

On the warship.

The navy looked up at the thick dark clouds overhead, with a hint of fear in their eyes, as lightning continued to dart through the clouds.

Clearly, through naval intelligence, they were aware of how formidable Nicholas could be under such conditions.

If the logia were considered moving disasters, then when unleashed in their home environment, they were akin to gods.

Yukimura's sword reflected flashes of lightning, and even though he typically wore a smile, his face now bore an unprecedented seriousness.

"Such weather is indeed troublesome."

Despite voicing his concern, Yukimura gestured for his subordinates to start moving.

A gangway was lowered onto the shore by the navy.

"Bring out the people and the money."

Issho and Yukimura were the first to descend the gangway, instructing their subordinates to bring out Bedeck and others, as well as the billion Berries.


The navy acted swiftly, and within seconds, they brought out Bedeck and the others, who were shackled.

Yukimura's nerves tensed slightly as he looked at the mountainous black clouds in the sky. Taking a deep breath, he then looked up, his gaze passing over the hundreds of meters to a figure standing with their back turned.

Issho and Yukimura proceeded while other navy members, armed cautiously, escorted the weary-looking Bedeck and his crew, following closely behind.

Before long, Issho and Yukimura reached Nicholas.

Both of them looked at the Celestial Dragon lying at Nicholas's feet, resembling a dead dog, and their expressions changed involuntarily.

"Truly an audacious pirate."

Yukimura observed the filthy and dishevelled Celestial Dragon, who seemed worse off than Bedeck, unable to refrain from commenting.

Although Yukimura felt a certain satisfaction seeing the Celestial Dragon in such a pitiful state, he didn't show it outwardly. After all, everyone knew how abnormal the mental state of these Celestial Dragons could be. If they held a grudge, it could be quite troublesome.

"Oh, you navy folks aren't following the rules, are you?"

Nicholas greeted the two "old acquaintances" standing tens of meters away casually.

Yukimura flashed a smile, appearing innocent.

"Mr. Nicholas, please don't misunderstand. I am indeed a Rear Admiral of the Marine Headquarters at the moment."

Understanding what Nicholas meant, Issho explained, then took out a document and tossed it to Nicholas, who fell silent upon seeing Issho's information and his rank as Rear Admiral.

Impressive, This move was truly extraordinary.

Bringing Issho, a Vice Admiral, as a Rear Admiral was a crazy move. It gave the Navy some confidence in facing Nicholas while avoiding provoking him unnecessarily.

"Lord Nicholas!!!"

Bedeck and his group, looking weary, perked up instantly upon seeing Nicholas, their faces filled with joy.

After being captured and sent to Impel Down, Bedeck had given up hope on his life. After all, few prisoners ever left Impel Down alive.

But unexpectedly, after enduring imprisonment in Impel Down for only a couple of days, Bedeck and his crew were taken out of the cells and kept in a separate room, with better food akin to what the guards had. Though they were still not free, compared to other prisoners in Impel Down, their conditions were almost like heaven.

Only when they were escorted onto the navy warship did Bedeck realize that his boss had come to rescue them.

Surviving the ordeal made Bedeck and his crew sob uncontrollably.

Seeing Bedeck crying, Nicholas asked, "Are you alright?"

"Sob, Lord Nicholas, do I look okay to you? Look at my face and body, covered in wounds! We were thrown into Impel Down, where our skin peeled off layers! Sob."

Seeing Nicholas, Bedeck couldn't help but pour out his grievances.

"Nicholas, your people and money are here. How do you want to proceed with the exchange?"

Yukimura paid no mind to Bedeck's tears. After all, every pirate sent to Impel Down had to undergo a baptism there. Those who survived would either languish in prison or perish. He looked at Nicholas and asked.

"Your things."

Nicholas kicked the Celestial Dragon on the ground toward Issho and Yukimura.

Referring to the Celestial Dragon as "things" and kicking him like trash caused Yukimura's expression to change again, while the navy behind him felt their hearts skip a beat.

In contrast, Issho seemed oblivious to the scene unfolding before him.

Yukimura gestured to his men behind him, and two navy doctors immediately approached, examining the battered Celestial Dragon. After a quick inspection, they hesitated when it came to mentioning the state of his body.

Sensing something amiss, Yukimura approached and saw the Y-shaped wound on the Celestial Dragon's chest, looking somewhat bewildered as he glanced at Issho.

"As long as he's alive."

At that moment, Issho, who had been silent, spoke up. Yukimura signaled for his men to bring Bedeck and his crew forward.

Out of caution, the navy did not remove the shackles and chains from Bedeck and his crew but instead brought them before Nicholas.

Nicholas calmly used his Observation Haki to scan Bedeck and his crew from head to toe, confirming that the navy hadn't tampered with them.

Nicholas looked at Issho and Yukimura calmly. "Alright, you may leave now."

Issho didn't speak but gestured, indicating for Yukimura and his crew to take the Celestial Dragon back to the warship while he stayed behind for a moment.

Not showing any particular reaction to this, Nicholas quietly watched as Yukimura and his crew escorted the Celestial Dragon onto the warship.

Then, he turned his gaze to Issho.

"Long time no see, Issho."

"Long time no see, Mr. Nicholas."

Bedeck: ...

Seeing the two acting like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a while, Bedeck was utterly bewildered.

Then, Bedeck glanced deeply at Nicholas. He had already found it incredible that Nicholas could exchange him from the navy's hands using a Celestial Dragon, but now, he was astounded to learn that Nicholas was acquainted with a high-ranking officer like Issho.

After all, the navy officer before him wasn't just any Rear Admiral but one known as fujitora, a prominent Vice Admiral.

For such a high-ranking navy officer to be familiar with Nicholas was terrifying to think about.

Realizing what the two had to discuss, Bedeck and his men left, giving them space.

"How do you feel being in the navy?"

Nicholas asked casually, as if chatting with a friend.

"Not bad. In the navy, I've seen many aspects of truth, goodness, and beauty, as well as the opposite. Both have been beneficial to me."

Issho responded seriously, expressing how his perspective had significantly improved since joining the navy and participating in the North Blue sweep under Tsuru, along with the intelligence he gained from the navy.

After a few more brief exchanges, they got to the point.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku hopes to have a conversation with you."

Upon hearing Issho's words, Nicholas was momentarily stunned, then frowned. It was unclear to him why Sengoku would want to speak with him.

"It's of a private nature."

Understanding the implications, Nicholas nodded, curious about what Sengoku wanted.

Soon, Issho took out two Den Den Mushi, one large and one small. The large one was a regular communication Den Den Mushi, but the small one caught Nicholas's interest because it was an anti-eavesdropping Den Den Mushi. If everything went as expected, Sengoku should have a similar anti-eavesdropping Den Den Mushi on his end.

"Beep, beep..."

As the Den Den Mushi connected, its form changed into a likeness of Sengoku's face.

"Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Issho?"

Sengoku's voice came through the Den Den Mushi.

"I'm Nicholas."


 [AN- only 3 chs today]

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