
One Piece: I Am Psychopath [Completed]

[Mature Content Present] _________________________________ The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea horizon. Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds turning them darker in shade. The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not leaving a single house standing firm. Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before the fire could completely destroy them. The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy. The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with goods and women. A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area. On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word for him. "This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer." ___________________________________ [Author Talk---] This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to keep the characters as real as possible. Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as well as the world 'One Piece' itself. Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some changes. The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!! Please support... If anyone wants to contact me, Insta- @birkang_bty I also have a discord, Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might like one. -The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing] -Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 21 { Dream Dead Pirates Vs Straw Hat Pirates }


The control room was engulfed in an explosion, two shadows moved in the space between the fire.


A thin line of cut flew straight towards Zoro, who lowered his upper body and dodged it easily.

The upper part of the ship behind Zoro due to the cut was separated from the lower.

"Dragon Claw!"

Zoro gritted his teeth, while still biting on the third sword handle, and swung all three blades at Nobita.

The three slashes which came out joined together and manifested into a huge blue dragon claw.

"Dry Light!"

Seeing the claw coming at him, Nobita didn't panic but shouted as he opened his palm.

A small piece of stone which shined extremely bright formed on his palm.

It fused with his left hand as all the blood vessels there seemed to power up and surface on the skin.


Clenching his left hand into a tight fist, Nobita punched at the blue dragon claw.


A loud explosion erupted once again in the already destroyed control room, now even the wooden ceiling was blasted off as the sky came into view.

Zoro came back and stared at the person before him who was half hidden behind a wall of flame.

In his eyes, there was a red flash of light. An excited smile emerged on his face.

"You're strong, there's no denying it."

Zoro said honestly without showing any envy towards Nobita.

"Really? Did you only learn it now?"

Nobita scoffed. He held the long katana with his left hand as the main grip.

Bright light covered the katana, a new energy ran through the blades giving Zoro a nervous feeling.

"Enough talking!"

Zoro launched himself and slashed at Nobita. The other also didn't hold back.

Nobita spun his upper body also swinging the katana to clash with Zoro.


The wall of flame was pushed back by the gust of wind created due to their collision.

"You believe I can be defeated? Empty Dreams!"

Nobita spoke while increasing his strength on his legs and pushing Zoro back.

But the arrogant talk from Nobita to let Zoro make mistakes thinking he was just a bark instead of a bite, didn't really work.

Because Zoro continued to stare at Nobita's eyes, like he was looking in his soul.

"A Hundred Thousand Man Power…"

Nobita suddenly felt that the figure before him, Zoro, was a huge unmoving mountain.

'How? How did he bring this power from?'

Nobita clenched his jaws and gritted his teeth, but no matter how much strength he used, he couldn't overpower Zoro.

"Equals Me Alone!"

Zoro burst out with a loud shout as he directly sent Nobita flying through the walls one after another.


Nobita grabbed onto the broken walls and stood up with great struggle. Multiple cuts and wounds, fractures and broken bones, all were sustained in him.


Blood flowed down his mouth, the pain assaulted his mind numbing it.

"Hey, this will be my final move. Try to survive."

Zoro's voice rang in Nobita's ears repeatedly. When he looked towards him, Nobita saw a blue light engulf him.

Nobita's eyes widened as Zoro's aura reached a terrifying level.

"Demon Aura Nine-Sword Style!"

Behind Zoro, two more bodies formed identical to him. They also held the three swords exactly like him.

One on each hand and the third between his teeth.

"Asura! Blades Drawn!"

The walls, floors and remaining ceiling shook violently as they started cracking.

"Nine-Sword Style! One Cut…"


Zoro stomped on the floor completely destroying it, his body dashed at Nobita in an unimaginative speed.

Nobita's body couldn't move, even if he tried it wouldn't. Only his eyes watched and his brain thought.

'I disappointed you all…"

Regret surged out from his heart, Nobita then experienced the power behind the slash from Zoro.


Zoro stopped behind Nobita, the two extra bodies disappeared slowly.

His chest moved up and down as Zoro took in his quick breaths.

A deep and thick line of blood appeared on Nobita's body. From the top of the left shoulder crossing down till his right hip.

The upper half of Nobita's body from the cut, started sliding down and fell on the floor.

The organs such as lungs, stomach, heart, and few more flowed out of the body.


The lower half, the legs fell to the knees and slammed on the floor just below the upper half.

