
One Piece: I hacked One Piece

Luo Yi traveled to the world of One Piece, bound with the "strongest hacking system", and opened his eyes at the scene where Pirate King Roger was executed. And he was the little navy soldier standing behind Roger with a machete in his hand. I hacked King of Pirates to death. I am just a translator, not the author, if you want to find the raw chapters https://wap.faloo.com/book/528969.html Please support me. https://www.patreon.com/translation69

Translation_King · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 12

How could Gion's heart not be shocked, she was worried that the squad that came to support her would be crushed by the Fishmen, but she didn't expect the development of things to be completely different from what she thought!

Arlong was killed instantly, and the battle situation reversed in a very short time.

Commodore Gion, who had been resentful towards the commander of Logue town for sending a small team to support her, was still somewhat confused about the situation.

At this time, on Luo Yi's battleship, the remaining pirates died, and none of them escaped.

Luo Yi's strength gave the team members great confidence and motivation.

After dealing with these pirates, Luo's Marine team rushed directly towards other marines who were tightly surrounded by the pirates.


Luo Yi's battleship fired several cannonballs, violently attacking the pirate warships on the periphery, and directly tore a hole in the pirate's encirclement.

The besieged Marine also took advantage of the loopholes in the pirate battleship to rush out, merge with the Luo Yi battleship and began a new round of confrontation against the pirates.

This reinforcement won a small victory on the initial battlefield, which really gave Gion's subordinates a lot of confidence.

However, Luo Yi did not stay on his battleship. When the battleship approached the pirate's battleship, he jumped onto the pirate's battleship.

And what started next was the complete slaughter of the pirates.

After all, most of these pirate Fishmans had some weird abilities that humans don't have. In the previous battle, Luo Yi has already gained some Fishmen abilities.

It can only be said that for Luo Yi, this was a good opportunity to enrich his abilities!

Besides, every time he defeated a pirate, Luo Yi would have some physical improvements, it was not that much, but it added up to a considerable amount.

On the pirate boat, Luo Yi rushed forward, with a flash of cold light in his hand, and one by one the heads of the three pirates rushing towards him flew, blood rushed out, and the body slowly fell.




The prompt sound of the system came continuously.

Luo Yi ignored the system prompts and rushed towards the remaining pirates, using the long sword in his hand to quickly harvest the pirate's life.

After killing all the pirates on the pirate deck, Luo Yi directly detonated the ammunition depot of the pirate battleship.

Even if he wanted to kill all the pirates himself, he cannot do that because he didn't have enough time. The most important goal of this Marine battle was capturing Jinbe and protecting Gion! So he decided to explode the ship to save time.

The explosion was so powerful that it affected a pirate warship that was close to it. The two pirate warships disappeared on the sea almost at the same time, leaving only pieces of debris on the sea.

Luo Yi leaped towards the remaining pirate warships, while continuing to slaughter the pirates, and advancing in the direction of Jinbe.

The huge explosion had undoubtedly attracted Jinbe's attention. This was already his biggest loss since the start of this war!

"Unexpectedly, a small Marine squad had such a powerful character!" While looking at Luo Yi who had slaughtered his clan, Jinbe squinted his eyes and he was furious.

If Luo Yi were to continue the slaughter like this again, his pirate group would all die very soon!

Thinking of this, Jinbe immediately wanted to rush towards Luo Yi.

But how could Gion fail to see Jinbe's thoughts, it was impossible for her to let Jinbe free, and let him attack Luo Yi!

If she kept Jinbe distracted for long enough, and if that powerful team leader had killed the other pirates in that time they could team up against Jinbe, and the battle at the point was basically over!

Just when Jinbe wanted to get out of the battle with Gion, Gion used her whole strength to attack Jinbe. Jinbe didn't dare to be careless and could only defend.

Although he had the upper hand in the battle against Gion, his strength did not surpass Gion by too much. If he allowed Gion was to attack him without defending himself, he can forget about saving his crew from Luo Yi's slaughter he himself would be killed by Gion,

So without any other option, Jinbe had to fight with Gion again!

But soon, Jinbe found an opportunity to hit Gion on the abdomen with a powerful punch and injured her quite badly!

The severely injured Gion couldn't stand up for a while, she was already injured before, and she was working hard to contain Jinbe but that punch was the last straw that crushed her!

Seeing Gion losing the ability to fight, Jinbe sneered and turned around and rushed towards Luo Yi.

Gion was full of worries when she saw Jinbe moving towards Luo Yi, but she was helpless.

In her opinion, although this team leader was powerful, there was still a certain gap between Jinbe and himself.

Although Jinbe was also seriously injured now, it was not something a small team leader could resist.

Thinking of this, Gion's eyes were a little sad, struggling to stand up to intercept Jinbe, but she was helpless because of severe injuries.

Jinbe's speed was very fast, and he arrived near Luo Yi in less than a minute!

Luo Yi, who possessed a Conquerors haki so he also had some sensitive senses. When Jinbe approached him, a dangerous feeling came in his heart, and he almost subconsciously jumped away to a piece of wreckage.

The next second a water ball landed on the deck where Luo Yi was just standing.

With a "Boom", a large hole was blown out by powerful energy on the deck.

"So you are finally free and have come to die by my hands..."

Seeing what happened, Luo Yi was not surprised, but he showed a provoking smile.


There are a total of 17 extra chapters available combining both my fanfic so Join my p@treon if you want to read it.
