
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


"Let's see, who has the freshest fish?" Luffy wondered as he looked at the sky. The Flying Fish Riders were hiding under the sea and flew out of it while riding Flying Fish that are as big as dolphins.

Although these fishes can fly in air, they are much faster underwater: in fact, their speed in water is second only to merfolk.

The fishes have motorcycle handles, pedals, seats, and some other cosmetic designs installed on them, so the riders can ride them with ease.

The riders started pelting bombs at the Sunny. Usopp took aim and fired pellet after pellet at superhuman speeds.

The bombs thrown by the riders all exploded midair, making the attack on the Thousand Sunny a failure.

"Eh, all of them look the same. So I'll have all of them." Luffy grinned evilly as he leaped towards one of the Flying Fish Riders. He landed on the fish.

The rider looked at him in shock. "What—


Luffy punched him in the nose and pushed him into the sea. He took control of the flying fish with an excited grin on his face.

"Hm?" Sanji looked at three people who snuck onto their ship and were sneaking towards Camie who was busy admiring how cool Luffy was in combat.

It was the Macro Pirates, a trio of fish-men who are notable for attempting to abduct the mermaid Camie thirty-one times. The trio consisted of Macro, Gyaro and Tansui.

"Got you now! Camie!!!" Macro shouted as he, Gyaro and Tansui leaped towards Camie who screamed in horror seeing them.

Suddenly, Hatchan jumped in front of her while having an enraged expression on his face.

"Takoyaki Punch!!!!!" He shouted as he punched the three of them and sent them flying towards God knows where at the same time with his three right hands.

"Gaaaah!!!! Look out!!" Pappag shouted as he pointed at a Flying Fish Rider charging towards Hatchan with a spear in hand.

Someone leaped past Hatchan and sliced the rider and the Flying Fish up. It was Zoro who attacked them.

"Roronoa!" Hatchan shouted in shock as the Rider and Flying Fish landed into the sea.

"Zoro-chin!!" Camie shouted in awe. Zoro looked back at Hatchan.

"Leave this to us. Get back, the three of you!!" Zoro ordered them. Sanji looked up at the sky to see another Rider holding a kanabo charging at them.

"A kamikaze charge eh?" He whispered before getting to running. He leaped up to the Rider.


Sanji kicked through the rider's kanabo, shattering it and didn't stop there. He kicked the rider's neck and sent him flying down to the ocean.

He grabbed the fish and slammed it onto the Sunny's lawn deck. "That's gonna be our dinner for tonight." Sanji declared as Luffy clapped his hands happily.

"There's still a lot up there. Me and Kaya will deal with them." Nojiko commented while loading up her wrist-mounted guns. Kaya threw several of her senbons at a small group Riders.

The senbon pierced their pressure points, the riders' bodies went numb and they fell off the ship and into the water.

Nojiko activated her jetpack and blasted up the air she surrounded herself with a large group of riders while raising her hands, pointing her guns at them.

Gunshots were heard throughout the place as Nojiko swiftly dealt with them all in a blur. She landed back on the ground and gave a big thumbs up at Luffy who did the same back at her.

The crew quickly dealt with the rest. Hatchan even joined in a little, fighting with his Six Sword Style. They went on land and started fighting the remaining Flying Fish Riders.

Luffy widened his eyes and stepped out of the way as a large amount of harpoons were fired towards him.

"Hm? It's a masked guy and a cow?" Luffy was confused, looking at the person who fired the harpoons at him. Everyone heard a loud roar and a large house breaking down.

"Bastards, knocking things down and causing a big commotion! You're not mosquitoes!! You're the Flying Fish Riders! I don't need this base anymore as long as I kill the Straw Hat Pirates!!! " A man riding a large bison shouted while stepping out of the destroyed house.

His name is Duval and he is the leader of the Flying Fish Riders kidnapping gang in the neighborhood of Fish-Man Island and Sabaody Archipelago.

Duval was wearing a large mask, with long red tufts attached to it, giving him his epithet Iron Mask Duval.

While standing, he appears around two and a half times a normal person's height. He has a muscular torso, but has skinny arms and legs.

Besides his head and shoulders which are covered in armor, he wears an open leather jacket, black pants, cowboy boots, and a long fur cape.

His steed, Motobaro is a very large bison, with relatively small limbs and short horns in contrast with his big head and body. Typically, Motobaro is ridden by Duval with a special saddle. Aside from the side pockets where Duval's harpoon cartridges can be stored on it, there are motorcycle handle bars similar to those worn by the flying fish of Duval's men.

With these, Duval rides Motobaro as if he's riding a large motorcycle. When traversing across water, Motobaro is fitted with a special breathing apparatus that resembles the front of a truck with two exhaust pipes at the side.

"Today is a glorious day! The man I've seen in my dreams! The man I wanted to kill and kill!! He is now right here before my eyes!! Even if it comes down to a battle of stabbing!! I will kill you, Black Leg Sanji!!!" Duval declared, surprising the Straw Hats. He raised his harpoon gun filled with harpoons and pointed it at him.

