
Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Execution Begins! The Death of Kozuki Sukiyaki!

In Rakshasa Town, the midday sun blazed overhead, and within minutes of being out in the open, people were bound to break into a sweat. Yet, the unrelenting heat did little to dampen the locals' interest in public executions. Whispers filled the air – who was facing the executioner's axe today? Was it a warrior bold enough to defy Kaido or a fool who had dared to cross paths with Orochi? It seemed that Kaido had intentionally kept Orochi's departure under wraps, with his exit discreetly managed and confined to the shadows of Jiuli.

A meaningful absence at the execution grounds did little but fuel wild speculation. As the sky clouded over, a voice broke through the murmurs, "It's Kaido!" Heads turned upwards as a massive green dragon blocked out the sun, perched upon the clouds with a lazy sway of its tail, its blood-red eyes surveying the crowd below. It was none other than the familiar figure of their lord– Kaido!

With a swift descent, Kaido carved a cyan arc across the sky before transforming into his human form, now seated at the head of the execution platform. Bao Huang, his secretary with her face adorned by a patterned sticker, approached with papers in hand. After reviewing her notes meticulously, she confidently addressed Kaido.

"Kaido-sama, the preparations for the execution are complete. The live broadcast is set to reach every township in Wanokuni and Onigashima. Tama has been detained with seastone shackles and is en route to Onigashima. All remnants of the Kozuki Clan have been captured and await their execution. Shall we proceed?"

"Very good, let's begin," replied Kaido, without so much as a glance.

Acknowledging Kaido's order, Bao Huang signaled with a snap of her fingers. Promptly, several subordinates entered, escorting a masked figure – it was Kozuki Sukiyaki, who was promptly secured to the post. The onlookers from Flower City, unaware of the identity of the condemned, whispered among themselves. Those from the town of Kozuki Sukiyaki possessed faint recollections of the man. Tsuru, the teahouse owner, was particularly struck by recognition; she knew him as the solitary craftsman who had cared for a young girl in the weavers' village.

"How can this be? What could a simple craftsman have done to warrant this fate?" she thought, riddled with sadness.

As they removed the tengu mask, a collective gasp swept through the crowd. Eyes widened, words of disbelief were uttered, and even the meticulous Tsuru let her tea overflow, unattended. Shock turned into a tumultuous roar as the spectators recognized the man they hadn't seen for two decades.

"Is this some kind of joke? He was supposed to be terminally ill! You're alive. This is incredible! We never expected to see you here, of all places! What made you go into hiding for twenty years only to be caught again by Kaido? The former general – Kozuki Sukiyaki!"

Sukiyaki's appearance escalated the chaos among the crowd, as their buzz threatened to break through the heavens. Although his health had long faltered, Sukiyaki mustered what little strength he had left to address his people one last time, seizing the moment under the gaze of all of Wanokuni.

With a heavy heart, he spoke, "My dear subjects, I regret that we meet under such disgraceful circumstances. There's no need to hold onto my memory; I have no right to it." 

He paused, a fit of coughing overtaking him, before he continued sternly, "Kaido, Orochi... remember, though I may die today, the spirit of the Kozuki Clan will indeed return for vengeance. Have faith in the prophecy: amid the falling stars, nine shadows shall rise, and with them, a dazzling dawn!"

Exhausted, Sukiyaki's head slumped, his breathing labored, as he struggled with his final breaths. Above him, Kaido, the picture of indifference, propped his head lazily on his fists, his interest far removed from the proceedings.

The rate has increased to 34%, which is an uptick of 3%, and it occurred without any discomfort.

"Do you think the Kozuki family will seek vengeance? Ridiculous!

Wait until he executes all the Kozuki clan members and parades their defeat for over ten days with illustrative banners, especially young Momonosuke.

But what will become of the people of Wanokuni?

Once the Kozuki lineage is extinguished, their hopes will vanish, and I predict the likelihood of uprisings won't surpass 0.1%.

There is a group with a fierce disposition lurking in the shadows.

I had assumed they were mere spectators, yet it turns out they are 'former generals' who unexpectedly gripped my hand.


"Do you wish to save him?"

"It's impossible! Without the Red Scabbards, we stand no chance against Kaido!"

"Curse him! Curse that Kaido!"

"Hush, don't reveal ourselves; we must remain patient a bit longer."

A samurai laid his hand on his agitated comrade's shoulder and withdrew, drawing peculiar glances from bystanders.

No one noticed these individuals shared a common feature: tattoos of a 'moon' on their ankles.

The covert rebels refrained from action but demanded Kaido spare his life.

In the Flower Capital, people approached Kaido with restraint.

"Please, spare him! Kaido-sama! He's merely an old, retired man!"

"Kaido-sama, for all our sakes, show him mercy!"

However, in other regions, revolts erupted.

"Fiend! We labor in the armament factories! If you insist on killing Sukiyaki-sama, you'll have to kill us too!"

"Not even the big serpent would dare to slaughter us; we're the ones who forge their weapons! Follow me to the Flower Capital, everyone!"

In Nozomi, Suzugo, Hakumai,

"Branches! Stones! Kitchenware! Seize whatever you can!"

"We have to rescue Sukiyaki-sama!"

These occurrences reached Kaido's ears via den-den mushi, yet failed to stir him,

Just as anticipated, some rioted over Sukiyaki.

Bao Huang, at his side, nodded in respect,

Retrieved the den-den mushi from his garments, and commanded, "Proceed."

Kaido's lone voice echoed across the country through visual transmissions.


And the voices hushed.

"Behold your revered generals."

All eyes were drawn to the once stately, familiar figure, now enfeebled by age.

"Recall his appearance as he meets his end!"


A volley of musket fire pelted Sukiyaki, blooming crimson on him,

Each shot, a chilling presence beneath the scorching sun,

Resembling a deathly mandala at hell's gate.

Sukiyaki's life force faded.



"The Kozuki family...is truly finished."

Mourning filled the air as the weeping persisted.

Indifferent, Kaido observed, yet the warning—to kill the chicken to frighten the monkeys—was not complete.

Suddenly, the projection split, revealing uprisings across towns, civilians armed with tools in resistance,

And among them, bands of ninjas and samurais.

"The Shogun's forces and patrols! Why are they here?!"

"Charging at us!"

"No! I have a family!"


And swiftly, the revolts dispersed.

Wanokuni succumbed to fear,

Culminating in silence.

Another look at the system revealed,

The rebel percentage plummeted to 18%,

A drastic 16% descent.

The protagonist of the proverb—the 'first chicken'—is now dead.

Tactics and their brutal nature!

The wellbeing of Wanokuni's populace is of no concern to him.

His sole desire is Wanokuni's unconditional submission, churning out maximal volumes of weapons and seastones with peak efficiency.

Into perpetuity!

"Continue," he muttered coldly.

Next chapter