
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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106 Chs

Chapter 43

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Under Caesar's gaze, filled with envy Kaido soared on the back of the quickly moving dragon, heading toward Flame Peninsula to fetch Yamato and depart.

"So handsome, Daddy!" Yamato's eyes sparkled upon seeing the dragon-shaped vessel for the first time. She mistook the black dragon soaring in the sky as Kaido. It wasn't until Kaido descended and explained it was his mace that Yamato's excitement overflowed. Clinging to Kaido's arm and shaking with glee, she pleaded, "I really want a weapon that can transform! Dad, please give me one—make it spicy!"

Kaido promised, caressing Yamato's white hair, "I'll use it for you when I find the right Devil Fruit."

"Thank you, Daddy!" Yamato beamed. Then, recounting a recent encounter, she said, "I just met a strange person who asked me to state my name right away. But as soon as I did, he vanished without even sharing his name, the nerve!"

Kaido inquired, "Oh? Was he wearing a hat?"

"Yes! Do you know him, Daddy?"

"He is Law, your future partner," Kaido revealed.

Yamato blinked, curious about Kaido's words, but trusted her father. She asked, "Is it done? What's next?"

Kaido answered, "Land of Love, Passion, and Toys."

"Yay!" Yamato chuckled, amused by the name.

Hours later, they arrived at Dressrosa, a land of love, passion, and toys. The title wasn't just a relic from history; it had emerged and gained renown during Doflamingo's decade-long reign. His leadership had stimulated the island's economy, freeing the people from basic worries. Their tropical enthusiasm, coupled with the intoxicating floral scents and the charm of living toys due to a unique fruit, nurtured a sense of romance and fervor, which inspired the name.

As the dragon descended upon the kingdom and headed straight for the palace, people below—citizens, travelers, and toys alike—exclaimed in wonder at the sight of the dragon. They called out to inform Doflamingo-sama, marveling at the majestic creature and praising their king for such an acquaintance.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo sat on his throne, exuding confidence with his legs propped high on the table. Near him were Trebol and Diamanti, seated in chairs resembling playing card suits—plum blossoms and diamonds, a visual testament to the hierarchy within Doflamingo's ranks, where he reigned as the King Joker.

Leaning back with a careless smirk and sunglasses concealing his gaze, Doflamingo contemplated aloud, "Monet refused Kaido's invitation. How should I reward her? That alone proves her loyalty to me and the family."

Trebol sniffed and said, "Na ~ Na ~ Joker ~ She wants me to tell you that being reorganized and staying by the young master's side is her greatest reward, hehe~~"

Doflamingo's index finger tapped on the tabletop, setting a rhythmic beat as his eyes sparkled with mischief.

He had a simple reason for asking about these two men: he hoped they would find some entertainment in stepping up to replace Monet.

He was certain that if Kaido had taken an interest in Monet, she must have some unrecognized talents. He was determined not to let such potential go to waste on Punk Hazard.

Of course, Trebol understood his intentions and felt as though he was shoving onions up his nose—or rather, garlic.

Why would he give up his comfortable life in Dressrosa to suffer in that icy, deserted place?

He knew he was not the right person to take over from Monet. He had been with Doflamingo for far too long, implicated in too many deeds, and was deeply enmeshed in complex factional struggles.

In contrast, Diamanti, who had always been a loyal enforcer, was much simpler to deal with.

"You're right, Trebol. Cluck~ But who can we find to keep an eye on Caesarsa?" Doflamingo pondered, placing his other hand on his forehead and gently massaging it.

Diamanti had no inkling of this mental struggle and typically wouldn't interrupt.

"Hey, hey~~ Of course, it's up to one of us four 'colors'." Trebol started to lure him into the trap while also feigning distress, "But my hands are full, Pika is in charge of the kingdom's safety, and 'hearts'... He doesn't have the time. That leaves only Diamanti."

"Diamanti? He is indeed the strongest in our group, certainly stronger than Monet. He should be able to do her job even better," Doflamingo agreed, directing his gaze at Diamanti.

Upon hearing the praise, Diamanti blushed, twisting awkwardly as he said, "No, no, my abilities are really quite average."

"Too modest. You are a pillar of our family," Doflamingo affirmed.

"No, really, I don't make that much of a difference," Diamanti demurred, waving his hand and shaking his head.

"Maybe I should reconsider my choice then," Doflamingo suggested, pretending to be disappointed.

Fearing he might lose the praise, Diamanti straightened up and declared confidently, "If you say so, I'll accept it!"

Trebol could only look on in silence.

What deceit, Diamanti.

"Bang~ That does put you in a difficult position. Caesarsa will be your responsibility," Doflamingo said with a half-smile.

"No problem! Serving the family is my duty," Diamanti responded, his eyes gleaming with earnestness.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, the door swung open.

"Young master! Kaido is here!" Gladius, his head spiked like a hedgehog and clad in black leather, announced with urgency.

Doflamingo was taken aback.

He's returned after leaving Punk Hazard?