
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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426 Chs


"Of course," Toki replied to Whitebeard's request, realizing she had no power to resist. The recent earth-shattering clash between these titans was merely a casual greeting for them. Having spent some time on the Moby Dick, she had witnessed firsthand the terrifying power of Whitebeard and his crew on the seas, which left her with no desire to resist.

She had also seen Nicholas summon lightning with a gesture and battle Kaido and Big Mom without losing ground, showcasing his immense power. Faced with these two men, she and the remnants of the Kozuki clan had no bargaining power. Her only hopes were pinned on the arriving Zunesha and Whitebeard helping them against Nicholas out of respect for Oden.

So, she desperately needed Whitebeard's strength.

"Come here, Yamato," Nicholas called. Yamato joined him, glancing at Whitebeard, knowing this man had driven off the monster. Whitebeard, noticing her look, was curious but refrained from asking.

"Come on, call him Uncle Newgate," Nicholas urged Yamato with a smile.

"Uncle Newgate," Yamato said clearly.

Whitebeard was taken aback but nodded instinctively. Marco, Teach, and the other commanders silently observed Yamato.

Nicholas explained, "This is my new adopted daughter. Although she is Kaido's daughter, that muscle-brained guy clearly doesn't know how to raise a child."

Hearing Nicholas, everyone, including Whitebeard, had odd expressions. They all called Whitebeard "Father," so now this little girl calling him "Uncle" technically made her their peer.

Toki and Izou weren't surprised at Yamato being Kaido's daughter; they were waiting for Whitebeard's reaction. However, they didn't get the response they hoped for.

"Nicholas, let's talk," Whitebeard's words made him the center of attention.

"Newgate, what do you want to talk about?" Nicholas calmly looked at Whitebeard, indifferent to Toki and the Kozuki retainers' opinions. Whitebeard wasn't concerned with Nicholas' attitude toward the Kozuki clan; on the seas, strength commanded respect.

After a brief silence, Whitebeard spoke solemnly, "I hope you can leave Wano. But I know it's impossible to ask you to leave so easily, so...in exchange, I can grant you one request."

Marco and the others were visibly affected by Whitebeard's offer, understanding its weight. If Nicholas agreed, Whitebeard might even assault Marineford or Mary Geoise to fulfill it.

Nicholas frowned, understanding Whitebeard's intentions. From Whitebeard's perspective, Nicholas found it reasonable. Whitebeard wanted to avoid a war with Nicholas, which would mean a conflict not only between them but also between their pirate crews, leading to casualties. If Nicholas could be persuaded to leave Wano, it would honor his friendship with Oden without clashing with Nicholas' crew.

"Newgate, honestly, your offer is tempting, but... I can't accept it," Nicholas said, understanding the implications.

Despite his admiration for Whitebeard's power, Wano was crucial to his plans. Leaving it meant losing a fortress that was difficult to breach.

Toki, realizing Nicholas's stance, couldn't hide her disappointment. Yet, the matter was too important to give up easily. She watched Whitebeard, hoping he would have a solution.

Whitebeard felt Toki's urgency and found himself in a dilemma. He couldn't make decisions for Nicholas, and starting a full-scale war over this wasn't something he wanted. He cherished his newfound family and didn't want to endanger them.

Toki prepared to speak, but Nicholas interrupted her.

"I haven't completely occupied Wano, nor have I tried to exterminate you like Kaido and Orochi. Is it really necessary to keep pestering me?"

"Hmm?" Whitebeard's crew was momentarily stunned by Nicholas's words. Toki was shocked, and Izou looked as if he wanted to tear Nicholas apart.

After all, Kin'emon's body was still lying there.

"Wano has been ruled by the Kozuki family for centuries. How can you shamelessly say such things?" Kiku couldn't stay silent anymore.

"How do you know Wano has always been ruled by the Kozuki family? The Celestial Dragons claim to be the descendants of the gods. Do you believe them?" Nicholas retorted.

Kiku was left speechless, shocked by Nicholas's audacity. His entire life, he had been taught that the Kozuki family was the rightful rulers of Wano.

Nicholas, unfazed, continued, "Have you even asked the people of Hakumai and Udon if they want to return to Kozuki rule?"

"The opinions of those lowly people don't matter. Lord Momonosuke, as the rightful heir of Lord Oden, will lead Wano to a glorious future," Denjiro, one of the Red Scabbards hidden in the shadows, finally spoke up.

Kanjuro, another Scabbard, added, "Indeed, the great Lord Momonosuke will bring dawn to the oppressed Wano."

Nicholas chuckled at the Kozuki retainers' burning hatred.

"What are you laughing at? Do you find our words amusing?" Raizo demanded, seeing Nicholas's mocking smile.

"So, those people are now considered lowly by you? What were you ten years ago? A street thug? A man who brought disaster to the capital for his selfishness? A performer in Ringo, starving with your brothers? Oh, and your father was made a criminal for offending the powerful. A vagabond stealing hair to make brushes? A kappa whose mother was killed by Wano humans?

Now, as retainers of the Kozuki family, you deny your past and label ordinary people as lowly. What does that make you?" Nicholas's words cut deep.

The Red Scabbards were stunned, not understanding how Nicholas knew their past, which was known only to them and Oden.

 [AN- Now this is cooking ❤️‍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️‍🔥]