
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


"I really don't have time for this." Luffy whispered as he stared down Krieg and the remainder of his crew.

"Old man Zeff, if I get rid of them. Can you help me get Sanji to join my crew? " Luffy asked Zeff who nodded.

" Sure. " Zeff replied, shocking and angering Sanji. Suddenly, the Krieg Pirates started making a lot of noise, indicating that the battle was about to start.

"Oi! Old man! What's the meaning of this!" Sanji shouted at him.

"It means you're leaving as soon as the battle is over, little eggplant!!" Zeff grinned at his, irritating Sanji. Luffy quickly grabbed onto the wooden railing.

" Gomu Gomu no..."


Luffy slingshot himself forward and up to the air. He then used Rankyaku, sending out a large sharp compressed blade of wind that destroyed most of the platform Krieg and his remaining crew members were standing on.

Most of them quickly drowned in the sea. Krieg scowled at Luffy who landed in front of him.

The rest of the pirates charged towards the chefs by jumping onto a platform that appeared out of nowhere.

Sanji charged towards them and went into a handstand position. He then started spinning while kicking the pirates in the jaw and head.

The pirates flew away and Sanji stood up. Sanji looked at the chefs who were all staring at him.

"What the hell are you guys looking at!?" Sanji asked them while his left eye was twitching. Suddenly, a large opponent towered over his.

"Hey! You only know how to kick?!"

Meanwhile with Luffy, he seriously wanted to get over this and go get Nami. So he appeared in front of Krieg using Soru.

He put his fists right in front of Krieg. He focused on his physical strength and used Rokuogan, launching a devastating shock wave from his knuckles in a forward direction.


Suddenly, Krieg's armor shattered. Krieg widened his eyes in horror as the only thing that made him strong was destroyed just like that.

"AHHH!!!" He suddenly screamed as he felt pain all over his torso. Rokuogan is also capable of causing severe internal injuries.


Krieg suddenly gasped as a single finger pierced his heart, killing him instantly.

Luffy used Shigan, which is a close-quarter combat technique, in which the user uses their finger to pierce the target's flesh, at a very high speed.

Luffy pulled his finger out, splashing blood all over his face. He pushed Krieg into the ocean and looked back at Sanji.

Everyone was busy fighting each other that they didn't realize that Krieg had been defeated.

Luffy looked at Sanji who was facing his own opponent. He was a towering man. His ensemble includes two large iron plates covering his front and backside, as well as two small plates with large pearls embedded in them for strong, blunt attacks.

"Since my first fight, I've never lost blood. Do you understand? Not even a tiny drop. And that means I'm a very strong person. I am Pearl, the Iron Wall of the Krieg Pirates. See? My facial skin is so clear! I love myself!! " Pearl introduced himself. Luffy could immediately tell that he was a narcissist.

"Just shut the fuck up." Sanji gritted his teeth and started fighting Pearl. He tried to kick him but the kick was blocked by the plate on Pearl's hands.

"This armor is bulletproof. No matter how you attack, you won't hurt me." Pearl taunted. Sanji narrowed her eyes and jumped high into the air.

"Collier Shoot!!"


Sanji delivered a powerful kick to the back of Pearl's neck. Pearl slammed into the back of the plate he was holding. Sanji wasn't finished. She landed back on the ground and ran towards Pearl again.


Sanji delivered a sweeping kick to Pearl's kneecaps, sending Pearl flying away. But Sanji wasn't done yet.

He lifted her leg up high and hooked his foot around the Pearls neck.


He then pulled him and smashed his face into the ground. He then jumped high up into the air.

"Mouton Shot!!!"

He channeled all his might into one leg to deliver a flurry of kicks so fast that they seem to hit Pearl in the head simultaneously, creating the illusion that Sanji's leg is shaking.

Sanji looked at Pearl who was unconscious. He nodded to herself and stepped back.

"That's enough you two!!"

Everyone turned to see Gin who had one leg stepping on Zeff who was on the ground. Gin was also pointing a double-barrelled shotgun at the back of Zeff's head.

"I don't want to kill you! Even though he used to be a pirate! He's now a simple chef! I can kill him anytime!" Gin declared.

" He broke the old man's peg leg." Sanji whispered while narrowing his eyes at Gin. Luffy arrived beside Sanji. "Should I beat him up or should you?" Luffy asked him.

"Wait, let's hear him out first." Sanji advised.

" Do you want to spare this man's life?! Then Sanji-san, leave this ship!!" Gin ordered. Sanji growled.

" Leave this ship? Why don't you just go to hell Gin?" Sanji replied angrily.

" Sanji! You moron!"

" Don't threaten him or he'll actually kill Honor Zeff!!"

" Gin, you are such a coward. Do you think I'll accept that deal?" Sanji asked Gin while ignoring the cries of his fellow chefs.

"Why? It's the easiest and best way. If you leave this restaurant, everyone will survive!! " Gin answered.

" This restaurant is that old man's treasure! I've already taken everything from that old man's life! His power! His dream! That's why, I don't want that old nan to lose anything more!! " Sanji declared. Zeff glared at Sanji.

"This is not the time to be talking about that stupid story, stupid kid! " Zeff shouted at her. Sanji angrily looked at him.

" Shut up!! How many times do I have to tell you to not treat me as a kid?!" She shouted at him.

" Sanji!! You told us that you have taken everything from Zeff!!! "

" What do you mean Sanji?! Tell us now!!! "

The chefs were pleading to her. Sanji looked down and sighed. She looked back at them and nodded.

" Fine. But I won't repeat myself. "

Sanji started telling them a story. When Sanji was ten years old, he was working as a ship's cook on the Orbit. One day, Zeff and his crew, attacked the ship.

However, both ships were caught in a sudden storm and sank. Zeff managed to save the young Sanji from drowning. Before the storm tore the boats apart. He had cried out his dream to find the All Blue, which was why he was saved by Zeff afterwards.

The All Blue is a rumored sea of legend, said to be the only place in the world where the North Blue, South Blue, East Blue, and West Blue seas meet.

After the storm, the two were washed onto a rock outcropping, high above the sea.

Despite their good fortune, there was little food for them: a few rations had washed onto the rock with them, but there was no vegetation, no animals, and no way to reach the water to fish.

Splitting up what little rations remained, Zeff ordered Sanji to sit at the other end of the island to look for a ship.

She protested that Zeff was keeping a large sack for himself, but Zeff brushed him off, saying that as an adult, his stomach was bigger.

Days passed, and Sanji had no more food, but there was still no sign of a ship. Many weeks afterward, an emaciated Sanji decided to take a chance to kill Zeff for his food.

He did not kill the old man, but when he slashed open the old man's sack in a fit of rage, she discovered that there was no food inside, only treasure. To his horror, he realized that Zeff had given him all the rations, and had eaten his own leg to survive.

Zeff confessed that he often lacked food on the high seas and planned on opening a restaurant on the seas. Sanji, guilty over plotting to kill Zeff, agreed to help, but Zeff remarked that he was too weak.

Soon after, a ship appeared, and they were spared from death. Because of this ordeal, Sanji pledged to never refuse food to a starving individual, no matter how evil or poor they may be.

Sanji subsequently spent the next nine years working aboard the Baratie as its sous-chef, during which time he vastly improved his cooking under Zeff's tutelage while also developing tremendous physical abilities and her signature kicked-based martial arts style under the latter's guidance.

"I won't give this restaurant to anyone!! And I won't allow anyone to kill that old man!! In order to save a kid's life, he could pay the ultimate price! If I don't risk my life, I will not be able to repay what he has done for me!!!"

To be continued...