
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

I Am Here

"You... You damn monster!! You're half dead!! Why don't you shut up and just die!!!! GET HIM!!!! " Blackbeard, who had his skull crushed but was somehow still conscious, ordered his men to kill Whitebeard.

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes as he was being ganged up and attacked by them. He was being shoy by pistols and stabbed by spears and swords.


Ace shouted before appearing in front of Whitebeard with Sabo and Luffy who was in Gear Second by her sides.

"GOMU GOMU NO....." Luffy shouted as he stretched back his Advanced Armament Haki infused hand before igniting it. Sabo held his 'talons' on his fingers before hardening them with Advanced Armament Haki too while Ace had black fire all over her arm.


Luffy shouted before he, Ace and Sabo threw their fists forward at the same time, creating a giant black flaming dragon through the fire manipulation abilities of the Mera Mera no Mi.

Blackbeard and his crew screamed in horror as they started running away from the attack. But it was futile as it was faster than expected. Blackbeard took the brunt of the attack since he was the target.


"The... These kids are monsters...." Lafitte whispered as he slowly started backing up. He felt his grip on consciousness starting to loosen as he stared at what's in front of him.

Ace and Luffy walked towards the Blackbeard Pirates while emitting Conqueror's Haki holding nothing back on their side. They had a dark aura while black lightning crackled around them, making them look demonic.

"You kids...." Whitebeard whispered to himself before grinning.

"Gurararara.... You are not the one, the man Roger was waiting for isn't you at the very least, Teach. Just as there are those who have inherited Roger's will." Whitebeard said as he looked at Ace and Luffy.

"You may eradicate him, but there's no way 'their' flames will ever burn out! It has been passed down since ancient times.... And in the future.... Someday, bearing the weight of all those centuries of history behind his back, a man will come forth to challenge this world!! " Whitebeard grinned as he looked at Sengoku.

"Sengoku. You guys in the World Government are living in fear of that great battle that will someday engulf the entire world! I don't care myself, but as soon as someone finds that great treasure... The entire world will be turned upside down!"

Sengoku widened his eyes, already knowing where this is going.

"And someone will find it... That day will definitely come sooner or later... Gurararara.... " Whitebeard chuckled before taking in a deep breath.

"THE ONE PIECE!!!!!!..." Sengoku widened his eyes in absolute horror.


Absolute silence. The world, who was watching this through illegal livestreaming ln the pirate's part, cannot believe what Whitebeard just declared.

"You bastard!" Sengoku shouted as Whitebeard laughed loudly. Law who was in total shock from that piece of info, appeared beside the heavily injured Whitebeard.

"Alright Whitebeard-ya, time to get you healed." Law muttered as he created a gigantic ROOM.


"Pops, just go with him please?" Ace asked him. Whitebeard looked down and immediately deadpanned as he saw Ace giving him the puppy doll eyes.

"Ugh.... Fine....." Whitebeard grumbled. Ace smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."


Law and Whitebeard disappeared. Luffy, Ace and Sabo looked at where the Blackbeard Pirates were and noticed them retreating.

"Get over here Sanjuan!!!" Dorry shouted angrily as he and Brogy charged towards Wolf who screamed like a girl and ran away.



"SHIELD BASH!!!!!" Dorry and Brogy shouted at the same time before shield bashing Wolf in the stomach with their giant Advanced Armament Haki infused wooden shields.

"GAK!!!" Wolf vomited blood before he was sent flying away off the island and into the middle of the sea.

"Shit!!" Lafitte cursed a little as they picked up the pace while dragging the unconscious bloody and burned Blackbeard with them.

"Bepo! Do you have the equipment ready?" Law asked the polar bear who saluted him.

"Yup! Everything's all set! All the giant sized equipment are ready for you! " Bepo reported cheerfully. Law nodded as he looked at Whitebeard who looked like he was a few minutes away from dying on the spot.

"C'mon, let's get you in the operating room—

" Wait." Whitebeard looked back at the battlefield before taking in a deep breath.

" ACE!!!!!! CATCH!!!!!" Whitebeard shouted before throwing his giant naginata at her like a javelin. Ace widened her eyes as she leaped towards it and grabbed it. One hand wasn't enough to even wrap around half of the naginata's pole.

But suddenly, the naginata shrunk down. It shrunk to be held by Ace's hand perfectly. Murakumogiri has a special power which us to shrink or expand its size to fit the user wielding it perfectly.

Ace was surprised at this transformation before she looked back at Whitebeard who was grinning at her.

"IT'S YOUR ERA NOW!!!" Whitebeard shouted before Law rushed him inside of his submarine which surprisingly the old man was able to fit into.



The news spread around the world in an instant, about Ace's rescue, about how Luffy was alive and kicking, and about how the One Piece is real.

Gol D Roger started the Great Pirate Era, Whitebeard started The New Age. This is a tale that will be passed down for generations to come, but those who are bearing witness to it right now can do only nothing but stare in silence.

Rayleigh chuckled as he took a chug of high quality beer from his canteen. He sighed in relief at what just happened.

"So you're alive in the end, Newgate. Haha! To be honest, I was kinda expecting you to go out in a blaze of glory! "

" EVERYONE!!! FOLLOW POPS' ORDERS AND RETREAT TO THE SEAS!!!!" Ace shouted at her crewmates.

" You heard her!!! Go go go!!!!"

"Shit! The water's completely frozen!!! Someone do something about him!!" One pirate shouted as he looked at Aokiji who was the one who prevented them from escaping.

