
One Piece: I Am Psychopath [Completed]

[Mature Content Present] _________________________________ The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea horizon. Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds turning them darker in shade. The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not leaving a single house standing firm. Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before the fire could completely destroy them. The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy. The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with goods and women. A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area. On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word for him. "This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer." ___________________________________ [Author Talk---] This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to keep the characters as real as possible. Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as well as the world 'One Piece' itself. Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some changes. The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!! Please support... If anyone wants to contact me, Insta- @birkang_bty I also have a discord, Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might like one. -The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing] -Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

CHAPTER - 36 { Deep Sleep }

Next day___

Akuma woke up and walked out of the White House, he reached the gate.


The gate opened as Akuma stepped out of the Castle compound. Looking around, he saw the green forest.

Roaming around, he came across the big clear Lake from which you could see everything inside.

Akuma stood on the edge of the lake and saw his reflection in the water.

"Hahahah!, " Laughter was heard behind him and suddenly, someone ran into his leg.

Turning around, he saw a small Skypiea girl, she rubbed her head with her tiny hands.

"You alright, Nana!, " Said a boy who ran after the girl. Both of them seemed to be around the same age which should be around 8 years.

"I am fine!, " Replied the little girl, she stood up and beat her chest to show her strength to the boy.

[Ability: See Through False]

His vision seemed to have changed and his eyes turned multi-coloured. He could see…

"These two are red! Looks like they didn't look at my eyes, " Muttered Akuma as he saw the two children looking at him with fright.

"Please leave her, she didn't do it on purpose, " Said the boy trying to shield the little girl and stared at Akuma.

Akuma bent down, and looked at the two kids carefully.

"Go!, " Said Akuma in a deep voice which almost scared the shits out of the boy.

Taking a run, both of them vanished in the woods but the little girl bowed to Akuma before following the boy.

"Kids, " Said Akuma, he then headed back towards the White House for lazing.

Coming inside, Akuma sat on his throne while closing his eyes.

Not knowing when, but he fell asleep.

* * *

"Hey! Wake up!, " Suddenly a voice came which woke Birkang from his sleep.

He saw a light green ceiling and a fan in the middle. Rising his body, he saw a young teen girl looking at him with big eyes.

"Where am I?, " Asked Birkang, he held his head and was totally confused. Just a moment ago, he sat on his throne and now.

Suddenly, his body seems to freeze. Slowly turning his head, he once again looked at the girl who was still looking at him.

"Wake up, smartass, " Said the girl while a smile still remained on her face.

"How are you alive?, " Said Birkang as he stared at the girl with some thoughts.

"I said wake up!, " This time, the girl repeated but all he heard was a scream.

Holding his head in pain, Birkang groaned on the bed. He had bloody eyes even then, his sight never left the girl.

"Janvi!, " Was the last thing he said before the world collapsed in front of his eyes.

* * *

"Haa… haa, " Panting, Akuma kneeled down on the cold floor. Warm sweats formed on his forehead.

"A dream?, " Whispered Akuma, he stepped one foot and then got up from the floor.

"I never had dreams, " Said Akuma, he glanced around the entire Hall before walking out of the White House.

Sprinting, Akuma reached the edge of the island and looked down to see three more.

Leaping, he fell from the height of 10,000 meters in the sky.

His whole body turned black in Armament Haki.

The people in the town saw him fall and were amazed by his act. It was not the first time he did it.


The whole Hell Realm shook, there was a huge crater on the ground. But looking, it was not the only one here.


"Someday I'm gonna die because of this, " Said Rony while he put the small knife away from his face.

Due to the shock, the knife kept on the shelf fell down on his head.

In the room, a huge glass cylinder connected by many wires was placed in the middle.

Was currently empty inside.

"Is everything ready?, " Asked Akuma as he entered the room and looked around.

"Yes, the only thing left is… For me to replace your heart and keep you inside this for a very long time, " Said Rony as he patted the glass cylinder with his hand.

"Then hurry and start everything, " Commanded Akuma, he walked near the operation table and laid his body.

"Okay, " Rony brought all the tools needed for the operation and placed it near the table.

"Injecting Propofol! Hope you have a sweet dream, Captain!, " Said Rony, which was also the last thing Akuma heard before falling asleep.

"Tuturu Tuturu Tutututuuutuuuu, " The operation went on smoothly as Rony was successful in replacing the heart.

"Now how do I move him in?, " Muttered Rony as he looked at the giant body of Akuma and the glass cylinder which was at some distance.

"I guess a few young female nurses won't do trouble, " Said Rony to himself as he stretched his body before transporting Akuma inside the cylinder.

Inside the cylinder, Akuma's body floated in the blue liquid created by Rony which would help Akuma to keep his body healthy.

All the nutrients and energy will be directly delivered in his body by the metal pipe connected to Akuma's back.

"Done!, " Exclaimed Rony as he wiped his forehead full of sweat. And a little stretching for better function.

"Now let's go back to work, " Muttered Rony, he returned back to his study table and started doing his work.

* * *

While Akuma was in his slumber, the Devil's Pirates had already spread around the whole world.

All the four blue seas were now in their eyes. One island in each blue sea was selected for the settlement.

New bounties were placed on the Devil's Pirates. As the Main Captain, Akuma had the highest rise in his bounty.

[Wanted Poster]

[1,850,000,000 billion berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]


[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, I am writing another fan fiction why don't you go and read it.

I don't know why, but 'Reality: Summertime Saga' can't be changed to fan fiction and it's now on the novel section.

Try it out and also comment your thoughts.

Thank you!!