
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs



The Straw Hat Pirates stared at the explosion happening far far away in the sea. It was the bomb Crocodile planted that was going to wipe out Alubarna.

The fighting had finally stopped, it was revealed that King Cobra had been kidnapped by Baroque Works and the one replacing him was Mr Two Bon Clay.

And Igaram was back, somehow he had survived the explosion done to his ship when he tried to escape Whisky Peak.

When he arrived at the battlefield, the Straw Hat Pirates looked at Robin for answers. Her explanation was that she had intentionally let Igaram survive.

Igaram then proceeded to explain everything about Operation Utopia clearly to everyone. Oh and also, it had started raining again. Luffy had never seen so many people cry out in joy before and he was glad about it. This means that the misunderstanding was going to be cleared and peace would reign over the country again.

Luffy sighed and ordered his crew to walk back to Alubarna Palace. Vivi and Cobra were kind enough to let them stay there and rest.

The Straw Hat-Marine Alliance still hasn't disbanded yet, Smoker wanted to disband it immediately but Luffy didn't allow it just yet.

As Luffy and his friends were walking back towards the Palace, Luffy suddenly blacked out and dropped to the ground.

Everyone gasped and rushed to his side. Chopper and Kaya searched for every symptom that led to him fainting but they found none.

They would just have to ask Luffy about it when he wakes up. Zoro took up the responsibility to carry Luffy piggyback style.

They arrived at Alubarna Palace. It is where the royal family and their servants live, located in the center of Alubarna.

It boasts many luxuries, including a lush rooftop garden, a massive bathhouse, and secret passageways.

Everyone was tired from all of the things that happened in the past few days, they didn't bother taking a bath and just dropped to their beds and slept.

Strangely, Robin wasn't with them. For now, they just left her to her own devices. Luffy wouldn't like that though. He would want everyone to enjoy the luxuries together.

The Battle of Alubarna will forever go down to history, a historic tragedy that makes a man cry has finally ended.

Even though there were no witnesses, the battle between Luffy and Crocodile will also forever go down in Alabasta's history books.

The Straw Hat-Marine Alliance will be an alliance that will never be forgotten in the citizens of Alabasta's minds. Although temporary, it was still history.



"Smoker-kun allying with pirates? Hina doesn't understand. Do you even care about the consequences of your actions? "

Smoker grunted as he lit up one more cigar, now smoking two cigars at the same time.

He looked at the woman who was scolding him. She is a tall, slim woman with dark brown eyes and straight, waist-length pink hair worn in the middle part. She wears dark red lipstick and is currently smoking a cigarette.

She wore a burgundy-purple two-piece suit over a white blouse, as well as dark brown shoes and a pair of dark gloves.

She accompanies her outfit with a long white Marine jacket draped over her shoulders like a cape. The only difference is that she retains her signature color on the epaulettes, which was light blue, while Marines officers normally have red and blue epaulettes.

She is 'Black Cage' Hina. She is a Captain of the Marines and is also a former classmate of Smoker.

She currently leads the Black Cage Corps, a unit tasked with patrolling the seas around Alabasta Kingdom.

"Stop it Hina, everything has been said and done. And you know how I am, I don't give a shit about the consequences. The old farts can go to hell." Smoker turned around and looked at her.

"I did this for the sake of the citizens of Alabasta. Straw Hat Luffy and his merry crew just so happens to share the same goals as I did. We had a common enemy, so we threw away our natural hostility temporarily and dealt with Crocodile. " He added.

" But pirates? Hina thought you hated them? Why couldn't you just go to the King and support him instead? " Hina asked him. Smoker rolled his eyes.

" How many times did I tell you, Hina? The King was an imposter at that time. I think you should drop it, we're going nowhere with this back and forth argument. Just accept and move on with it. " Smoker blew out smoke from his cigars.

" This could actually get you fired now, Smoker-kun. Hina cannot help you this time." Hina argued stoically, making Smoker sigh.

By the way, Hina has a tendency to speak in the third person. It is normal for young children in Japan to refer to themselves by using their own names as a first-person pronoun (e.g., "Hina fail").

This is seen as cute. Aside from this habit, however, she does not make any effort to act cutely and usually appears very stoic.

