
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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110 Chs

Chapter 55

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Chapter 55: Vergo and Kanjuro, The Meeting of Two Spies!

Above the vast sea, a standard warship sailed slowly. The waves crashed against the side of the ship, yet they did not rock it in the slightest. Aboard the vessel was G5 base commander Vice Admiral Virgo, accompanied by dozens of soldiers. 

Standing before him was a man with pale skin, dressed in a brief top and shorts, with red hair and a huge brush on his back. He stood by the railing with a serious expression, gazing out at the distant sea. He called himself Kanjuro and had been shipwrecked, forced to cling to a broken wooden plank, floating at sea until his rescue by the crew.

After being saved, Kanjuro had insisted on returning to the site of his shipwreck in search of other survivors. Virgo, with his usual amiable demeanor, had agreed to this request.

"Is it really okay, Vice Admiral Virgo? This will cause us to deviate from our original course," a soldier asked worriedly, concerned that his beloved commander might face repercussions from their superiors.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry, I will explain the situation to our leader, and they will surely understand," Virgo replied softly and gently. "After all, we are Marines, and to ignore those in peril would be to dishonor the justice we stand for."

"It's a pity this strange man doesn't know how long he's been in the sea or how far he's drifted. Even if we reach the shipwreck, we may not find any survivors," another soldier sighed.

"But we must have hope and not abandon anyone who is suffering!" Virgo declared, his words brimming with righteousness, like a true successor to noble and steadfast ideals.

"Yes, Vice Admiral Virgo!"

"We will not give up on anyone!"

The soldiers around him saluted in unison, admiring their Vice Admiral with fervent gazes.

"We should have arrived!" Kanjuro, who had seamlessly adopted his new identity, exclaimed.

Virgo glanced at his adjutant, who quickly issued commands to the crew.

"Lower the sails! Reverse the propellers to decelerate! Anchor down!"


The crew responded promptly and began their tasks. The warship soon came to a halt in the area.

Kanjuro scanned the sea anxiously, leaning from side to side as he searched with a lookout glass obtained from one of the soldiers. Many others joined him in the search, but they found only broken boards, barrels, and sails bobbing on the waves—there was no sign of any survivors.

After searching to no avail, Kanjuro stepped back unsteadily, his eyes filled with despair.

"Could it be... are all my friends dead..."

The soldiers remained silent. Though their search was fruitless, the idea of an entire crew's demise was deeply unsettling. They knew all too well that their compassionate Vice Admiral Virgo would be feeling even more distraught.

Virgo stepped forward, laying a comforting hand on Kanjuro's shoulder.

"Maybe they were washed away by the waves like you and still have a chance to survive."

Kanjuro covered his eyes and crouched down, sobbing quietly, as if he knew these words offered scant comfort. In the treacherous waters of the New World, falling overboard was almost a certain death sentence.

The Marines sighed sadly to themselves. Suddenly, a lookout from the top of the ship's mast cried out in alarm.

"Vice Admiral Virgo! There are pirates nearby!"

"Southeast direction! About three or four kilometers away! The flag is... the Beasts!" 

Upon hearing of pirates in their proximity, the rest of the soldiers immediately grasped their weapons, ready for action.

He listened intently to the person on watch, but suddenly, the lookout seemed to be at a loss for words and fell silent.

The soldiers frowned, and one of them shouted, "Hey! Who's that? Speak up!"

"Indeed! We're the elite of the G5 branch! Got cold feet?!"

"The Vice Admiral Virgo is an elite among Vice Admirals!"

They grumbled and showed their dissatisfaction with the lookout's hesitation.

"Yes... the Four Emperors Blackbeard!" the lookout finally yelled.

"Four... Four Emperors?!"

"How could they be here?!"

"We're doomed!"

The soldiers, who had just been calling for boldness, became nervous.

Unnoticed by them, Virgo watched Kanjuro, who cowered and wept in front of him, with a look of shock.

His heart raced with shock.

Did he deliberately lure me here?!

Did Governor Kaido mean to send someone to assist me?

He quickly regained his composure and adopted his Marine demeanor, asking the lookout, "Be sure! Is it Blackbeard himself or one of his captains?"

The lookout extended his head and looked through his spyglass once more, stating, "It's... the corrupt king who escaped from Impel Down! Abaro Pizarro! Blackbeard himself is not in sight."

"Thank goodness it's not Blackbeard. That gave me a scare."

"Phew—It's a relief it's just an underling."

"Don't take him lightly! He's a beast who survived the sixth level of Impel Down!"

The soldiers had mixed feelings; some remained cautious while others were noticeably relieved.

"It's a setup!" Virgo realized that Kanjuro had even concocted an excuse for him and declared, "The disappearance of people here and the appearance of Blackbeard's underling can't be coincidental! They must have captured the civilians on this ship!"

"Vice Admiral Virgo!" a soldier exclaimed with admiration in his eyes, voicing his concern, "But that's the ship of the Four Emperors, might this not be—"

"I've already declared that I won't abandon anyone in need!" Virgo proclaimed firmly.

"Yes, Vice Admiral Virgo!"

"You're so inspiring! You're a role model for all Marines!"

"So what if it's the Four Emperors' underling! Blackbeard could be on his way!"

Their morale soared, and they readied their weapons.

At that moment, Kanjuro also stood, wiping away his tears, and stated resolutely, "Please let me join you! I implore you for help; I cannot just stand by!"

"We are trained warriors! We are dedicated and upright Marines; civilians cannot take part in battle!" Virgo sharply refused, not wanting to risk the life of someone sent by Kaido.

"I don't need protection, Vice Admiral Virgo! I have abilities and can fight!" Kanjuro argued, pulling out a brush and looking earnestly at Virgo. "Today, I've learned that you Marines are truly noble; it's nothing like the rumors I heard."

"If I may... after this battle, please let me join you!"

Virgo's eyes flickered behind his sunglasses; so this was Kaido's plan!

Not just one spy, but two!

Yet he had to agree.

Externally, Virgo seemed moved. He patted Kanjuro's arm, exuding a palpable aura of righteousness.

"Alright! Just make sure to survive! In the future, you'll be a comrade-in-arms!"