
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


The surprise attack started. Kaya quickly went into action and stabbed several pirate hunters in their pressure points rapidly.

The hunters died quickly and Kaya only used her senbons that weren't even coated in poison.

Usopp took out her sniper and started covering her by firing explosive pellets left and right at people who had ranged weapons.

With her Wrist-Mounted Guns, Nojiko started shooting people left and right, all of her targets were quickly dispatched in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a pretty unnoticeable dark cloud appeared over the battlefield, covering the beautiful moon and its shine.


Suddenly, a powerful lightning bolt blasted down from the cloud and zapped a big group of pirate hunters, effectively electrocuting and killing them.

A dual wielding hunter charged towards her while raising his sabers up , intending to slice her into pieces.

Nami noticed and went on the offensive. She quickly struck him in the kneecaps with her Clima-Tact, and then slammed it into his forehead. She then spun the staff quickly and slammed it into his neck, sending him flying away.

Sanji was kicking his opponents left and right, dealing with them quickly. The group of five dealt with the hundred man army in what seemed like a couple of minutes.

The only enemies that were left were Igarappoi, Miss Monday, Miss Wednesday and Mr Nine.

Nojiko shot the last of the pirate hunters in the head, effectively killing him. The group then faced their remaining enemies.

Luffy and Zoro appeared, taking the lead. Zoro was impressed. Everyone came a long way. A few months ago, Usopp couldn't even face an opponent without saying something cowardly.

Now he was confident in himself and in his abilities. Everyone was but they knew that if they wanted to reach the top, they had to improve, improve and improve.

It doesn't matter about the speed of their improvement. If they're improving slowly everyday, it's better than having nothing progressing.

Igarappoi pulled on his necktie, suddenly small guns which were apparently hidden in his hair appeared out of nowhere.

"Igarappappa!!!" Igarappoi declared and pulled the loops of his necktie to fire explosive bullets at them.


One of the bullets was shot away by Nojiko with her Wrist-Mounted Gun. The rest were handled by Zoro who sliced the bullets up in one motion. The bullets suddenly exploded, engulfing Zoro with it.

Zoro used Tekkai to stop herself from being harmed. She jumped out of the explosion and looked at Igarappoi.

Igarappoi then pulled a saxophone out of nowhere. "Igarappa!!" Igarappoi played his saxophone which fired a blast of bullets like a giant shotgun at Zoro.

Zoro quickly sliced them up again. Just as he was about to go kill Igarappoi, a bunch of pirate hunters holding flintlocks ambushed them via standing on the buildings.

The Straw Hat Pirates quickly went to work, dealing with the flintlock wielding pirate hunters.

Zoro killed a pirate hunter who was holding a bazooka. He then widened her eyes as she looked to his left and saw Miss Monday throwing a wooden barrel at him.

Zoro unsheathed Sandai Kitetsu and held it in his left hand, assuming the Two Sword Style stance. Using Sandai Kitetsu, she sliced the barrel with no effort at all.

Suddenly, a pirate hunter that was wielding a large stone hammer charged at her from behind. Zoro looked at him and sliced the hammer in half.

'It cuts through stone like the stone's butter. A katana that cuts through whatever the wielder wishes to cut. This might cause some problems for me. ' Zoro thought before killing his opponent.

Miss Monday suddenly ran towards him while holding a giant wooden ladder. Zoro gritted his teeth. "A person who doesn't know when to stop will be forced to." Zoro whispered before slicing the ladder into pieces with Sandai Kitetsu.

Miss Monday quickly put on a metal sheath on her right hand before charging at Zoro again. "Haa!!" She shouted and threw a punch with her right hand.

Zoro dodged it, Miss Monday's fist slammed into the wall behind Zoro, breaking it a little. Zoro stabbed Wado Ichimonji in her right hand to the ground. He grabbed Miss Monday's head with his free hand and started squeezing it.

"Aaaaaugh!!!!" Miss Monday screamed in pain. She grabbed Zoro's hand that was squeezing her to try and pulled herself away from her grip, but it was extremely futile.

She foamed in her mouth and her eyes white. She fell unconscious as Zoro dropped her to the ground.

Nami who was also on the roof of a random building looked at Miss Wednesday who had a cute duck by her side. He is a duck of yellow-brown plumage, with black-tipped wings and tail feathers.

Typical of his species, he bears a black band around his bill and stands roughly as tall as the average human; his feet are tetradactyl, with ostrich-like talons (unlike the webbed feet of normal ducks).

His default wear consists of a blue-and-white chullo (typically unbuckled), pink goggles, and a large saddle carrying multiple saddlebags. His name is Karoo and he is Miss Wednesday's pet super spot-billed duck.

"Let's finish this with my Peacock Slashers!!"

Miss Wednesday pulled out small, sharp jewels on wires that resemble the dot on a peacock's tail feathers.

She got onto Karoo and looped one end of the wire around one of her pinky fingers and started spinning it.

"Let's go, Karoo!!" Miss Wednesday declared.

"Quack!! " Karoo quacked and started dashing towards Nami. Nami looked as Karoo literally dashed past her.

"Oi! Where are you going, Karoo!!" Vivi shouted angrily at him as they fell off the building and dropped to the ground. Nami giggled.

Meanwhile, Sanji was dealing with Mr Nine who wields two steel bats.

"Kattobase Shikomi Bat!!!" Mr Nine shouted and shot the top half of his bat at her. The bat had steel rope tied to it.

It tied around Sanji who looked at it curiously. Suddenly, Igarappoi stood at the edge of a building.

"Igarappappa!!!" Igarappoi fired more explosive bullets at Sanji. Sanji pulled Mr Nine forward with his leg that was being tied up by the rope.

Mr Nine shouted in horror as he was hit by the bullets. The bullets exploded. Sanji then pulled Mr Nine out of the smoke the explosion caused.

He kicked him in the face repeatedly before throwing him at Miss Wednesday and Karoo. Miss Wednesday and Karoo shouted before jumping out of the way, letting Mr Nine crash into a building.

Miss Wednesday then rode Karoo again. She then rode him towards Luffy who was standing around doing nothing, his crew already dealt with almost everyone.

"It seems like me and my crew are the only ones who take life seriously. Is there anyone who takes this seriously?" He whispered.

" I do! Prepare to die!! " Miss Wednesday shouted bravely. Luffy looked at her. She raised her hands up high and clapped them.

"Look at my body carefully!" She shouted.

" Well if you insist...." Luffy whispered.

"Miwaku no Memaii Dansu!!!" She declared and started performing a hypnotic dance utilizing the concentric patterns on her outfit.

Luffy sighed and palmed his face.


Luffy bonked her and Karoo on the head softly, knocking her out. He looked around the quiet streets of Whisky Peak and sighed.

"I want to eat...."

To be continued....