A pool of blood formed with the severed body and those organs.

* * *

In the sky, Doraemon stopped attacking Luffy. There was a certain and particular feeling that pinched his core.

On the sea, the ship of Dream Dead Pirates was sliced into many parts already due to Nobita and Zoro's fight.

Doraemon could see multiple dead bodies of the pirates and there was also Suneo's.

Shizuka's death was long known to Doraemon but what could he even do in this situation.

'Nobita, please don't die!'

"Hey! Don't get distracted!"

Luffy appeared behind Doraemon and broke one of his robotic arms.


Doraemon fired energy shots at Luffy but the latter was too fast and escaped.

Sparks flew round Doraemon's broken arm as the wires and mechanism produced a weird sound.

It was then that large bubbles burst on the sea surface near the two pirate ships.

From the sky, Doraemon and Luffy could see a huge shadow coming up.


A huge hand held on the Night Dragon, and using it as support the rest of the body surfaced up.


Doraemon became excited as he saw Gian while Luffy had a frown on his face.

Gian swung his fist on the main mast of the Night Dragon but Sanji made it in time and blocked it.

"You don't!"

Sanji stood on the deck, around him were only dead bodies of the pirates from Dream Dead Pirates.

His eyes were dim, he sucked in the burning cigarette and released white smoke.


Gian didn't care and slammed his huge fist on Sanji. Yet, compared to the size of the fist and strength, Sanji blocked it with his single leg.

The deck trembled but the ship being made from the strongest wood in the entire world, could hold on.


Sanji spun and kicked Gian's fist away. He leaped from the deck and ran towards Gian in the air.

Sky Walk!

"Blazing Heart Kick!"

Sanji's right leg glowed in red and orange light as flames erupted out.


A kick, carrying monstrous power in it, landed on Gian's head sending him crashing on the Dream Dead Pirate's ship.


Half the ship sank while the other half got destroyed, Gian's body floated on the surface.

His eyes barely opened. His body also started shrinking back to its original size.

"Ahge! Ha… Ha…"

Gian somehow managed to grab on a part of the ship and climb up.

His eyes moved without any focus at first but then the sight of a severed body made him stop his movement.

"N-Nobita? Nobita!"

Gian gritted his teeth and crawled towards the severed body. His eyes teared up as he held on the upper half of the severed body and raised it.


Tears flowed down, Gian held on to Nobita. Gian stopped, he placed Nobita on the floor again with care.

Standing up, veins popped on his forehead. Gian pulled out a tiny torch like device from his pocket.

Pointing it at himself, Gian switched it on. The light shone on him as his body started to get bigger and bigger.


The furious Gian dived his body at the Night Dragon where Sanji was having a troubled face.

"Stay down!"

Sanji roared as he kicked the air and flew in the sky quickly. Both his legs glowed in deep red light with flames.


Sanji joined his legs together and kicked at Gian's chest area where the heart was situated.


The impact pushed Gian's body back in the sky while Sanji kicked even further.


Gian's back on the opposite side of the chest burst open, red blood rained down on the sea and the ships.


The huge body hit the sea surface, creating huge and violent waves.

Gian's eyes had the life in them vanished, the lifeless body started sinking in the deep sea which was dyed red due to the blood.

"Gian, Suneo, Shizuka a-and… Nobita."

Said Doraemon with a low and painful voice, he had managed to get a glimpse of Nobita's severed body.

"Don't worry, I will soon come to you all! But I won't be alone!"

Doraemon was now determined, his red eyes glared at Luffy with hatred and rage.

Throwing the Energy Gun away, Doraemon pulled out a huge black object from his pocket.

"Bomb of Mass Destruction!"

The most powerful and dangerous nuclear weapon that he had, which was also once used to completely wipe out an entire island from the face of One. (One, here is the name of the One Piece world similar to Earth.)

But that was just a portion of what this bomb could do as Doraemon had modified it last time.

This bomb here wasn't modified, it is the first and original version clearly having the power to destroy a part of One.

And this part alone was enough for every single being in the entire world to bow down before him in fear.

Be it even the World Government!

"Sorry, But I will be taking this!"

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened. A figure with face makeup appeared near Doraemon.

He snatched the Bomb of Mass Destruction, and the special pocket from Doraemon.

Before anyone could react, the figure vanished in thin air leaving not a trace behind.