
One Piece: I Am Psychopath [Completed]

[Mature Content Present] _________________________________ The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea horizon. Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds turning them darker in shade. The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not leaving a single house standing firm. Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before the fire could completely destroy them. The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy. The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with goods and women. A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area. On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word for him. "This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer." ___________________________________ [Author Talk---] This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to keep the characters as real as possible. Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as well as the world 'One Piece' itself. Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some changes. The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!! Please support... If anyone wants to contact me, Insta- @birkang_bty I also have a discord, Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might like one. -The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing] -Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 26 { Big Mom Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

[Author Talk---]

I just read a fan fiction, not gonna tell which one. But it has only 18 chapters yet has more number of reviews and power stones...

Haha, I am not sad...


"Mama Mama!, " Standing on Zeus, Big Mom flew towards Akuma at full speed.

"Come on! Big Mom!, " Shouted Akuma, he floated towards Big Mom using the Horo Horo no Mi.

Half of Akuma's body turned to white gas. Seeing this, Big Mom was surprised.

'What kind of devil fruit is that!, ' Thought Big Mom as she swung her sword at Akuma.

Akuma also swung his metal bat towards Big Mom with all his strength.


The collision of the two great pirates created a loud explosion, waves formed on the sea below them.

Both of them stayed midair, still clashing their weapons and increasing their strength.

"Prometheus!, " Big Mom shouted, feeling the extreme strength of Akuma on her hands which were shaking.

"Yes, Mama!, " Said Prometheus, the sun flew towards Akuma and released hot flames.

"Don't interrupt!, " Shouted Akuma, a burst of aura came out of him that engulfed the entire area of the war.

"Mama!, " The three, Zeus, Prometheus and Napoleon called Big Mom in pain.

"You old bastard!, " Cursed Big Mom, she retreated back on Zeus because the latter was in pain.

On the battlefield, many of the pirates were knocked unconscious because of Akuma's Conqueror Haki.

In comparison, Akuma knocked more pirates than Big Mom could.

That considering Big Mom had already knocked out the pirates with weak will.

"Where are you running!, " Said Akuma as he floated towards Big Mom while releasing many tiny white ghosts.

These tiny white ghosts flew towards the surrounding areas, mostly targeting the Big Mom Pirates.

"I am not running!, " Said Big Mom, she jumped from the top of Zeus and slashed at Akuma.

"Aaaaa!, " Screamed Akuma while hitting the slash with his bat and shattering it into particles.

"Dieee!, " Akuma's lower half completely changed into gas and pushed him towards Big Mom.


Even if Big Mom blocked Akuma's bat with her sword, she was blown back meters away.

Zeus flew to the place where Big Mom was falling and safely secured her above him.

"Zeus!, " Said Big Mom, grinding her teeth in anger and clenching her fist.

"Take this!, " Zeus flew towards Akuma and rained thunder on him like a madman.

Every single thunder hit Akuma perfectly, smoke raised from Akuma's body.

Some parts of his clothes were burned, but that was it. Akuma was still floating without feeling anything.

'It's still working, I can't feel pain, ' Thought Akuma, he glared at Zeus making the cloud frightened.

"You! Don't think you are superior!, " Said Big Mom, flying to Akuma once again.

"Shut up!, " Shouted Akuma, the bat glowed in black armament haki as he swung it.


Each time the two weapons collided, the surrounding areas would be affected.

Not knowing the time, both sides fought the war till night came and the sun set past the horizon of the sea.

It would have killed any normal person to fight for a whole day without resting even for a second.

But not these pirates, they were many things but normal was not one of them.

Both sides suffered, Big Mom Pirates being the ones to be on the losing side.

They lost more than half of their pirates; one of the children of Big Mom died as well.

Killed by Borg, the Second Division Captain of Devil's Pirates when he got the chance.

Katakuri, the opponent of Borg, saw him kill one of his brothers right in front of his eyes.

He was enraged, it was like his body erupted with a new energy.

"Aaaa!, " Stabbing the sharp tip of his weapon, Katakuri successfully injured Borg.

Not exactly injured, but damaged. Borg's left arm was sliced but it could still be used.

"What the hell are you!, " Said Katakuri as he saw the mechanism of Borg through the cut.

Sparks came out of the sliced part of the arm when Borg moved it to pull his gun out.

In front of Borg, only a single order was screening.

[Target Locked]


Dodging the bullets shot by Borg, Katakuri hid behind a wooden wall.

"Ha… Ha…, " Gasping for breath, Katakuri used his observation haki to see Borg's movement.

While he did so, something happened which shocked Katakuri.

It's like he was seeing a clip. Multiple pictures flashed as a film in his mind.

It was only for a second, there he saw a bullet pass through the wood just next to his head.


A bullet flew by his head, Katakuri saw this happen in slow motion.

He understood everything in that second, he could see a second in the future with his observation haki.

'But it consumes energy, ' Thought Katakuri, he dashed away from the wooden wall and attacked Borg.

* * *

"What are you waiting for?".

Rocky looked at the two sons of Big Mom. Charlotte Daifuku and Charlotte Oven, both brothers, teamed up to fight against Rocky.

'We have to be careful, ' Thought Daifuku, staring at Rocky with caution and hesitation.

Just now, he and Oven checked the water. Few exchanges of fists and use of devil fruits, Rocky still beat them.

"I didn't even use my gun, " Said Rocky as he stood in front of the two brothers.

If others looked, they might think that Rocky was leaving himself wide open for the two Charlotte brothers to attack.

And in reality, he was actually giving the chance for the two to strike at him.

But seeing them not attack, Rocky was disappointed.

"Just like Irish said, you all are inexperienced against strong opponents, " Said Rocky, he almost vanished from his place.

Coming behind the alert Oven and kicking him on his back. Rocky sent him tens of meters away, crashing inside the ship.

A blue coloured human with half of his body in white smoke connected to Daifuku's belt attacked Rocky with his bisento.

Catching the bisento with his hand covered in black armament haki, Rocky looked at Daifuku with annoyance.

Pushing the blue human, Genie, Rocky punched Daifuku without holding back.

Daifuku flew in the air and was about to fall in the sea when the Genie caught him and placed him on a broken ship.

"Damn it!, " Said Daifuku, blood flowed down his nose and mouth.

The genie returned back to his belt as Daifuku didn't have much strength left to control it.

Oven tried to raise his body only to feel intense pain in his back, he held his back and looked at Rocky.

Rocky was standing peacefully as he took out a cigar and lit it, his eyes turned to look at Oven.

"Wanna go for the third round?".