
Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: Doflamingo Defeated!

Conqueror's binding? Why had I never learned this technique? Doflamingo's head throbbed, causing intense pain that felt as though it was tearing his nerves apart. He clasped his forehead with one hand, trying to alleviate the pain that caused his blue tendons to twist. With his thumb and index finger, he massaged his temples.

Reflecting on Kaido's words, he considered the possibility that one must be incredibly strong to use the technique, or perhaps one could only be considered a top powerhouse upon mastering it. Kaido looked at the prone Doflamingo with a grin, seeing his entanglement and said, "Your battle is not over yet. Get up and try if you can."

Doflamingo's fingers moved like spider legs as he held his aching head. He then cheekily suggested, "It seems that you really need someone to keep your daughter entertained?"

Kaido, acknowledging the broken Dao, nodded in agreement. "Yamato needs a worthy opponent. Without one, she'll never have the chance to surpass me. And for you, if you aspire to become One Piece, see surpassing Yamato as your goal."

"Is that so?" Doflamingo raised an eyebrow, then nodded respectfully, "I shall comply, Kaido-sama." Sitting up, he wiped the blood from his face and spoke to Kaido with sincerity. He knew he was defeated and had no illusions about defeating Kaido in their last encounter. Even if he could win with the advantage Kaido provided, it wouldn't be an honorable victory, and changing his mind now would only provoke Kaido.

Why not accept the chance to glimpse the summit of power? Doflamingo also agreed that to grow stronger, one needed a formidable rival as a catalyst for improvement. He, Donquixote Doflamingo, would forge this path, brought forward by the Donquixote Family.

"Hah, I've actually taught him well. He's even learning to play," Yamato said with a jealous pout.

"He's not as quick on the uptake as you were back then," Kaido replied with a smile, too indolent to clarify further.

Doflamingo's mouth twitched, disgust rising within him as he spat out bloody phlegm. Regardless of what transpired between the two before him, he noticed the white-lined world beneath his feet sweeping by once more. The sunflower fields had become Doflamingo's domain again.

"Don't use Emission, Yamato," Kaido instructed. "Have fun."

Doflamingo choked on his response, his mind racing with thoughts of being reduced to a mere toy. And what was this Emission? Another unknown technique?

"Alright Daddy! I'll play with him! He should be able to take a few hits from me, right?" Yamato said with impatience.

Kaido remained silent.

Doflamingo's three chief subordinates shuddered as they knelt, hearing their boss refer to Kaido as Governor. No one else on the field responded to Yamato, except for the white silk thread, which seemed to pulsate with energy.

"16 Sacred Bullets" Doflamingo declared. Suddenly, 16 thread whips, each reinforced with Armament Haki, emerged from the ground. With newfound skill, they lashed towards Yamato at a rapid pace, the sound of their motion through the air sharp and piercing, sending shivers down the spine.

Yamato felt the strength of the attack and frowned slightly, sensing that this move had the potential to cause injury. In response, she also raised her mace, ready to use the basic techniques that Kaido had taught her.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!" declared a voice with great authority. The 16-stranded whip nearly converged at a single point, striking Yamato's mace with force. Immense momentum burst forth from the collision, soaring into the sky, piercing the clouds, and trembling the air. What followed was a scene straight out of a classic tale—the sky itself seemed to crack open. Despite the sun's brightness that day, a penetrating cold air spread across the nation, prompting countless astonished citizens to gaze upward at the fractured heavens and then toward the palace, wondering what calamity had occurred.

Doflamingo, witnessing this spectacle, stood in utter amazement, his shock lasting what felt like ten thousand years. He realized he was observing a power beyond his wildest imagination, the likes of which he had never before seen. "Just now, did you break my silk thread with this power..." Doflamingo asked, his voice laced with hesitation.

"No kidding, your ordinary silk threads are as brittle as noodles, of course, it's just ordinary armed colors~," replied Yamato, bursting with confidence.

Doflamingo was at a loss for words, momentarily frozen in disbelief, but soon his lips curled into a smile once more. "It seems that my armed color is not enough," he chuckled. "But with my Haki, I won't lose anymore."

"You're so confident," noted Yamato, casually shaking the whip. With genuine curiosity, he inquired, "Can you teach me how you did it?"

Doflamingo felt a wave of irritation rising within him, yet he couldn't pinpoint why.

An hour later, Doflamingo occupied the seat of the "Red Heart" within the palace, sporting a battered face marked with bruises. His throne had been ceded to Kaido, who now required a massive chair to accommodate his formidable stature. All the officers from the Donquixote Family had converged in a corner of the room, already pledging their allegiance to Kaido.

"That's my show of faith," Doflamingo declared, awe-struck by Kaido and Yamato's presence.

Kaido gazed downward, considering the 'faith' Doflamingo had just demonstrated through a series of concessions: the World Government would have to increase their offer price by fifty percent for Wanokuuni weapons; the cost of future SMILE purchases would be reduced to mere production costs; all Donquixote business ventures would share a cut of their profits with Kaido; the collection and sale of ancient Zoan, mythical Zoan fruits, along with intelligence, would be conducted at cost for Kaido; and the full extent of the Donquixote Family's resources, including their intelligence network, would be made available to the Beasts Pirates—all these points and more, akin to a tyrannical overlord's treaty, signed under Kaido's duress. It was evident that JOKER was now fully subordinate to Kaido.

"Not bad," Kaido said with a nod.

"Then my strength..." ventured Doflamingo, an edge of eagerness in his voice. The battle scars on his visage spoke volumes of just how devastating his encounter with Yamato had been. He was desperate to surpass his adversary and exact revenge.

"The strength will be given to you, but before that, I have some matters to attend to," Kaido assured him calmly, counselling patience. Though the times were demanding, there was no need for undue concern. After all, Daigo's empowerment wasn't without its waiting period, albeit brief, having only recently been applied to the Black Dragon Eight Quick.

"What's the matter? Does the Donquixote Family need to be involved?" Doflamingo inquired.

"You're familiar with the Straw Hat boy, aren't you?" Kaido posed the question.

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