
One Piece: I Want to Find A Wife

Those who bravely sail the seas are those who have great goals. Some want to have a family. There are those who surpass their father. Some want to be the strongest. Some want wealth. Some want to get One Piece. But Eto (MC) sailed the sea with one purpose: I Want To Find A Wife ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a fanfic written for fun. There might be some problems with the chapter updates but I will try to finish it.

BugatiCatForm · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

5% HP

The Pirates are evil? The Marine are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have entirely different value! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course, it will! Whoever win this war will become the justice!

- Donquixote Doflamingo

When freedom fighters become terrorists, when mothers holding their babies are shot, when children are starving, when their homes are torn down, when refugees are scared to sleep because of the bombs, it is simple.

Humans are born with a good heart but the world tarnishes it until that small voice can no longer be heard. Close your eyes and speak to that little heart and ask!

What is righteous? What is evil?

#FreePalestina #AlleyesonRafah


Eto moved stealthily, constantly observing the battles unfolding around him.

He saw a rebel's head bitten off by a cannibal monkey riddled with bullet holes. Just as the monkey was about to roar in victory, a bullet whizzed through the air, faster than sound, piercing its skull.


The lifeless body of the cannibal monkey fell to the ground, eyes wide open and mouth agape, confused about who had just killed it. Eto, who had been watching closely, knew the answer.

"Euroka..." Eto whispered to himself.

He knew that while his presence had not yet been detected by either side, Euroka would inevitably notice him.

To complete his mission, Eto realized he had to eliminate Euroka first.

Changing his course, he started tracing the source of the rifle shots he heard just before a cannibal monkey dropped dead.

Crouching low and shielding himself behind large trees, Eto saw the battle between the rebels and the cannibal monkeys growing bloodier by the minute.

The number of rebels lying dead on the ground had reached a dozen, with the bodies of the cannibal monkeys not far behind. The fight between Captain Ant and the Cannibal Monkey Boss was so fierce that no one dared to get close.

Eto steered clear of their fight, knowing that even with his Gamer Gamer Fruit abilities, he wouldn't survive the clash.

Using his trained ears, Eto continued to track Euroka's position amidst the chaos of the battle. For an ordinary person, this task would be impossible, but for Eto, it was routine.

In battle, the five human senses can often deceive, but instinct is the most reliable guide.

Eto knew that to complete his mission or survive this situation, he had to kill Euroka swiftly. But first, he needed to remove the iron handcuffs binding his hands.

Eto crawled among the bodies of fallen rebels, searching their pockets for the key. Fortunately, the rebels used cheap handcuffs that could be opened with any key of the same type.

Though he had to crawl through mud and blood, Eto finally found a key. He unlocked the handcuffs and then grabbed a fallen rebel's sword.

He wasn't skilled with a gun but was proficient enough with a sword, making it his weapon of choice.

To catch Euroka, Eto knew he had to move quickly. If Euroka spotted him before he could get close, it would be game over.


The sound of gunfire echoed loudly through the forest canopy, filled with the screams of battle between the rebels and the cannibal monkeys.

Eto knew that the gunfire was from Euroka's custom rifle, as another cannibal monkey dropped dead.

Euroka's rifle, a modified version inspired by Laffitte's legendary firearm, packed a powerful punch but was notably loud.

In contrast, Laffitte's weapon was rumored to kill silently from hundreds of kilometers away.

Eto used his hearing and instincts to close in on Euroka's position.

Each gunshot brought him closer.

He knew he had to be cautious to avoid detection before he could strike.

Unfortunately, Euroka, as a seasoned sniper, was adept at sensing approaching threats and would relocate at the slightest hint of danger.

This cat-and-mouse game prolonged Eto's approach, but eventually, he spotted Euroka lying prone, hidden in the underbrush.

Eto ducked behind a large tree, catching his breath. He needed to sprint towards Euroka before he could fire another shot.

He couldn't afford to take another bullet to the head, having already endured the pain and potential side effects of multiple brain injuries.

"Huft~ Huft~ Huft~ Allocate all AP to Dexterity!"

[Dexterity: 25 -> 33]

Suddenly, everything around him seemed to slow down momentarily as he adjusted to his new speed. The 8 AP he allocated to Dexterity would be crucial in catching Euroka off guard.

Taking a deep breath and holding it, Eto exploded into a sprint, his muscles propelling him forward like an arrow from a bow.

He had positioned himself 100 paces from Euroka, aware of his target keen detection skills. With his increased speed, it would take only seconds to close the distance and bring her within striking range.

Despite his efforts to move silently, his primary focus was on speed, which inevitably alerted Euroka to his presence. Panic briefly flashed across Euroka's face as he quickly aimed his rifle at Eto.


