
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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421 Chs

Small boat in New world = Certain death!

"Nicholas, did you feel it just now?"

Dragon, having retracted his powers, turned to look at Nicholas on the dinghy. Given that he himself had sensed the prying gaze, it was needless to say that Nicholas, who was adept at observation haki, had also felt it.

"Yes, let's go check it out."

Nicholas said calmly. That prying feeling reminded him of someone, a woman deeply connected with Doflamingo in the manga.


On the deck, Silver Beard lifted the powerless Violet. Meanwhile, the other pirates began rummaging through the cabin. After all, she was the princess of Dressrosa, and even if she fled in haste, she should have taken some treasures with her.


Silver Beard suddenly noticed a change in Violet. The despair that had been almost etched on her face was gone, and her eyes, which seemed to speak, were now filled with hope. This obvious change made Silver Beard suspicious. He wasn't a brainless pirate; otherwise, he wouldn't have been the only one of the three beards still alive.

"This woman?"

Silver Beard frowned, sensing that things weren't that simple.


"Dragon, can you make the boat fly?"

Nicholas asked Dragon, as relying on the wind to move the sail was too slow. Dragon was silent for a moment, then his green cloak suddenly fluttered in the wind. The entire dinghy started to be enveloped by wind, slowly lifting off the sea.

On the calm sea, a heavily damaged ship rocked slightly with the waves. Bodies were being pushed into the sea from the deck, and the large amount of blood flowing out stained the sea, attracting numerous sharks. Silver Beard coldly looked at Violet, then turned to his men.

"Everyone, get back on the ship immediately. We're leaving now!"

Although he didn't know why Violet had this change, Silver Beard felt an ominous premonition. Besides, they had already caught her, and as long as they returned to Dressrosa for the reward, everything would be fine. Hearing Silver Beard's command, the pirates started to complain. They had just begun looting, and leaving now would mean losing a lot of wealth. However, they didn't dare to disobey the captain's orders. In this world where individual strength was paramount, a strong captain had absolute authority over the ship.

But then, a strong wind suddenly blew from the distant sea, filling the sails completely. Silver Beard was slightly surprised and reflexively looked at his navigator.

"Hey, what's going on?"

For pirates, especially in the New World, changes in weather were crucial. The bizarre weather could wipe them out if they weren't careful. The navigator had said the weather would be good today, so where did this strange wind come from?

Before the navigator could explain, the pirates on deck saw a small black dot rapidly approaching on the distant sea, followed by a massive storm. The sudden and shocking scene left all the pirates on deck, including Silver Beard, in shock. Although the storm was terrifying, the thing in front of it was even more frightening. They could clearly feel that the storm was caused by that black dot.

"What is that...?"

The pirates gaped in fear. Even with their years of experience in the New World, they had never seen such a sight before. Wind and thunder accompanying it, what was going on?

"It's a dinghy!?"

At this moment, the lookout, using a telescope, saw the shape of the small black dot and shouted loudly.

"A dinghy?"

Hearing this, all the pirates felt a chill and their scalps tingled. Some even showed ashen faces. In the New World, a dinghy was as legendary as ghost ships and sea monsters, and this dinghy seemed to be coming straight for them. The pirates gulped, their eyes filled with fear as they looked at the approaching black dot.

"We need to leave quickly! Everyone, hurry up! If you don't want to die, set sail now!"

Silver Beard shouted. His voice snapped the frightened pirates back to reality. They knew that running might save their lives, but staying meant certain death. Spurred by the fear of death, they managed to complete the preparations for departure, which normally took several minutes, in just seconds.

"Captain, we can't escape."

The navigator pointed behind Silver Beard with a pale face. Following his direction, Silver Beard's face changed dramatically. The dinghy, initially several nautical miles away, was now within a thousand meters and closing in rapidly. He could even see the figures on the dinghy.

"You'd better stay, there are some questions I have for you."

A magnetic voice came to Silver Beard's ear with a gust of wind.


Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Silver Beard's expression changed, and he instinctively tried to smash his weapon, Scarlet, towards the voice. Although Doflamingo wanted this person, his own safety was more important than a woman. But just as he was about to act, he felt a sudden chill on his shoulder. Looking down in shock, he saw his arm was missing. Nearby, in a small whirlwind, his severed arm and Scarlet were spinning gently. The normally violent tornado seemed as tame as a lamb.

When he saw the figure beside the whirlwind, Silver Beard's eyes widened in shock. At this moment, the pirates on deck also reacted. Their mighty captain had lost his arm in an instant.


Clamoring, the pirates raised their weapons towards the intruder, knowing that their weapons were useless against someone who could sever Silver Beard's arm instantly, but they had to put up a show of resistance.

Facing the sudden appearance of Dragon, Silver Beard grabbed Violet, his large hand squeezing her neck tightly.

"I advise you not to act rashly."

Violet struggled to turn her head, staring blankly at the figure standing there, her heart rippling with emotion. Silver Beard's face turned pale, but he knew that this Dressrosa princess was his only bargaining chip now.

"He's alone, kill him!"



Before Silver Beard could stop them, his men opened fire, knowing that the first strike was crucial. The sound of gunfire erupted on the deck as bullets flew towards Dragon. However, the expected scene of blood didn't happen. The bullets seemed to hit an invisible wall and fell to the ground in front of Dragon.

"What kind of power is this?!"

The pirates were shocked. Then, they felt a gust of wind pass by. Heads flew, and blood splattered. The sound of bodies hitting the deck continued as the remaining pirates were filled with fear.

"Hey, Dragon, why so harsh on these scum? It's not like you."

At this moment, the pale-faced Silver Beard heard another voice.

"Who... hm!?"

Silver Beard's words stopped abruptly. He looked at Nicholas' slightly weakened face and turned pale. Albert Nicholas! Why was this man, who attacked Mary Geoise and killed Celestial Dragons, here!?

Silver Beard's lips trembled, his body shivering. The pirate riffraff nearby, seeing Nicholas on the deck, were terrified to the point of blank minds.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

The rumors were true; encountering a dinghy in the New World meant certain death.

 [AN- For some reason the last part made me laugh so much XD 😂😂😂]