
One Piece: I Am Psychopath [Completed]

[Mature Content Present] _________________________________ The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea horizon. Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds turning them darker in shade. The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not leaving a single house standing firm. Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before the fire could completely destroy them. The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy. The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with goods and women. A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area. On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word for him. "This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer." ___________________________________ [Author Talk---] This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to keep the characters as real as possible. Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as well as the world 'One Piece' itself. Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some changes. The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!! Please support... If anyone wants to contact me, Insta- @birkang_bty I also have a discord, Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might like one. -The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing] -Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

CHAPTER - 26 { War! Part-6 }

"Holy Judgement!".

The black clouds that covered the sky were disappearing and sunlight came from the gaps.

"No! No no no, why can't I control the storm!?, " Said Laurens, he tried but couldn't control the weather any more.

"So that's the power of a Mythical Zoan, " Muttered Rony, he came out of the ship and looked at the sky.

"Magnificent!, " Said Rony, he pushed his spectacle and turned his gaze to Mia while a smile appeared on his face.

"I want to see what's inside her, " Muttered Rony, he then returned back to the ship while trembling in excitement.

"Brother is in trouble, " Said Trick, clenching his fist and looking solemn. Christy and Yuki were the only ones to not feel anything.

"Master is gorgeous!, " Said Yuki, resting her hands on the ship's side railing. Christy nodded and stood beside her

"Laurens! Come down!, " Shouted Gerry, he was also watching the scene with worried eyes. Laurens nodded and came down.

* * *

"How did you do it!, " Shouted Crick, he flared towards her with his lighting. Mia raised her sword and suddenly vanished.

"What!, " Crick was surprised, he looked around but failed to find her but a voice came that made him look up.

"This is Holy Judgement!, " Said Mia, hundreds of thousand swords appeared in the sky. Each shined bright that made eyes so numb.

"Why you!, " Said Crick, all the swords joined together and fell down towards Crick.

He wanted to dodge or escape the attack but his body was fixed in the sky by some unknown energy.

"Then let me die with pride!, " Said Crick, his figure started changing form and turned into a hybrid form.

Two thunder wings, both his legs were that of a birds and his body had some blue tattoos all over.

"Shōmei tero!".

His body exploded with electric energy and formed a huge thunder spear that headed towards the sword.

* * *

Everyone saw a huge blue spear clashing with a golden sword.

As the contact between the two happened, a loud and big explosion formed there.

It was so loud that the people watching through the stream had their ears hurting.

Admiral Yoru and Jessica had to stop their fight because of the explosion or else they would be engulfed too.

Far, Akuma looked at the explosion and narrowed his pupils. As the expected happened.

* * *

After the smoke cleared, only one person was in the air flying. Mia clenched her sword handle tightly.

"Let the soul rest in peace, " Said Mia, she then turned her face towards the ships that floated in the sky.

"This will be your end, " Mia flew towards the large ship in the front with her fastest speed.

"Shit!, " Cursed Gerry, Laurens and Gerry hugged each other in fear. Christy, Yuki and Trick were ready to fight.

"Let me!, " A voice came from the door that opened, Rony stretched his neck and jumped from the ship.

"Room!, " said Rony and an invisible vortex spread throughout the sky and the ships.

He floated in the air and looked towards Mia who entered his room. He smiled at her.

"Shambles!, " Said Rony and Mia returned back to her position where she entered the vortex.


Swinging her sword, a golden slash came out and went towards Rony who send it back to her.

"Ahhe!, " Groaned Mia, a cut appeared on her chest that went through her stomach.

"I am the surgeon in my room!, " Said Rony, he looked at the groaning Mia in excitement.

* * *


A dark energy beam blasted Ryujin towards a big island. Falling, the whole island trembled due to the crash.

"Roar!, " Feeling the pain, Ryujin roared towards Daifuk in anger. He fired his energy beam at Daifuk.

Dodging the beam, Daifuk flew towards Ryujin and bit him on his neck. Ryujin tried to separate from Daifuk.

"Roarrrr!, " With his single hand, Ryujin caught Daifuk by his neck and pulled him off.

Throwing him on the mountains, Ryujin blasted another energy beam at Daifuk who couldn't escape it.

A hole was visible on Daifuk's stomach, he was at death's door. With a little strength, he raised his head to see a dark green beam hit Ryujin.

Akuma pushed Ryujin away and looked at the dying Daifuk. He quickly changed and returned back to his human form.

"You can't run!, " Shouted Berick, he created a void in his fist and leaped towards Akuma.

"I will erase your existence from the whole world!, " Said Daifuk, he punched Akuma who dodged it.

As the punch landed on a tree, it was engulfed by the void fist and vanished without any traces. Even the roots deep down were gone.

"Awakened powers?, " Exclaimed Akuam, it was the first time he saw Berick use his awakened devil fruit.

"I can do the opposite!, " Said Akuma, he waved his hands towards Berick and threw some sand at him.

"My eyes!, " Overconfident in himself, Berick failed to dodge the harmless sand and lost his sight.

"Where are you!, " Cleaning his eyes, he looked to find Akuma missing in front of him. He used observation haki to find him far away.

* * *

Daifuk couldn't maintain his dragon form and returned back to his original human form.

"Aaa!, " Screamed Daifuk, a large hole was on his stomach. Both his hands were broken and he didn't have any strength left.

"Must be painful?, " A voice woke him up from the pain, he looked at the tall figure.

"Let me help you!, " Said the man, a metal bat appeared in his hands and he swung it at Daifuk.

Barbaric D Daifuk, the most dangerous man after joy boy himself had his last breath.

His head was smacked by a metal baseball bat. Akuma lifted his body and it vanished in the air.

Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammu] [Hat] [Deck of Cards] [Pack of Cigar] [Lighter] [Dead Body]

"My work is over!, " Said Akuma, he wanted to get out of here but he felt danger from behind.


Swinging his bat with armament and conqueror haki, it hit a white energy beam after which an explosion appeared.

Akuma was engulfed in the explosion, Ryujin in his hybrid form reached where the explosion occurred.

"Damn it!, " Cursed Ryujin, he saw a huge crater but not Akuma. Even his observation haki failed to locate him.

There might be another chapter today...

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