"I need a break...." Aokiji whispered weakly while clutching his head. He knew he had a broken skull and broken arms, but he's still up, because he still has a duty to perform.

"Ace-chan! Luffy-kun! Mr Revolutionary! With me!!" Jinbe shouted as Ace, Luffy and Sabo started running with Jinbe. Their path was blocked when Akainu landed in front of them not so gracefully.

"I already told you, you're not getting away! You will surrender those three to me, JINBE!!!" Akainu shouted angrily at the Fish Man.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Akainu. I have made the decision to protect them with my life." Jinbe replied seriously. Akainu scowled.

"In that case, I will not ask a second time. "

" Tch, do I have to do everything around here?" Law mumbled as he noticed Luffy's situation while he was preparing for surgery.

"Captain, don't create a Room that I to big or you won't have enough energy for the surgery!" Bepo shouted from inside the submarine.

"I know that! Room! Shambles!"

Akainu who was in the middle of trying to kill Jinbe, was suddenly transported into the middle of the sky.

"Huh?! What happened?!"


"Let's do it together, Ace!"


Akainu widened his eyes in shock as he looked at Luffy and Ace who suddenly appeared in front of him while having their weapons hardened with Advanced Armament Haki. Ace took it up a notch and used her Devil Fruit powers to ignite the naginata with her flames.



"GUAH!!!!!" Akainu spat out large amounts of blood as he was attacked by two powerful burst attacks of dark lightning-like energy. The energy was giant and powerful, so power that it sliced apart the Marine Headquarters behind Akainu and sent him flying through it.

"RUUUUN!!!!" The Marines panicked and started running as the giant debris from the crumbling palace started falling towards their direction.

Akainu landed in the middle of Marineford Town which was mostly obliterated by Whitebeard's Devil Fruit powers. He had a large X shaped cut on his chest.

Ace and Luffy landed back on the ground before they speedily headed back towards the pirate ships.

"As I recall, you have the nerve to escape from me, Trafalgar Law!" Kizaru shouted as he fired multiple lazer beams at Law's submarine which was getting ready to dive into the deep sea.

Suddenly, Kaku appeared in front of the beams and stood in midair using Geppo. He used Rankyaku, sending multiple wind blades at the beams, making them explode before they could reach Law's ship.

Kizaru was about to fire more before someone jumped in front of him. Kizaru raised an eyebrow and looked down at Koby who was crying a waterfall while snot flowed down his nostrils.

"Stop, already! All this fighting, just end it! We're throwing people's lives away!! All these soldiers....Every single one of them have families waiting for them!!"

" We've failed on what we've set out to do!!! Let's just keep our heads down and accept that!!! Please!! But now we're prolonging a battle that neither side wants to let it go on!!!

"We're abandoning soldiers who could've been saved if just stop this war and treat their wounds!!! We make the dead and ourselves look like complete idiots out there just by losing our lives in this meaningless battle!!!"

" PLEASE FLEET ADMIRAL!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!! LOOK AROUND YOU!!! PLEASE STOP THIS WAR!!!!" Koby got on the ground and bowed as deep as he could at Sengoku. Tashigi covered her mouth and looked away as tears fell out of her eyes.

"Should I?.... Nah....'

Kizaru considered firing a lazer beam at Koby but immediately canceled that thought immediately. He was high, but not that high to do shitty things like killing a subordinate.

In fact, Kizaru was a little sympathetic to what the young soldier Koby was feeling. He looked around himself for a second and remained silent. The piles of dead bodies, the blood and the gore, the Admiral remained unfazed to that.

It was war, these scenes were normal in war. But deep down he was a little disturbed. Kizaru was a first timer to large scale battles like this.

He would need a lot of weed to process this after all of this is over.

"Tch! Don't listen to him, Borsalino!!!" A bloody Akainu shouted. Kizaru hummed and looked back at him.

" Ooh~ You're still alive I see?~ How unfortunate~" Kizaru teased, making Akainu scowl harder.

"You have wasted our precious time where we Marines could be delivering justice!!! We have no use for a soldier who doesn't believe in justice!! "


"SHUT UP!!!" Akainu raised his magma fist, preparing to attack Koby. His actions Sengoku widen his eyes in shock.

"Wait, Sakazuki no—"

"Haa!!!!" Akainu yelled as he leaped towards Koby. Kizaru whistled and jumped out of the way. Koby screamed as he looked death straight in the face bravely.

'I have no regrets!!!!!' Koby declared as he prepared to die. Suddenly, someone jumped in front of him.


Koby gasped as he looked at the figure in front of him. He widened his eyes as he immediately noticed the red hair.

"Im-impossible...." He stuttered in disbelief as he quickly crawled away from the person. He looked back at the person and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Red Haired S-shanks...."

"Shanks!!!" Luffy shouted in great surprise as he got back on the Marine battleship he stole from Impel Down.

"Well said..... Young Marine..... These courageous moments you created by putting your life on the line just now have changed the future of this world tremendously, for better or worse...." Shanks complimented while holding back Akainu's magma fist with his sword using just one hand holding it.

"AGHH!!!!!" A frustrated Akainu coated his left magma fist in Advanced Armament Haki before throwing it at Shanks who swiftly stepped back dodging it.

Shanks squatted a little before staring Akainu in the eyes. Black lightning crackled around his sword as Shanks infused it with Conqueror's Haki.

"It seems you do not understand when to stop....

Let me show you how, dog."

He appeared in front of Akainu who was surprised at the man's speed. He attempted to attack Shanks but it was already too late.

" Divine Departure."


To be continued...