
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Back Again

"Aw hat... Raw hat.... STRAW HAT!!!"

"Huh!" Luffy widened his eyes and immediately looked at Marco who sighed in relief.

"Woo! I thought you were actually dead!" Marco whispered as Luffy examined the situation he found himself in. He was currently lying on the ground.

He looked at his body and noticed that it was even bloodier than before. He now has large burns on his chest, arms and legs.

He grinned, noticing strange white steam rising out of his body, mouth and hair which was also strangely moving to like a wave for some reason.

He grinned to himself, remembering the moment Garp attacked him and the immeasurable pain he felt as soon as the shockwaves slammed into him.

But now he was feeling energetic as ever, maybe even more powerful than before for some reason.

'Grandpa ain't shit!!' Luffy shouted in his head as his grin widened before he looked at Marco.

"How long have I been out?" Luffy asked as he quickly got up. Marco wanted to stop him but decided not to, seeing how energetic Luffy was when he was supposed to be feeling the exact opposite.

"Ten minutes, maybe even longer. Pops has joined the battle after Squard, one of our allies stabbed him out of nowhere." Marco explained, confusing Luffy.

" It's a long story. Basically, Squard held grudges of his past. He developed a hatred towards Roger for killing his old crew, and this hatred extended to Ace."

" Akainu able to deceive Squard into thinking that Pops was plotting to betray all of his subordinate crews. It's all okay now, Pops forgave him. Squard will be redeeming himself from now on." Marco explained. Luffy nodded before humming as he noticed new combatants on the battlefield.

" Are those Pacifistas?" Luffy asked Marco who nodded, looking at the army of over 20 Pacifistas on battle ships with Sentomaru leading the charge.

"Yes, unfortunately those preparations you mentioned are ready." Marco whispered as Luffy immediately got up. The battle has gone on for half an hour now, it's about to enter it final phase.

"GO!!! PACIFISTA!!!" Sentomaru shouted as the newly arrived Pacifistas started blasting pirates everywhere, laying waste to Whitebeard's rear guard.

"FORGET THE ENEMIES TO THE REAR, MEN!! ATTACK THE PLATFORM!!! " Whitebeard shouted before he swung his giant naginata, sending an enormous air blade that killed a large group of Marines.

" YESSIR!!! " His men replied and followed his orders immediately, storming the platform crazily killing Marines left and right.

"DRAW BACK FROM THE ICE!! DON'T LET THE PIRATES NEAR THE PLATFORM!!!" Sengoku shouted loudly. The Marines followed his orders with haste.

"Oi, Pinky!! If you're just going to keep freezing up like that you better run back to your ship!!!" Kid shouted as he and Law stood in front of Bonney who was frozen in shock, seeing copies of her father in front of her.

"Devil Fruits makes things so much easier." Kid muttered as one of the Pacifistas fired a beam at him. Kid grinned as he used his Devil Fruit powers to wrapped metal around a Pacifista and attracted it towards him, using it as a shield from the beam.


The Pacifista was hit by the beam and it was damaged by it. Law appeared in front of the damaged Pacifista as it fired a beam from it's mouth.

Some of the Pacifista behind Law fired beams from their hands. Law smirked as he held up his right hand.

"Room. Shambles."

Law replaced himself with the Pacifista who was then bombarded by the beams, destroying it in a fiery explosion. Law appeared beside Kid again ad the stared at the army of Pacifistas approaching them.

Bege joined up with them.

"They're cutting the footage. After that Sengoku ordered a 'route' to begin and Ace's execution to start." Bege revealed to them.

" Well good thing Mugiwara-ya ordered that clown and some of the prisoners to film it. Do you have any bombs we could use?" Law asked him. Bege sighed as a pink layer centered around him.

A portcullis opened around Bege as a bunch of mini bombs rolled out dropping onto the ground before rolling out of the layer, returning to it's normal size.

"Handy power." Law whispered as Kid attracted a bunch of metals around him. The Pacifistas fired more beams at them.

"Tch. Shambles." Law made two Pacifistas appeared in front of them. The two Pacifistas acted as human shields and took the brunt of ths bombardment.

Damaged, they noticed the squad of pirates before they too charged up a beam in their mouths. Kid finished wrapping metal around the bombs.

"Light it up!" Kid shouted as Bonney lit up the fuse, being the only person there owning a lighter. Bege's lighter was coincidentally lost.

'Sorry but not sorry. Even though you look like my dad, my real dad's stuck inside the fortress.' Bonney thought.

"Punk Missile!" Kid shouted as he threw some metal missiles that had bombs in them towards the two Pacifistas charging up the beams.


The photon energy from the beam exploded directly in the Pacifistas' face but even that wasn't enough to shut them down. Only significant and irreversible trauma seems capable of stopping them.

"Shit..." Law cursed as he prepared to teleport everyone including him out of there. There was simply too much Pacifistas to handle and he himself didn't have enough stamina for using his Devil Fruit powers repeatedly.

"Tobu Shigan:Bachi!"

The Pacifistas in front of the pirate squad were suddenly sent flying away by two compressed air bullets. Suddenly, someone rushed past them in blinding speeds before appearing in front of a Pacifista.

"Rankyaku: Hyobi!!"

A powerful air blade the shape of a swirl was sent towards it, the air blade destroyed the Pacifista, cutting it in half.

The pirate squad looked at the person who destroyed the Pacifista with no difficulties whatsoever.

That person was Lucci and he was in his Human-Beast Form. Lucci kicked away a light beam to a group of Marines before he wrapped his leopard tail around that same Pacifista who fired the beam at him.

