heading towards the Human Auctioning House.

"Hatchan! Pappag! Now is not the time! We are heading to save her and many others who are going to be sold to those scum! So do not beat yourself up! " Luffy shouted at Hatchan who wiped his tears and nodded.

Luffy remembered what Camie said to him as he and the Worst Generation continued walking towards the Human Auctioning House.

'It's been my dream to ride the large bubble ferris wheel!! Thank you, Luffy-chin! You're the best!! I'll remember this as long as I live!!' Camie's words after they rode the ferris wheel in Sabaody Park rang in his head repeatedly.

"Marines!! Get down on the ground and put your hands behind your backs!!!"

Luffy stopped his musings as he looked around him. He saw a platoon of Marines surrounding their position while pointing rifles and cannons at them.

"How fast, they found out about our alliance already?" Law mumbled with a smirk on his face. Kid laughed as purple lightning crackled around him, he was ready to attract their rifles and cannons with his Devil Fruit ability to repel it back at them.

"Hahahahahaha!!!! Bring it on, Marine fodder!! I ain't scared of your shitty guns!!! " Kid shouted. Luffy held out a hand in front of him, stopping Kid from charging in.

" You guys go ahead while me and Zoro deal with them. Kaya, if you can purchase Camie then do it." Luffy ordered them. Kaya nodded at his request. Kid growled angrily but one glare from Luffy shut him up.

"Usopp, bring out the smoke!!" Luffy ordered as Usopp pointed his giant slingshot Kabuto at the ground.

"Cho Kemuri Boshi!!!!"


Usopp fired a pellet that spewed smoke over a great distance, creating an enormous smokescreen that blinded the Marines and hid the large group pirates.

When it cleared, only Zoro and Luffy were there. The two unsheathed their swords and entered their respective fighting stances.

"Bring it on!!!"



"Discrimination. How can someone hate people to this extent?" Usopp muttered while he and the group of pirates were sprinting towards the Human Auctioning House.

"They fear them. Fishmen possess ten times the strength of an average human. They also look extremely different than humans. That's why the discrimination exists." Robin explained, prompting Usopp to deadpan.

" Those are lame ass reasons to be honest." Usopp grumbled.

" Haters gonna stay hating. " Kaya whispered as they continued running. Eventually, they arrived at the front door of the Human Auctioning House.

"Do you want a list?" Bege asked as he handed everyone a piece of paper. Everyone read it and was disgusted by the contents in it.

Bege had handed them a list of how much a slave can be sold for depending on the slave's race.

Even humans are allowed to be sold, as long as they are not law abiding citizens from a World Government associated nation.

"Damn, mermaids are on a different level. 70 million Belly just to look at a sexy tail in your fishtank for the rest of your life? Tch! I can just go to Fishman Island and look at them for free." Kid grumbled and threw away the list. Usopp put all of them in a pile and burned it to a crisp.

"Camie is sure to be the centerpiece of the auction, they won't bring her out until the second half so we have time to wait for Luffy and Zoro to come here. " Kaya explained to them. Bonney huffed.

" Yeah, well I'm not trusting information you just took out of your ass. We should just send scouts in there. I think Eustass, Trafalgar and the dude with the curly eyebrows should go in and scout for us." Bonney suggested. Law glanced at her.

" Since when did we make you the leader? " He asked her, angering Bonney to the core. She glared at him.

" Just do it, damnit! We don't have the time to argue! " Bonney shouted. Kid laughed as he walked past her and towards the entrance of the Human Auctioning House.

"How much time did you spend clothing yourself, combing your hair and putting your lipstick on, pinky?!" Kid asked while cackling.

" Five goddamn minutes Jaggy! Stop wasting time and just go in there!" Bonney shouted while giving Kid the finger behind his back.

" Women. " Law grumbled as he followed Kid. Sanji waved at Nami and Robin before he caught up with the two.

"These guys are like alternate versions of Luffy, chaotic and funny." Usopp whispered to Kaya who giggled, thinking the exact same thing as her boyfriend was.

Robin looked at the three who just entered the Human Auctioning House with a concerned expression on her face.

"I hope we're not too late, Camie-chan."

To be continued.....