
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


Crocus was explaining the interior of Laboon to Usopp. Laboon's interior contains a complex network of metal chambers and tunnels, installed - presumably by Crocus - to deal with his habit of swallowing ships that challenge or annoy him.

Then, Crocus jumped onto a platform and spun the lever around for a while. The metal doors in front of them started opening.

"Ha! I see the real sky now!" Usopp grinned as he stared at the beautiful clouds. Luffy grinned with him. He really missed the sunlight for something reason.

"So what should we do with them, captain?" Zoro asked Luffy.

"Hm.... We keep them prisoner until they tell us who they are and who they work for. " Luffy decided. Zoro nodded and they tied Mr Nine and Miss Wednesday to the sail pole.

Once they got onto the small island that the lighthouse Crocus was overseeing, Crocus then started explaining Laboon's backstory.

It was sad to say the least. Laboon was abandoned by the Rumbar Pirates who set out to the Grand Line and promised to reunite with him in about two to three years.

Laboon has been waiting for over 50 years but there was no sign of them returning. Crocus told Laboon that The Rumbar Pirates were long gone, by Laboon still won't accept it.

Over the years that would pass, Laboon gained many scars on his head from slamming into Reverse Mountain.

He believed that by doing this, he could destroy the mountain and return to the West Blue where his friends would be waiting for him.

Luffy got up and unsheathed his cutlass. He looked at Laboon who was facing the Reverse Mountain while crying.

Luffy used Soru to appear on Laboon's scarred body. He stabbed his cutlass into him. There was a very long silence that followed.


Laboon wailed loudly as he swerved his head left and right to shake off Luffy who grinned as he fell back onto the ground where his crew and Crocus were standing on.

Laboon looked at Luffy and started charging towards him. Luffy laughed as held out his hands.


Luffy grinned as he stopped Laboon from slamming into him with his hands. Everyone looked on in shock, Crocus was in disbelief.

'A person from the East Blue is that strong?! I know he has a 50 million Belly bounty but this is just insane! It's like he's the second coming of Garp!' Crocus shouted in his mind. Luffy pushed Laboon back, making Laboon face the sky again.


Laboon charged at the island again and bit on the ground with his sharp teeth. Luffy jumped away and landed on the ground.

"Oi!! Laboon!! We are even now!!! I am very good right?! But we still don't know the result of this fight!!! " Luffy looked at Laboon's giant eyes.

" We will fight again in the future!! Your friends already died! But I'm still alive! We'll travel around the Grand Line and we will come back to see you again!!" Luffy smiled.

" LET'S FIGHT AGAIN NEXT TIME!!!! " He declared loudly. Laboon had tears welling up in his eyes. He raised his head high up to the sky and faced Reverse Mountain again.




"Bo?" Laboon looked at Luffy who grinned at him. Laboon had the Straw Hat Jolly Roger drawn on him by Usopp.

"This is the sign of the promise between you and me! You must not hit your head and make the sign disappear until we come back to see you again!" Luffy ordered.

" Bo. "

" Very good!! Shishishishishi!!!"

" Hey, do you guys see that?" Nojiko asked them while pointing at something suspicious flying in the sky.

They were looking at a large, black-feathered vulture, with white feathers toward the neck. Her skin is pink, and her beak is a light yellow. She wears a yellow aviator cap dotted with red flowers and black goggles.

Sitting on the vulture is a small, brown-furred otter with white fur around his snout. He wears a long-sleeved, light blue jumpsuit with purple dots, as well as black sunglasses.

Mr Nine and Miss Wednesday who have already woken up, panicked as they saw them.

"Mr Thirteen!!" Mr Nine shouted while looking at the otter.

"Miss Friday!!" Miss Wednesday shouted in horror.

Without any explanation, the bomb that Miss Friday was holding up with her beak was lit up.

She then flew over the tied up Miss Wednesday and Mr Nine and dropped the bomb.

Luffy suddenly stretched out his arm and grabbed it. He then leaped towards Miss Friday and Mr Thirteen while the bomb was still in his hands.

He jammed the bomb into Miss Friday's beak and shut it tightly. He grinned at them. "Boom." He muttered before dropping back down to the ground and landing perfectly on it.