"I suppose that's my fault. But then again, The World Government has the tendency to cover the truth or not credit those who deserve it. Maybe I'll get off the hook. " Smoker chuckled.

" Hina isn't joking here, Smoker-kun. You'll get thrown into prison, or even worse, executed for allying with pirates. " Hina told him with concern in her voice.

" Pereperepereperepere..... "

The two Captains blinked as they looked at the Den Den Mushi that started ringing out of nowhere.

Smoker answered the call. "This is Captain Smoker speaking, what do you guys want now?" Smoker grumbled, ignoring the glare Hina sent him for talking to someone so disrespectfully.

"Bwahahahahaha!!!! This is Vice Admiral Garp you're talking to, brat!!"

Smoker and Hina gulped in fear. "A-apologies for being rude, Vice Admiral Garp. What is it that you need?" Smoker stuttered out respectfully.

" Bwahahahahaha!! Cut the respect crap! I'm calling because I wanna offer you and that Tashigi brat something!! "

" What is it, Vice Admiral Garp? "

" Do you two brats wanna get trained by me?"




Vivi squeezed out the hot water from the towel she was holding and folded it neatly. She put it on Luffy's forehead and smiled in satisfaction.

She was currently wearing a princess outfit, with a white and pink dress with suspenders, with gold ornaments and accessories. She also stopped wearing her hair in a ponytail.

She was looking at Luffy who was sleeping so calmly. It was the opposite of his energetic and reckless nature. Vivi sat down on the wooden chair and stared at him with a smile on her face.


Vivi jumped a little as she looked to see her father, Cobra standing at the entrance to the room where all of the Straw Hat Pirates were sleeping in. Everyone was not in the room as they were out and about, the only person in here was Luffy.

"P-papa..... I um....." Vivi stuttered while blushing a little. Cobra chuckled and walked up to her.

"It seems you've finally taken interest in a boy, Vivi. I see that you prefer pirates like this gentleman over here." Cobra commented, making Vivi blush harder. Cobra laughed to himself while patting her back.

"He's a pretty strange boy, this Luffy. Inviting his enemy to his pirate crew, making friends left and right. How was it like journeying with him, Vivi? " Cobra asked his daughter. Vivi smiled as she subtly held Luffy's large hand.

" Journeying with them was the most fun I've ever had in my life. It was like I was a part of their crew, but I know that I would never be. I'm a princess, princesses don't mingle with pirates. " Vivi frowned and looked down. Suddenly, she was a warm hand cupping her face. She looked to see it was Luffy who was wide awake.

Luffy grinned at her. "What kind of stupid crap are you spouting now, Vivi? You will always and forever be a part of the Straw Hat Pirates. " Luffy sat up and unwrapped the bandages covering his and her left wrist. It revealed an 'X' mark on their left wrists.

"This left arm is the symbol of our friendship, remember? We will forever accept you as one of the members of our crew. But you shouldn't hop on just yet, this country needs their princess." Luffy looked into her eyes.

" But hear this, whenever you and Karoo wanna join. Just call me, and we'll be there to pick you up. Okay? " Luffy asked her while looking at Vivi's teary eyes.

"Y-yes!!" Vivi sobbed out as she hugged him tightly. Luffy chuckled as he hugged the crying Vivi back.

"There there, Vivi. You're getting my clothes wet." Luffy grinned and kissed her forehead. Vivi punched his chest lightly.

" Baka!! " She sobbed out. Cobra was smiling widely as he looked at the two. He quietly left and closed the door, leaving the two alone.

"You've found yourself a good one, Vivi."



" You what? " Zoro asked Luffy who grinned.

" I unlocked Armament Haki, Zoro! Look! " Luffy raised his fists. They were then being clad in black coating, signifying his activation of Busoshoku Haki.

" Woah, so that's what it's going to look like when you unlock it. " Zoro whispered. Luffy looked at his cutlass.

" I'm currently learning how to imbue it to my cutlass. But I'm focusing more on the Hardening to get used to activating it first. " Luffy explained. Zoro unsheathed his katanas.

" Say no more, Luffy. Let's spar." Zoro told him seriously. Luffy grinned and looked around them. They were currently in the courtyard of the Alubarna Palace.

" Alright then, let's give everybody a good show! Bring it on, Zoro!! "

" Mm!! "

To be continued.....