"Sai Dai Rin: Rokuogan!!"


With his two fists held at close range, Lucci sent a large shockwave at the Pacifista, shattering it into pieces.

Lucci let go of the destroyed Pacifista before he looked at the remaining ones. He hardened his fists with Armament Haki before he disappeared with Soru.



"Holy shit!" Bonney shouted as all of the Pacifistas were destroyed in one go. Luffy grinned as he noticed Lucci from afar.

'If he's here, that means the others are here as well!' He thought before cracking his knuckles.

"Let's go!!" Luffy shouted and started making a run for it. Kizaru suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Oh~ You're still alive~" Kizaru commented before sending a kick at the speed of light. Luffy rolled away from the kick before unsheathing his blade.

" Divine Departure! "


" Oh~~~!" Kizaru shouted as he was sent flying away from the powerful slash. Marco widened his eyes a little.

'Is it me or did that attack got more powerful?' Marco wondered. Luffy used Soru to zoom towards the execution platform.

"Tch! How is he still alive?!" Sengoku shouted in frustration, noticing Luffy approaching the execution platform.

He remembered witnessing Luffy take Garp's Galaxy Impact straight in the chest. Garp used Advanced Armament Haki and Advanced Conqueror's Haki in that single punch, it should've knocked him out for weeks.

"Have we stopped broadcasting?!" Sengoku asked a Marine loudly.

"Not yet!! Just another moment!!" The Marine replied, making Sengoku snarl and look back at Luffy.

"Fleet Admiral sir!!! We're doomed!!! Two giant ships are approaching the battlefield!!!" Another Marine shouted as he arrived in front of the Fleet Admiral.

Ace who was extremely happy and surprised that Luffy was alright, was now in awe at the humongous ships that approached Marineford.

"Are those..... GIANTS?!!!!" Koby shouted in shock while in the middle of the battlefield. Smoker and Tashigi gulped at the new reinforcements on the pirate's side.

"If you can bring in reinforcements!!! We can too!!!" Luffy shouted as he delivered a devastating Lariat to a random Marine captain.

"Oi! Mugiwara-ya!" Law shouted as he appeared beside Luffy.

"Yeah?!" Luffy asked him.

"I scanned Whitebeard. And he apparently has something big swelling in his brain and heart that's making him weak. I'm confident that I can take it out, but it would take hours. We need him to survive." Law explained.

"Can't you just like, Shambles it?!"

"Surgery is a delicate process! If I could do it I would've, but it's literally one with his organs." Law explained.

"You got it! Now let me go save her! " Luffy shouted as he started using Soru again.

"Gear Second." Steam rose only out of Luffy's legs, increasing his speed greatly as he was right in front of the execution platform within moments.

"Inazuma-chan! Group up with Mugiwara-boy!!" Ivankov shouted at Inazuma who nodded and quickly ran off.

"Oh fuck you!!" Luffy shouted as the Three Admirals appeared in front if him, blocking his path once again.

"We're with you!" Marco shouted while flying on Luffy's left.

"Same here!" Luffy looked at Law and Kid who were running on his right.

"Admiral Kizaru!!! Look out behind you!!!"

"Hah~?" Kizaru turned around and widened his eyes as he was face to face with Whitebeard who slammed his fist into Kiazru's side and cracked the air with a punch.

"Gah!!!" Kizaru spat out a lot of blood as the shockwaves directly through his body, ignoring the abilities his Logia Devil Fruit gave him.

Before he could fly away, Kizaru was grabbed in the face with Whitebeard's right hand before he was slammed onto the ground.

Whitebeard then concentrated his vibrations around it, resulting in crushing damage to Kizaru's skull.

"Why you!!!" Akainu shouted as he prepared to send a giant magma fist at the old man. Suddenly, his body was wrapped around with a bunch of metal.

It was Kid's doing. Kid grinned as he held up his hand.


Akainu snarled as he was sent flying into the sea. Aokiji gritted his teeth as he created a massive barrage of ice spears, aiming it at Whitebeard and the rest of the pirate squad ganging up on him and his fellow Admirals.

"Haa!!" Whitebeard yelled as he swung his giant polearm, sending waves of vibrations at the spears, shattering them.

"Room! Takt!!"

Law raised an ice thorn from the ground before sending it towards Aokiji who raised his hand to swat it away.


But before he could, the ice thorn was replaced with Luffy who had his cutlass out. Luffy applied Advanced Armament Haki to his blade before he swung it.

"Divine Departure!!!!"


Aokiji controlled the ice in his body to mold it and made his mid section disappear, just enough to let the attack pass through without harming his body.


Aokiji widened his eyes in shock as Whitebeard appeared in front of him with vibrations around his fist in a spherical bubble.

Even Observation Haki couldn't save him with how fast Whitebeard was. He raised his arms just in time to block the old man's punch.

But it was still useless in the end. Whitebeard switched up his attack. Aokiji widened his eyes in horror as Whitebeard grabbed his raised arms.

With Aokiji in hand, the old man concentrated his vibrations around it and crushed Aokiji's body.

Aokiji felt some of his bones break, specifically his hands. The pain was too much that he didn't even register a second punch delivered to him from Whitebeard.

"Gah!!" Aokiji spat out some blood as Whitebeard's full powered punch directly cracked the air in front of Aokiji, causing severe damage as the shockwaves directly pass through him.

Aokiji was sent flying back and laid on the ground unmoving.

The world watched as the three Admirals were absolutely humiliated.

Sengoku had a grim expression on his face while Garp prepared to jump in again.

Inazuma finally arrived beside Luffy.

To be continued.....