"Don't just sit on your ass, Black Leg! This is something recent!!" He yelled before firing a volley of harpoons at him. Sanji used Soru to dodge them all. Kaya looked at the harpoons that stabbed to the ground.

"Huh, poison harpoons." Kaya whispered.

"These are 'Scorpion's Poison harpoons'!! If they get you, you'll be heading to the afterlife in three minutes! Learn my wrath! I'll kill both you and your crew!!" Duval declared angrily. Luffy appeared before him.

" If you want to kill us, let us see your face before you do it. " Luffy whispered as he stretched out his leg. His leg shattered the mask Duval was wearing, revealing the man's face.

"Ahh!!!!" Nami squealed and covered her mouth in shock.

"No way!!!!" Usopp and Chopper shouted at the same time. Sanji stared at Duval with an expression of pure disbelief.

"Oh my. What a turn of events. Yohohoho!!" Brook commented.

" Take a good look! Black Leg!! In order to send you to hell, I set out to sea!! But finding you has been a problem because the face on the wanted poster is different from the face of the person himself. " Duval ranted as Sanji dashed towards him.

" They'll find me, and they'll say 'Found you! Black Leg Sanji!!'. And then I say, 'I'm not him!! I don't know him!! I'm not even a pirate!!' Duval shouted while crying profusely. The reason why is because he looked exactly like Sanji in a lot of ways.

Except for his eyebrow, which swirls downward instead of upward like Sanji's, he was an exact duplicate of the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Because of this appearance, he had a lot of trouble with the Marines and bounty hunters, and thus had to conceal his face in order to protect himself.

Duval received a lot of injuries because of this; his most devastating one is a scar on his back. He had this exact face since he was born, and even made his parents think he was an ugly baby due to the dawn of the Golden Age of Pirates.

"Everyone from Marines to Bounty Hunters started aiming for my life!! What do I do?! Give me back my life, Black Leg!!! " Duval shouted. But he got kicked in the face by Sanji.

" Like I give a shit!" Sanji shouted at him as Duval fell off Motobaro and landed on the ground with a bloody nose and mouth.

"Peas in a pod." Zoro joked. Brook who was standing beside him started laughing hysterically.

"Yohohohohoho!!!! Yohohohohoho!!!!! Yohohoho!!!!!!" Brook got on the ground and slammed the ground with his skeleton fist while still laughing hysterically.

"You're a fucking idiot!! Change your goddamn hairstyle, shave your eyebrows or something—Oi!! What's with that 'Why didn't I think about that' face?!! How dumb can you be, dumbass?!! " Sanji shrieked at Duval while the Straw Hats laughed at the unexpected predicament.

Duval kept crying out his sad fate, for the mere coincidence of his face looking exactly like Sanji out of all people.

"Stop shouting!!"

"Ah!!! He's killed me!!!" Duval screamed like a girl as Sanji started kicking his face. The chef of the Straw Hats hummed as he saw an iron net being sent in by the Flying Fish Riders.

Sanji backflipped while sending out two Rankyaku air blades at the same time. The air blades sliced the iron net.

"And drop!!!"

Everyone looked up to see some Flying Fish Riders dropping a massive anchor on the Thousand Sunny.

"I got this, guys!!" Usopp shouted while taking out two one ton hammers. He leaped towards the anchor while imbuing the hammers with his Busoshoku Haki.



With two swings, Usopp shattered the anchor.

"Damn you all!!!" Duval growled angrily. Luffy grinned at him.

"You're kinda running out of grunts here. " He pointed out. Duval glared at him as he got onto Motobaro again.

"In that case!! Why don't you try Motobaro on for size!! Countless fools have fallen to his mighty horns in the past! Men call him the 'Heart Smashing Horn'!!! Now go, Motobaro!!" Duval ordered. Motobaro roared and charged towards Luffy who raised his hand to stop the bison's horns stabbing him.

"There's no point in us fighting." Luffy muttered while staring into Motobaro's soul. Motobaro suddenly had an extremely frightened expression. It suddenly started shaking uncontrollably.

"What's wrong Motobaro?" Duval asked while looking at his steed. Zoro widened his eyes.

"Could it be?" Zoro whispered while looking at Luffy who was staring into Motobaro's large eyes.

The fearful Motobaro started feeling with shaky legs while Duval shouted at him to stop. "Hey, Motobaro!! Where are you going?!" He shouted at it. Motobaro fainted and laid on the ground unconscious while foaming at the mouth.

Luffy widened his eyes as a screen appeared floating in front of him. He looked at it with a surprised expression.

[Conqueror's Haki:Domination D-(1%)

Temporarily dominate the psyche of others and intimidate them.]

Luffy looked at the unconscious Motobaro again. "Holy shit, I have Conqueror's Haki..."

To be continued....