
One Piece: I hacked One Piece

Luo Yi traveled to the world of One Piece, bound with the "strongest hacking system", and opened his eyes at the scene where Pirate King Roger was executed. And he was the little navy soldier standing behind Roger with a machete in his hand. I hacked King of Pirates to death. I am just a translator, not the author, if you want to find the raw chapters https://wap.faloo.com/book/528969.html Please support me. https://www.patreon.com/translation69

Translation_King · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 14

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi raised his eyebrows, Gion's Sword had come just at the right time!

And how could Jinbe let Luo Yi get the Sword that easily? He flipped his big hand, and suddenly there were water drops floating from the surface of the sea around him, and it quickly condensed in Jinbe's right hand.

The next moment, Jinbe threw the water drop in his hand towards Gion.

Jinbe's skill "wave gun rain"!

In the face of Jinbe's attack, Gion used only a small amount of power and jumped to avoid Jinbe's attack.

The water droplets rushed towards her like a cannonball out of the cannon, instantly hitting the place where Gion was just standing, just listening to the bombardment made people scared to death.

The burst of the attacks passed, and the steel deck had a big dark hole. The sunlight passed through the hole and fell on the sea. The Oil leaked out the bottom of the cabin.

At this time, after attacking Gion, Jinbe rushed towards Luo Yi quickly, trying to take the weapon before Luo Yi got the long sword.

Seeing the flying sword and the attacking Jinbe, Luo Yi sighed, suddenly an unparalleled aura burst out of his body.

Conquerors Haki!

Luo Yi's used his Conquerors Haki in this battle for the first time!

Jinbe who was running towards him suddenly paused, the Arnament Haki covering his left arm receded, and at the same time his spirit was shaken he stood still, and the spirit of the Gion beside him was also in a trance.

It was precisely because they were in the range of Conquerors Haki of Luo Yi's.

At this time, Luo saw that Jinbe stood still, he immediately moved his left arm moved upwards towards the sword and caught it with his left hand.

But his gaze remained on Jinbe.

The distance of a few steps was fleeting, Luo Yi slowly pulled the sword out from the scabbard with his right hand and gently placed it on Jinbe's neck.

"Ding" the system sounded.

Luo Yi still didn't care about the "ding" system prompt.

At this time, Jinbe finally recovered but found that the cold blade was placed in his neck and he fell into a trance again.

Gion also looked at Luo Yi inexplicably.

A few seconds later, both of them understood what happened and both stared at Luo Yi with a shocked expression, they were incredibly surprised by what happened.

Conquerors Haki!?

With their identities and status, they naturally recognized such things as Conquerors Haki. The aura that caused them to pause for a moment just now was for sure Conquerors haki used by Luo Yi.

Only that kind of haki could have that kind of an influence on people. Being able to affect others just by their presence. That feat was impossible for anyone without Conquerors haki.

Even if Luo Yi's Conquerors haki was not so powerful, but on the battlefield, even a momentary pause can already affect the outcome of a battle to an unimaginable level.

Luo Yi looked at Jinbe and Gion's eyes, except for shock and admiration in Jinbe's eyes, there was no unwillingness in his eyes nor was there any anger that he was defeated by an unknown Marine soldier.

Now Jinbe had completely calmed down. In Gion's eyes, there was only shock and admiration.

The battle between Luo Yi and Jinbe was now over.

The pirates who had the upper hand saw that their leader Jinbe was defeated and captured by the marines and lost the confidence to fight in an instant. They were stunned by what they saw.

The most powerful leader in their minds, Jinbe, actually lost. You must know that Jinbe's position in their minds was very high and they thought of him as an invincible figure.

Jinbe's defeat gave them their most deadly blow, and this blow shattered the last faith in their hearts.

The shock on the soul made them feel weak and sent them into a trance. Some people dropped their weapons on the deck and knelt on the ground in a daze.

When the marines saw the captured pirate Jinbe, they burst into strong cheers, full of strength.

Previously, the marine officers and soldiers had ambushed Jinbe and saw how powerful Jinbe was. He and his men easily defeated them.

They even saw the Commodore Gion fall into a disadvantage, which gave them a lot of pressure. If it were not for the soldiers' instinct, they would not be able to persist until now.

The defeat of Jinbe gave the navy a strong heart booster, and then infinite power spewed out.

They immediately launched an attack on the pirates who were still dazed. They were small in number, but a large number of pirates were defeated by them, they were unstoppable.

The companions of Jinbe were killed, and gradually the pirates reacted, they saw the marines rushing towards them with great momentum.

The Pirates had the number advantage but they didn't have a leader to rule them nor did they have the will to fight. They all started to run away.

And their defeat was all because of one person! A captain of a small group from Logue town, Luo Yi!

Naturally, they could not believe that a little-known naval captain could actually defeat Jinbe!

But this was what happened!

On this day, Luo Yi officially entered the eyes of high-level Marines.