The bomb exploded, killing Miss Friday and Mr Thirteen. The duo who were tied up gulped in fear.

"He's a Devil Fruit user." Miss Wednesday whispered while shivering in fear. Mr Nine looked at Luffy.

"Hey!! I would like to ask for your help!!!"



" Whisky Peak? What is it? " Luffy grumbled.

" It's the name of our town. " Mr Nine replied.

"You don't have a boat, so you want us to take you there? Don't think it's that easy, Mr Nine, you were thinking about killing Laboon, weren't you? " Nami asked them while smiling slyly at the same time.

"Tell us who you are." Nami demanded seriously.

"I am the king—Ouch!"

"Don't lie to me." Nami muttered while pulling Mr Nine's cheek. He and Miss Wednesday suddenly bowed deeply at them.

"We can't tell you about that! But we really want to go back to our town!! We will repay you if you help us! " He pleaded.

" We actually don't want to do this job, but our company has to keep our secret as our lives. We can't say anything. Everything is up to your kindness now. " Miss Wednesday muttered while looking down at the ground. Nami looked at Luffy who shrugged.

"Sure. I don't see why not. We should stop there to stock up on supplies as well."



After waiting for a while, Nami's Log Pose finally locked onto the direction of where Whisky Peak was supposed to be located.

"Are you sure to choose Whisky Peak for these people, kids? Only you can choose the destination from here. " Crocus asked them.

" If we don't like it we can come back. " Luffy replied, making Crocus chuckle.

" We're going now, Mr Flower!!" Luffy waved at him. Crocus waved back as the Going Merry started sailing away. Luffy looked at Laboon whose giant head was facing them.

"I am going now Laboon!!! And I will be back!!!"

"BOOOOOO!!!!!!! "

While looking at the Straw Hat Pirates who were sailing away, Crocus crossed his arms.

"Maybe, they are the pirates that we've been waiting for. The pirates that gave me a strange atmosphere. Don't you think so, Roger? "



The Going Merry has departed from the Twin Cape at Reverse Mountain and is currently headed to Whisky Peak.

The weather forecast for today is snowing and sometimes sprinkles. Luffy grinned as he patted the snowman he built.

The snowman had a barrel as its hat and wooden sticks as its arms and nose. "Finished!!" Luffy shouted before patting it. Usopp chuckled as he took a picture of it with a camera that prints out the picture immediately after you took it.

"This may look very ugly to others. But it's because they don't have an artistic side to them!" Usopp declared. Nojiko who was building her own snowman giggled at how proud Luffy was.

Nami was wearing winter clothes and a pair of ear muffs. "I'm freezing here. Grand Line weather sure is something." Nami whispered while blowing out cold air. Sanji gracefully handed her a mug of hot chocolate, which she thanked him for.

Sanji had made hot chocolate for everyone, including and begrudgingly making some for Mr Nine and Miss Wednesday who were inside of the ship with blankets covering them.

Nami was constantly checking the Log Pose, making sure they weren't going in the wrong direction.

Crocus told her that the Log Pose is the only thing she can rely on while traversing the odd seas of the Grand Line, and she believed him.

Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm. Then the wind changed direction, then spring came. The waves were getting stronger and there was an iceberg at 7 o'clock.

"We need all hands on deck!! Zoro!! " Luffy called Zoro who immediately stopped sleeping.

" Yeah?"

" Help us!!"

"Ah right!! I'm coming!!"



" Ugh... " Mr Nine and Miss Wednesday laid on the ground, exhausted as hell because they were ordered by Nami to help the Straw Hat Pirates too.

The Straw Hat Pirates however were all fine. After all of the chaos, the weather finally became calm.

"How the hell are you guys standing there like nothing happened?" Mr Nine groaned.

"Monsters.... You guys are monsters...." Miss Wednesday muttered weakly. Zoro knelt down in front of them.

" Ho, you must be thinking bad things about us right now. What are your names again?" He asked them with a smirk on his face.

" Mr Nine."

"Miss Wednesday."

"It sounds familiar... I've heard about them somewhere.... What was it again?...Ah! I remember now! It's called Baroque Works! You guys are working for Baroque Works aren't you?! "

To be continued...