
One Piece: I Just Want A Family

What happens when a man who sees having a family as his dream is thrust into the World of One Piece in the 1400s of the Sea Circle Calendar, what happens when that man is gifted with power and accumulates influence, and what happens when others see him as a threat. Find out how Ephon maneuvers through the Sea with the will to fight against the world for his family. No Harem Check out my Patreon, it's currently three chapters ahead. patreon.com/Yardigan

Yardigan · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Florian Triangle

Ephon's ship was now sailing into the ominous expanse of the Florian Triangle, the once clear skies now engulfed in an eerie fog, reducing visibility to a mere few meters.

The atmosphere is thick with an unsettling aura, sending shivers down the spines of the freed slaves on board Ephon's ship.

The sea itself seems to take on a life of its own, the waves rolling ominously beneath the hull of the ship as if whispering secrets of the deep. Strange, ghostly lights flicker in the distance, their origins unknown, adding to the sense of foreboding that hangs heavily in the air.

"Why do we have to come here? This place gives me the creeps." Diana muttered to Ephon.

They were both at the helm of the ship as Ephon steered the ship as they looked into the weird mist of the Florian Triangle, with Diana's hands clinging tight to Ephon's.

"To pick up something," Ephon responded nonchalantly.

"What the hell could you possibly want to pick up in this place, does this have anything to do with one of your visions again."

"Sort of… and why are you afraid, you're a Great Swordsman for crying out loud."

"Oh yeah, you're right… Wait! Strength has nothing to do with being creeped out by this place."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm just gonna pick up a skeleton and we'll leave" Ephon Hinted as he jokingly.

"A Skeleton!? E! You better stop playing games with me, it's not funny."

"Yohohoho… Srchhhhh!"

Suddenly, what felt like a bone-chilling sound echoed across the water, causing Diana and the freed slaves to jump in alarm. 

The slaves strain their eyes to catch a glimpse of the source, but the fog obscures their view, leaving them to wonder whether it was merely a trick of the mind or something far more sinister.

'That should be it, this time you wouldn't have to spend all that time in this place.'

Ephon thought as he turned the ship in the direction of the sound, much to Diana's dismay

"What the hell E!? Don't tell me you're going towards that sound?"

"You know me best honey," Ephon replied as he cracked a grin.

"Of course I'm y… stop doing that, Hmph! But tell me E, are you really looking for a skeleton?"

"When have I ever lied to you dear?"

Soon a glimmer in the distance caught their attention—a lone ship with its timeworn sails fluttering in the ghostly breeze. 

"I sense him, wait here." Ephon muttered as he leaped from his ship onto the other ghostly-looking ship.

"Him? What do you mean to 'Him'?" Diana asked in confusion, but she still listened as stay guarded on their ship.

'Let me… dam it, that's a walking, living skeleton, I should've known that this weirdo E was up to no good.'

Landing on the deck of the ship, what greeted Ephon was a solitary figure—a skeleton adorned in a full gentleman's black suit, its hollow eyes fixed upon them with a mixture of curiosity and longing.

"How do you do? Yohohoho!" Brook jollily greeted after a moment of silence. 

"You're Brook of the Rumber Pirates with a 33 million berries bounty, right?" Ephon asked, he wanted Brook to know that he was aware of who he was.

"Hohoho, my reputation precedes me, I'm guessing you didn't recognize me based on my appearance, since I'm now a skeleton Yohoho."

Although a little surprised that Ephon recognized him despite him now being a skeleton, Brook brushed it aside and joked. 

'Your reputation spans further than you might think.'

"My name is Ephon Jarilo, I own a little territory, you should have heard of it, it's called Nature's Triangle, the opposite of this Devil's Triangle, everyone is like family there, you can join us if you want." Ephon didn't waste any time and went straight to the point.

Wait... Yohoho, you are the.. 'The Wrath of Nature' from the legends, the leader of Nature's Family." Brook exclaimed as he wiped the invisible sweet that appeared on his skeleton head.

"Well, while I would like to accept your offer, I have made a promise to my friends that I haven't fulfilled, so.."

"'To travel the entire Grandline', it's a grueling task I must say, but I can tell you this Brook, if you follow me, I won't stop you from going on your adventure, in fact, I can guarantee that you'll still be alive in another 50 years and you'll meet a new crew that will help you fulfill your dream." 

"You... How?" Brook was shocked.

"You're a talking, living skeleton, and you're shocked by this, hahaha" Ephon teased.

"Hohoho, you're right… I will gladly follow you and wait on that day."

"Alright let's go, my wife... Wait!" As the two were about to jump back onto Ephon's ship Ephon seemed to have remembered something and turned around to look at Brook.

 "Don't you dare ask my wife to show you her panties." Ephon said seriously, one would think the world was about to end.

"YoHohoho, it seems that you know a lot about me, Mr Ephon." Brook laughed nervously. 

Getting back on the ship, Brook was met with the scared eyes of the freed slaves, and the scrutinizing gaze of Diana who was unmoved by his appearance contrary to her image from earlier.

Looking at Diana's appearance Brook wanted to say something but stopped himself when his gaze met Ephon's eyes.

"Yohoho, so scary"

"Is this the Skeleton you were talking about E?" Diana asked as she glared at Ephon.

"Yes, he is the last surviving member of the Rumbar Pirates, he'll be staying in the Triangle with us for a couple of years, decades to be more specific." Ephon revealed.

"It's nice to meet you, my lady, my name is Brook." Brook introduced gentlemanly.

Nice to meet you too Broke, I'm Diana, Eve. D Jarilo Diana, his one and only beautiful wife." Diana introduced as she approached Ephon with a flirtatious smile. 

"Yohoho… if I had blood in my body, I would've had a nosebleed, oh wow, I somehow have a nosebleed."

Looking at the couple's actions, Brook wiped the blood that somehow dropped from his nose, the freed slaves also saw the actions of the couple and could only shake their heads.

They had grown used to these two and their brazen actions, openly flirting like there was no one else present. They had also come to learn that these two were leaders of Nature's Family, the rulers of Nature's Paradise, a place they thought of as just another Legend in the seas.

But Ephon and Diana's behavior completely shattered the Noble image they had of them in their heads, even Brook has similar thoughts, but little did they know that it was because of Diana's and Ephon's nonchalance that made them loved in Nature's Paradise(NP).

The Elders never acted above anyone in NP except when it was time to give out commands, at other times, they treated everyone like an Elder would treat his/her juniors, and Ephon and Diana just happened to be more unique in this regard, they acted like the stereotypical old couples in love.

"Since we've already picked up Brook, can we leave now? I still don't like the feeling this place gives off." Diana suddenly asked, giving Ephon puppy eyes.

"I keep telling you, you're almost 8.."

Don't you dare say it! I dare you to say it." Diana interrupted Ephon's words shouting, as she glared at Ephon whilst resting her arms on her sword.

"I didn't say anything, what I wanted to say was I'll get us home quickly." Ephon renovated his words as quickly as he could, as he started steering the boat.

Diana simply nodded her head in satisfaction at Ephon's answer.

"Still as Crazy as ever" Ephon muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" But Diana seemed to have heard him.

"I said you're as Beautiful as when I first met you." But Ephon was prepared this time.

"As long as you know, this lady has been taking good care of her skin you know, and…."

Realizing that Diana was about to start babbling away, Ephon could only do his best to ignore her as he steered the ship out of the Florian Triangle.



I uploaded this chapter, and three other chapters on my new Patreon. I'll try to upload more consistently, Thank You for you support.

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