
One Piece: I Am Psychopath [Completed]

[Mature Content Present] _________________________________ The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea horizon. Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds turning them darker in shade. The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not leaving a single house standing firm. Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before the fire could completely destroy them. The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy. The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with goods and women. A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area. On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word for him. "This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer." ___________________________________ [Author Talk---] This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to keep the characters as real as possible. Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as well as the world 'One Piece' itself. Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some changes. The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!! Please support... If anyone wants to contact me, Insta- @birkang_bty I also have a discord, Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might like one. -The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing] -Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

CHAPTER - 6 { Devil Fruit? }

"My name is Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma!".

As the name was heard, for an unknown reason everyone had their heart skip a beat.

Even the pirates were now starting to get a feeling of fear. Some took their leave while many stayed behind to watch the show.

Akuma could see every single person as he activated his ability to 'see'.

"Can you see it? Me?," asked Akuma while giving a dazzling smile. He looked around them and nodded, everyone had settled down at one place.

"Just wanted to see if the snails were working," said Akuma as he walked a little forward.

Moving his hands, a stick appeared out of nowhere with white coloured ending. Waving it he said-

"Look into any mirror near you and try to see yourself!," said Akuma while his irises started to change into multi-colored.

[Ability: Mirror Way]

Everyone present that were not already hypnotized, felt their energy decrease all of a sudden and their eyes started to turn white.

Above their heads, a loading bar appeared. And It kept filling up.

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

After sometime, everything was almost down and only one thing was left.

Akuma brought out a glass full of water and showed it to the public. He then turned it upside down as the water fell.

But it did not reach the ground and vanished in thin air. Akuma Bowed and waited.

"Wow! How did the master do that!".

"I can't believe it!".

"Please glance at me, master!".

The people started cheering and shouting master. A broader smile appeared on his face. His irises turned green, he achieved his first goal in this world.

As the day went on, the show also did. Akuma showed some baby tricks and the people exclaimed at him in excitement and joy.

* * *

A few days later___

"Fuu..," smoked Akuma as he looked at the dance performed by a few naked women in their 20s and 30s.

He reached out to take the glass of wine and took a sip of it while viewing his Status.


Level: 6 [3,500,100/10,000,000]

STR- 117

AGI- 121

DUR- 113

INT- 119

State Points: 110

Money: 117 million berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using money

Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammo] [Hat] [Jacket] [Deck of Cards] [Sand] [Pack of Cigar]

'I never once looked at the Creation Shop' thought Akuma as he clicked on it.

[Creation Shop]

Item Name:

Type: (ring, fruit,bag,etc.)

Abilities: (In details)

About the item: (origin, invention, etc.)


As I looked up at the information, I was quite amazed at the system.

'What should I create?,' thought Akuma when suddenly he had an idea.

Item Name: Umi-Hebi Devil Fruit

Type- Sea Blue Apple

Ability: After eating, can transform any living being into a Leviathan at will and change back without any weakness. 12 kilometres long, 30 meters wide and can breathe beams.

About the item: Devil Fruits are mysterious, distinctive fruits scattered throughout the world. This particular devil fruit was founded in Atlantis, long back.


[Being similar to the items in this world, System creates while adapting it]

[Item Created]

Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan, Dragon Series, Umi-Hebi no Mi

Description: A special devil fruit with no weakness towards sea stones. The user can also swim without drowning.

Price: 11 billion berries

"... ," no word came out. Akuma just stared at the first item he ever created and it's price.

* * *

Sitting on a bed after spending some time with some naked women. He came straight to the forest for training.

"Money…," spoke Akuma as he aimed his gun towards a bird sitting on a tree branch.


"Aaaa!," not the bird that got hit but a woman's voice. Akuma ran towards the voice while smoking his cigar.

Near ashore, a pirate ship was docked. The pirates captured some women and were taking them on the ship.

A woman seemed to struggle and escaped from the group of pirates as she ran towards the forest.


A shot was fired and hit her calf, a scream came out from her as she fell on the ground. She looked at the laughing pirates that came towards her.

She knew she had to fight but with her fear was more than her courage. Tears came out from eyes as she tried to stand and walk.

But she fell once again.

"Leave this bitch to me, I will teach her a lesson," licking on the blade, said a pirate.

"Shut up! She is mine!," shouted the pirate on his left while cracking fist. Both of them started to fight.

"If she is given to any of you, it will be boken in a night. I will take her and make a meat toilet out of her. Hahhaha!," laughed the captain of the pirate ship as he came close to her.

'I have to fight or' saying so, Christy gained courage and looked at the pirate group. There were a total of 6 in it and the rest were near the ship.

There was some distance between the ship and them, those trees also blocked the view.

If she could kill them here in a short time before the rest of the pirates came. She might be able to escape.

But the thing was that, she never killed anyone before. And she was also scared of herself because she ate a devil fruit.

Yes, she was a devil fruit user. That gained her an ability to control trees and plants but it was also the reason for her to get kicked out from her house.

Even the town stopped her from entering. From then onwards Christy stopped using her abilities.

She couldn't swim out of the island so she sneaked into a merchant ship. Later on, it reached the destination.

She looked at the town in front of her. Yes it was very clean, beautiful and blooming, just like the name.

The Town of Happiness

But just as she stepped in the Town, she got captured by a group of pirates and brought ashore towards their ship with few more women.

Now it was a do or die situation, no it should be worse then death.

* * *

On a tree not far from them, two eyes gazed from shadows. Suddenly the irises turned red, while a crazy smile appeared beneath them.

It looked at the black haired woman that controlled some tree branches to pierce through the hearts of the pirates.

"I need her"


[Author Talk---]

Readers, this novel has a protagonist with no love interest and harem (If what I know about harem is) so don't start to develop feelings for certain characters.

Thank you!