
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: The World Is Afraid! Destruction Demon Kaido!

The next day, the World Economic Daily sent shockwaves through the world once again. The cause of unrest was the mischief of Kaido, which left the vast majority of people engulfed in fear and worry. They were hBig Momed by the prospect of the extermination of countries and the possible extinction of entire populations.

Mariejois, the seat of the World Government, was where the Five Elders sat, their expressions grave as they perused the newspaper. It contained the comprehensive information that Smoker had obtained at great expense. The bald swordsman among the Elders spoke with a heavy tone, "Kaido... His power is nearly out of our control."

"Indeed," the Humpty Elder agreed, his head nodding, "Just imagine if Kaido deployed this technique in the Holy Land. The aftermath would be catastrophic."

Another Elder added, with seriousness in his voice, "In 800 years, we have never seen such a formidable Dragon Fruit ability. His power exceeds the records in our archives."

The Slender-bearded Elder stood, stroking his beard, and stated, "His prior defeat of BIGMOM only cements his position as the strongest in the world. Rumors across the seas affirm his supremacy."

The group frowned in consideration, pondering the disturbing question. "If Kaido were to turn his sights on a member country of the World Government, what would our response be then?"

Silence enveloped them as they contemplated strategies to deal with Kaido, a being of monstrous combat prowess reminiscent of the notorious Rocks. Kaido's history on Rocks' ship only intensified their concern. Could it be time to reactivate the national treasure, despite the heavy toll it exacted decades ago? It seemed wasteful to use it merely to dispatch a pirate.

"Perhaps we should let the Marines tackle Kaido first?" the Humpty Elder suggested tentatively.

The bald swordsman was quick to counter, "No! Our greatest adversary is the revolutionary army. We cannot afford to divert our focus!"

"Moreover, one or two Admirals might not suffice to conquer Kaido, and deploying all three would leave us vulnerable elsewhere," noted another Elder. "The Marines' prime fighters are more crucial to our strategy than Kaido."

"But ignoring the threat could lead to the rise of another Rocks," one Elder expressed with concern.

"It's not that dire. We still have the Shichibukai," the Slender-bearded Elder observed.

"The Shichibukai? Doflamingo was terrified at the mere mention of Kaido's name," the Humpty Elder scoffed as if the idea were ludicrous.


Over at Sabaody Island, in Shakky's overpriced bar, Rayleigh lounged at the counter, sharing a drink and reminiscing with Shakky about his exceptional apprentice. "How is Luffy faring after his recent adventures? The big day is approaching," Shakky inquired.

Rayleigh chuckled heartily. "He's vowed not to flee from any encounter this time around. He plans to send them flying, much like a young Roger would."

Rayleigh's eyes twinkled with fond remembrance. Despite Luffy's seemingly naive proclamations, it was this very quality that drew others to him, much like how Roger had captivated those who became his crew.

Shakky approached, newspaper and cigarette in hand, as she leaned on the counter. "Then you'd best advise Luffy to steer clear of this individual."

Curious, Rayleigh glanced at the paper. His initial smile faded to a stern look, eyebrows furrowing in concern. "Kaido again? He's just clashed with BIGMOM, and now he's off to Zou? Even the mighty lord of the elephant... What about Nekomamushi and Inuarashi?"

These two had also joined Oden on board the Roger Pirates' ship, exploring the vast seas for an extended period.

Rayleigh had a close relationship with them and was deeply concerned about their safety at the moment. Shakky exhaled a puff of smoke and remarked, "Kaido won't keep his hands off them." It could be that Kaido's focus on these two stemmed from their ties to the Kozuki family, which led to Zou's destruction. Shakky didn't voice this; she was aligned with Rayleigh. "Is it..." Rayleigh whispered softly. He took a long sip from his glass in silence before rising and heading outside.

"You're aware that you're no match for Kaido at your age, right?" Shakky asked, appearing to be cleaning up the bar while secretly fretting over Rayleigh's brewing anger.

"I know," Rayleigh responded, pushing open the door and exiting with a conclusive remark. The door shut behind him, leaving Shakky in the now quiet bar. She inhaled deeply from her cigarette, picked up the newspaper, and read it once more, silently hoping, "Luffy... May you be fortunate enough to avoid encountering Kaido."

The world's kings, particularly those in the New World's World Government, were anxiously making their final preparations to attend the World Summit in Mariejois. Tensions rose as one king, infuriated, grasped the Vice Admiral's collar, his spittle flying. "This is outrageous! That monster has decimated countries and creatures that have survived for 800 years!"

"We really don't have any effective means to counter Kaido..." the Vice Admiral replied, at the king's mercy.

"And when Kaido targets my country, will you still claim helplessness?!" the king snapped, their faces nearly touching. "Why should I bother with this pointless meeting and cough up billions in heavenly gold every year if you Marines can't even ensure the basic security of my realm? You fail to raise bounties; what good are you?"

The Vice Admiral's expression contorted, silently admitting that such decisions were beyond his control. "You're all useless! At the meeting, I will suggest slashing your budget!" the king shouted. "All the money you demand is futile against pirates. It would be better spent on Kaido to protect us!"

A lightbulb seemed to go off in the king's head. Kaido truly appeared more formidable than the Marines. Watching the king's calculating gaze, the Vice Admiral advised cautiously, "Your Majesty, you represent a member nation..."

The king dismissed him with a wave and briskly walked off to confer with his minister. "Enough! Leave me!"

The world's populace reeled in shock, unable to grasp how Kaido could repeatedly cause such upheaval. His last visit to Big Mom's territory saw the main island devastated and its forces crumbled. Now, Zou's ancient elephant overlord was gone, along with the storied kingdom it carried. Kaido's presence seemed to spell ruin, like a demonic deity.

People trembled and prayed Kaido wouldn't visit their home, perhaps sparing them from his wrath. Soon, out of sheer terror, seafarers refused to even whisper Kaido's name, dreading the possibility of invoking his attention.