
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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430 Chs

Human telescope!

Under the small skiff's sunshade, Nicholas lay back on a deck chair. After all, he was injured and needed rest.

Nicholas lay on the chair, calmly looking at the somewhat composed Scarlett and Violet, and asked the question.

"Tell me, what happened in Dressrosa?"

Scarlett and Violet exchanged glances, completely surprised that Nicholas knew where they came from. They had never revealed their identities, and how did Nicholas know there was trouble in Dressrosa?

What they didn't know was that Nicholas was not concerned with Dressrosa itself but with the safety of the Tontatta Tribe. He was determined to obtain the healing fruit.

After a moment, Scarlett began to recount the events in Dressrosa. Dragon stood nearby, listening intently.

About five or six minutes later, Nicholas had a clear understanding of the situation and knew who the attackers were. There were various pirates and underworld villains, all orchestrated by Donquixote Doflamingo, the head of the Donquixote Family.

"Dressrosa is a member of the World Government, right? In case of such an attack, they can seek help from neighboring countries or the World Government. Even though the Navy's influence in the New World isn't strong, the World Government's prestige should have deterred Doflamingo from being so reckless," Dragon said, looking at the sorrowful Violet and Scarlett.

Although the World Government and Navy had limited influence in the New World, it didn't mean they were powerless. Especially when a New World member nation was openly attacked and its royal family pursued, the World Government would not tolerate such an affront. As a member of the World Government, it had an obligation to protect its members, and Dressrosa paid its annual tribute on time.

If the World Government ignored Dressrosa's plight, it would make other member nations question their own allegiance. After all, countries joined the World Government for protection. If their "big brother" didn't care when they were on the brink of destruction, what was the point of being a member? They might as well follow Fishman Island's example and withdraw, saving the tribute to bolster their defenses.

Scarlett looked at Dragon in pain and said, "We called for help the moment the pirates invaded... but the World Government hasn't acted."

She and Violet had fled Dressrosa to seek aid, knowing that even if they found help, it might be too late. Moreover, the World Government's attitude suggested that finding help might be futile.

"What about the neighboring countries? Didn't they come to your aid?" Dragon asked. In the New World, countries often formed alliances to support each other against pirate invasions.

Scarlett remained silent for a moment and then shook her head.

"Their reluctance is understandable," Nicholas interjected. "They weren't dealing with a small pirate crew but with Doflamingo's powerful family, with most members possessing abilities and significant underworld influence. Those countries wouldn't want to provoke them easily. The risk of national destruction was too high, and since the attack was solely on Dressrosa, they chose not to intervene.

"As for why the World Government didn't help Dressrosa against Doflamingo, it's due to historical issues."

Hearing Nicholas's words, Violet and Scarlett turned to him with puzzled expressions.

"Historical issues?"

Scarlett frowned and asked, "Historical issues?"

"The Riku family wasn't always the royal family of Dressrosa, right? The Donquixote family used to rule, but then they moved to the Holy Land Mariejois, and Dressrosa elected a new king, your Riku family. Now, although Doflamingo has lost his status as a Celestial Dragon, his powerful abilities and lineage allow the World Government to turn a blind eye.

"Enough talk. We happen to be heading to Green Bit near Dressrosa. We'll take a look."

Hearing this, both Scarlett and Violet were overjoyed. They had seen the strength of Nicholas and Dragon, and if they were willing to help, Dressrosa could be saved. As for the previous rulers, the Donquixote family, that was irrelevant. They had abandoned the people of Dressrosa.

"Please save Dressrosa!" Scarlett and Violet exchanged glances, then knelt in front of Nicholas.

Dragon watched silently, waiting for Nicholas's decision.

"Your ability is quite impressive," Nicholas said, praising Violet's power. Scarlett and Violet were puzzled, not understanding why Nicholas suddenly mentioned Violet's ability. Dragon, on the other hand, seemed to understand. The ability to observe from such a distance could be developed into a strategic weapon.

Scarlett soon caught on and asked Nicholas, "Is that what you mean?"

"Exactly," Nicholas nodded, not surprised that Scarlett understood his intention.

"No!" Scarlett exclaimed, emotionally charged. She couldn't use her sister as a bargaining chip to save Dressrosa.

Violet, realizing what was happening, said, "Mr. Nicholas, if you save Dressrosa, my life will be yours." The young Violet knelt before Nicholas, looking up to show her sincerity. Her eyes reflected hope, not coercion. After the upheaval in Dressrosa, Violet realized they needed the protection of a powerful ally to thrive in a world dominated by pirates.

"I accept your request. By the way, have you awakened your ability?" Nicholas asked.

"Awakened...?" Violet was puzzled, not knowing what he meant.

"Like before," Nicholas said, referring to the special state she had entered when using her ability to observe him.

Violet recalled the strange feeling she had experienced, realizing that was the awakened state. She nodded slowly.

"It's not easy to awaken a Paramecia-type ability. You're impressive. Can you do it again?" Nicholas was curious. Awakening a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit was rare and difficult, especially for someone of Violet's age.

Violet tried to enter the awakened state again but couldn't. She looked at Nicholas, disappointed.

Nicholas wasn't disheartened. He carefully observed Violet, understanding that her previous state was likely due to immense stress, leading to a pseudo-awakened state. With effort and the memory of that state, full awakening was just a matter of time.

Even without full awakening, Violet's ability was valuable. Who could refuse a human telescope?