
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Finally Accepting

"C'mon, Sanji. You know you wanna be a pirate." Luffy whined. Sanji sighed.

"No Luffy. I'll stay here and continue to be a chef until the old bastard accepts my skills." Sanji replied confidently.

" Because of my situation I can't leave this place, there's no one I can trust. But I do plan to go to the Grand Line someday. " Sanji muttered while taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

" Then why not go now?!"

"It's not the right time... Hey! Have you heard of All Blue?" Sanji asked while grinning at him.

" No, but I did hear that it's a magical sea."

Zeff was watching them from afar, he saw Sanji grinning and smiling while talking with the energetic Luffy. He smiled.

"You look so happy, you crazy kid."



Sanji and Luffy walked into the room where a bunch of chefs were eating and chatting.

" Eh? Hey, where's our seats? " Sanji asked.

"Where's the food?" Luffy grumbled.

"There's nowhere to sit."

"Hahaha!! Just sit on the floor!"

"Sit on the floor, what kind of restaurant is this? " Sanji grumbled. He sighed while Luffy grabbed a bunch of plates full of food. They sat down on the floor and started eating together.

"They're acting kinda weird today." Luffy pointed out.

"They're always weird. Here, some curry for you." Sanji handed him a small bowl of curry.

" Thanks, Sanji! " Luffy grinned and added it to his rice. Patty stood up while raising a bowl in his palm up high.

"Hey?! Who made this soup this morning?" He asked loudly. Sanji smiled at him.

" I did! Isn't it tasty? I worked hard on it!" Sanji replied enthusiastically. Patty threw it to the ground, shattering the bowl.

"It's disgusting! It's worse than Pig's food! " Patty gave Sanji a thumbs down. Sanji gritted his teeth in anger and stood up.

" Hey, I don't think your mouth is good enough for my food." Sanji taunted.

"Hmph! It makes me wanna puke! It really sucked! I can't eat it!" Patty replied.

" Excuse me, but today's soup was my special recipe. I think you have a problem with your tongue—

"Eww!!! It's bad!!"

"We can't eat this!! Let's just throw it away!!"

"Ugh! I almost died from eating it!! "

The chefs all stood up and started throwing the bowls full of soup to the ground, shattering it and splashing soup everywhere.

"What do you think you're doing!!??" Sanji shouted angrily at them.

" It's not good, and you want us to say it's delicious? After all, you are a fake chef. " Patty crossed his arms.

" What did you say? "



"Old man!!" Sanji turned around to see Zeff standing over a shattered bowl full of Sanji's soup.

"If I served that shit in my restaurant, it would run out of business. What kind of tasteless shit is this?" Zeff asked Sanji while wiping his mouth. Sanji growled and grabbed his collar.

" That's enough, old man!! Tell me, what's the difference between my soup and yours?! "

Zeff growled." Compare my soup to yours? Stop dreaming!! " Zeff punched Sanji in the face, Sanji dropped to the ground and rubbed his face.

" Head Chef Zeff can punch?!"

"It's 100 years too early to compare my food to yours, kid! I have been cooking around the world!" Zeff added. Sanji growled and exited the room, slamming the door while exiting it.

"The soup tastes heavenly. What's wrong with you guys?" Luffy asked while gulping down the soup from his own soup bowl.

"We know! This is so scary!"

"He's really mad at us! Everyone here accepts his food..."

"If we don't do this, he won't listen. "Zeff added, making Luffy look at him.

" Hey, future King of The Pirates. Can you take that stupid kid with you? The Grand Line and the All Blue has always been hisndream."

Sanji who was sitting outside of the room widened his eyes. He looked down anc clenched her fists. "Hey, I can hear you, idiots...."

"No." Luffy replied, surprising them.

"I can't. He wants to stay here. I want to hear it from his own mouth. Can I have some more food? " Luffy asked.

" Well, that's the way Sanji is. However, I don't think it'll be easy for him to say he'll go. It will be difficult because he's so damn stubborn." Zeff grumbled.


Suddenly, something large crashed into the room. Luffy looked to see it was a human in a killer whale. And it was right in front of Sanji who crawled away from it.

"Yosaku?" Luffy called out to him. Yosaku grinned as he looked at him.


Luffy knelt down in front of him and pulled him out of the killer whale. Yosaku was then covered in a blanket and was forced to sit on a rocking chair.

"Hey, is Nami going to Conomi Islands, where Arlong is?" Luffy asked him.

" I'm leaning more towards yes but I'm not entirely sure either. I'll tell you more later, we need your special powers, Luffy. " Yosaku stretched out his hand. Luffy nodded and pulled him up.

"Let's go then—

" Wait. I will go too, please take me with you." They looked at Sanji who was the one who said that. Sanji looked at him.

"You want to be the King Of The Pirates right? It means that we both have a crazy dream. I will do what I want from now on! " Sanji declared which Luffy grinned back at her.

"I will become your chef, ok? Do you have any problems?" Sanji asked him.

" Alright!! Excellent!! I knew you would come around Sanji!! " Luffy cheered and started dancing with Yosaku. They exited the restaurant while dancing happily.

Luffy and Yosaku were brought to a small ship by two chefs. It was Sanji's ship. Luffy then requested some food for the journey to Conomi Islands. The chefs happily complied with his request.

Thirty minutes have passed since Sanji agreed to join the Straw Hat Pirates. All of the chefs of the Baratie were outside of the restaurant, waiting for her to walk out of the restaurant.

"Here he comes...." Yosaku whispered as Sanji exited the Baratie while holding a giant suitcase with his right hand. It was full of clothes, his suits, recipe books and the like.

The chefs lined up on both sides while he walked in between them.

Sanji arrived in front of Luffy. "Let's go." He smiled at him.

"Won't you say goodbye?" His captain asked.

" It's not important. " Sanji replied nonchalantly.

" Hey Sanji!!! Take good care of yourself!! Wear some damn condoms jf you're in those kinds of situations!!!" Sanji heard Zeff shout and froze. Tears started welling up in his eyes.

" Zeff!!" Sanji sobbed and turned around to face him. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed deeply at him.

"Thank you! For everything you've done for me!! I will not forget you for the rest of my life!! " Sanji shouted while tears were flowing rapidly down his eyes. Zeff grinned while having some tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"You idiot!! This is very sad don't you know?!" Patty shouted while having tears flowing down his eyes.

"Very sad!!"

"Very very sad!!"

Sanji smiled at them while wiping her tears.

"What a bunch of idiots, a person should say goodbye silently. *sniff*." Zeff sniffed while wiping his eyes. Sanji took in a deep breath and looked at them.

" See you later, idiots!!!!" He shouted at them while the boat she was on was sailing away. Luffy grinned.

"Shishishishishi!!! Let's go!!"

To be continued.....