

When Hercule first joined the marines, he requested to be stationed in the Navy Headquarters and informed Kong that he would only leave when he issued challenges to swordsmen, or went out to hunt specific pirate groups.

Although if the marines had no other choice but to deploy him, he would go without hesitation.

Kong didn't see anything wrong with it, there are many marines who prefer to work in the headquarters, and it's not like Hercule didn't also mention that he would hunt pirates periodically.

Kong was simply glad to hear that Hercule was a serious swordsman, because swordsmen are very rare in the navy, and Kong knew that Hercule was likely to become a Great Swordsman, which would add an Admiral level fighter to their ranks, not to mention his physique.

Kong would sometimes carry out combat training with Garp, Sengoku, Hercule and a few other promising marines, and it was during one of those sessions that he discovered the peculiarity of Hercule's Physique. 

Just like the WG described of Ephon's physique, although a little slower, Hercule's body healed at visible speeds after taking an Haki covered punch from him, 

"Can you also create.." "No."

At the time, Kong blurted out the question of whether Hercule could also use Ephon's tree creation ability but Hercule's answer disappointed him, but only for a short time, because he realized that just Hercule's physique made him a unique monster in these seas, not to mention his swordsman talent.

Over the years, the Seas would come to learn about a weird marine, who would issue challenges to various swordsmen in the seas, but would rarely take actions against pirates, but when he did, pirates would only see a sword slash before their journey ended. 

He would soon be known as 'Hercule the Noble', which was quite remarkable for a marine that is rarely deployed.

"Change of strategy, I'll do as Sengoku had advised, instead of thinking about eliminating them, we should just keep chasing and confronting them, and then retreating when we're exhausted, so they wouldn't get the opportunity to raid countries and cause too much damage." Kong revealed.

"So a prolonged battle!? I see, you're betting on the future." Tsuru deduced.



Amidst the rugged cliffs and crashing waves of Pirate Island, the raucous laughter and jubilant cheers of the Rocks Pirates echoed through the night air. Gathered around a roaring bonfire, the notorious crew celebrated their latest conquest: a daring raid on a World Government country.

At the heart of the festivities stood a young Big Mom, contrary to her appearance in the future, she was currently a beauty to behold with an imposing figure towering over the revelers.

Beside her, was a young Edward Newgate, later known as 'WhiteBeard', his rugged features lit by the flickering flames, illuminating his bright blonde hair. Right now he wore an expression of detachment, despite being among so many of his 'comrades'.

Around the fire, other members of the crew joined in the revelry, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of the flames. Golden Lion Shiki, spouted tales of treasure and adventure, his eyes sparkling with mischief, it was obvious that he was drunk.

John, laughed heartily as he spoke of tales of treasures which captivated the surrounding pirates whose eyes were full of yearning and greed, many other prominent figures were also present.

Like Ochoku, Silver Axe, Buckingham Stussy, and Gloriosa, although it seemed that some future members were missing.

Captain Rocks, a formidable figure of towering stature and commanding presence, watched over his crew with a steely gaze as they reveled in their success.

Perched upon a weathered rock formation overlooking the beach, Rocks raised a goblet of rum to his lips, his eyes scanning the scene before him with a mix of pride and calculation.

It was his dream to overthrow the World Government, and he felt that he was getting there one step at a time.

"Captain Rocks! How do you think the WG will react?" a drunk member of the crew shouted.

"They'll probably send their dogs again." Rocks replied nonchalantly.

It seems that he wasn't threatened by the power of the WG, or maybe he had something to back up his confidence.

"Dogs.. oh you mean the marines hahaha"

"Hahahaha!" The drunk pirates burst into laughter.

Contrary to his crew's jolly expressions, Rocks still wore a serious expression, it seems that he was contemplating something.

'I'm still not ready yet, I need to recruit more, when my crew won't lose to that legendary pirate group, that is when I'll confront them.'

Like everyone else who calls the sea their home, Rocks has also heard of the legends of NF pirate group. In those days the world government spread the rumor that NF and Ephon destroyed everything they came in contact with like the Wrath of Nature, which was not entirely true, because they did not harm civilians.

But this rumor was true when it came to pirates, in fact in the pirate world, to this day, their fear of NF is comparable to their fear of the WG and the marines, and unlike civilians they aren't easy to fool with the WG's propagandas. 

And with rumors being spread about NF's Paradise, the Pirates were further convinced that NF might have forced the WG into a compromise to own their own kingdom.

This action and rumor actually started an Era of its own, that lasted from the 20s, to the 40s in which pirates would take to the seas with dreams of claiming territories and requesting of the WG to make their territories official and revoke their bounties.

Unfortunately, or fortunately all of those pirates that did manage to claim a territory of their own, have met with the same end, annihilation.

But some pirates haven't given up, they were simply further convinced that Nature's Family succeeded because of their unparalleled power and fame. And Nature's Provider was there to remind them of NF's success even if they didn't hear rumors about Paradise, because almost 50% of the ships that sail the seas are using NF produced wood.

'D huh…This rookie should be promising, when he enters this far into the New World I should recruit him.' Rocks thought as he looked down at a newspaper with the wanted poster of Gol D. Roger

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