[-13 HP]

In a panic, Euroka's shot went wide, and the hot bullet sank into Eto's shoulder.

Ignoring the pain, Eto continued to sprint forward. Only twenty steps separated him from Euroka's neck and his blade.

But just as he closed the distance, three rebels emerged, shielding Euroka with their bodies.


Eto cursed, realizing he had forgotten about the inevitable guards protecting Euroka. Their task was to hold off any attackers long enough for Euroka to either relocate or eliminate the threat.

Eto couldn't retreat; Euroka had already spotted him.

If Euroka escaped now, he would be even more cautious or, worse, target Eto exclusively. Surrounded by enemies, Eto had very few places to hide.

He had to kill Euroka now, or escaping alive would be impossible.

Ignoring the attacks coming his way, Eto tanked two slashes from the rebels on his left and right. He thrust his sword at the rebel directly in front of him, piercing his neck.

[-12 HP]

[-15 HP]

[+20 EXP]

[Kill 5 Rebel Soldier (5/5) (Completed)]

[+50 EXP]

[+6 AP]

[You Level Up!]

[+7 AP]

Without paying attention to the system notifications, Eto surged forward towards Euroka. But he was met with the muzzle of Euroka's rifle aimed squarely at his head. And then...


[-80 HP]

Eto's head snapped back violently, a sickening crack emanating from his neck.

At such close range, Euroka's rifle could pulverize even stone, let alone a human skull. Luckily, his HP had fully restored when he leveled up earlier. Without that, his lifeless body would be on the ground by now.


Eto screamed, fighting to regain consciousness through the blinding pain of a gunshot wound to the head. Euroka and the two remaining rebels stared in shock as Eto, still alive, ignored them.

Euroka was within striking distance, and Eto didn't waste a second, slashing his sword towards Euroka's neck. Reflexively, Euroka dodged, but Eto's blade severed his arm instead.


Euroka's scream of agony snapped the two other rebels out of their shock, and they quickly swung their swords at Eto. He knew he couldn't avoid taking damage, and there wasn't time to block with his sword still recovering from the previous strike.

Eto quickly commanded in his mind, "Allocate all AP to Constitution!" and leapt forward.

[Constitution: 25 -> 38]


[-8 HP]


[-7 HP]

Two slashes tore into Eto's back. His high Constitution mitigated the damage, preventing his HP from plummeting to zero immediately. Even so, only have 5% of his HP was far from ideal, especially with two fresh, uninjured rebels still facing him.

Eto circled behind Euroka, not needing to reset his stance. With one swift thrust, Eto's sword pierced Euroka's back, shattered her heart, and emerged from her chest.

[+20 EXP]

Seeing their charge killed right in front of them, the two rebels' eyes turned red with rage. They attacked fiercely, swinging their swords at Eto.

Eto kicked Euroka's impaled body towards the rebel on his right, slowing his advance. With perfect timing, Eto parried the rebel attacking from the left.

Eto's high Strength attribute gave him the upper hand in their clash, sending the rebel's sword flying backward.

He then delivered a powerful kick to the rebel's groin, causing him to double over in pain. Before the rebel could recover, Eto beheaded him with a swift slash.

[+20 EXP]

Before he could savor his victory, the rebel on his right swung his sword at Eto. Thanks to his high Dexterity, Eto easily dodged and countered with a slash that split the rebel's face in two.

[+20 EXP]

"Huft~ Huft~ Huft~ Huft~," Eto panted heavily, trying to steady his breathing, but his heart continued to pound wildly. With only 5% HP remaining, a single sword strike from a rebel would end him.

[Character Level 7

Name: ???/Eto

Age: 11

HP: 5/100 (Very Tired, Concussion)

EXP: 60/700


Eto's face paled when he saw how much more EXP he needed to level up and fully restore his HP.

Scanning the area, he spotted Euroka's modified rifle. An idea formed in his mind, and he quickly grabbed the rifle.

He then sought out a new hiding spot and began hunting for targets.

This time, he avoided aiming at the rebels, knowing they would grow suspicious if one of their own was killed by gunfire.

In the chaos of battle, no one would notice that Euroka wasn't the one shooting cannibal monkeys with his modified rifle.

Eto recalled his shooting lessons from the training camp. He aimed for the heads of the cannibal monkeys, though he lacked Euroka's sniping talent. Consequently, it took him more than one shot to kill a cannibal monkey already wounded by the rebels.


[+40 HP]

"Nice!" Eto exclaimed, realizing that cannibal monkeys provided much more EXP than ordinary rebels. Using the rebels as his cover, Eto shot one cannibal monkey after another without risk.

There might be a gaming term for this strategy of farming EXP, but he didn't know it.

After all, as an orphan in a war-torn country, when would he have ever had the chance to play games?