
Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: True Dragon Man And Beast Form!

The life aura unique to Homiz of the big sword slowly faded away.

It seemed as though it was on the brink of vanishing.

Finally, Big Mom slowed her pace.

Her shaky body rose once more, making her seem slightly taller.

Sweat soaked her hair, and drool dribbled from the corners of her mouth; she was clearly tormented.

She was almost unconscious, driven purely by her powerful instinct.

She reached out with her large hand to grasp the sword's handle.

The distant soul, whose it was unknown, was forced into the sword by her.

Though it was clearly made of steel, the gap in the middle was sewn together like thread.

In an instant, it was whole once more.

Her body glowed, radiating white soul energy.

Now she truly possessed an invincible aura.


That's what I wanted to hear!

Kaido's enjoyment was evident, his smile growing wider.

With a gulp, the dragon breathed in, gathering air charged with slicing power.

It burst forth as he exhaled,

"Evil wind!"

Dozens of air blades emerged,

Slicing through the air, they chimed clearly like a blue bird.

This was the improved control of the green dragon after evolution, significantly stronger than before, enhanced with his formidable Haki.

Each blade possessed the power of a Slash Wave, capable of cleaving a mountain in two!

By instinct, Big Mom scorned defense, raising her large sword to strike.

Her instincts were certainly not the wisest.

The wind blades tore across her massive form,

Taking pieces of her pink dress into the sky.

Blood gushed forth.

Her once steel-like body was torn apart!

Big Mom groaned in anguish.

Yet she did not lessen her grip,

Flames and lightning gathered on her blade, merging into an energy-filled Slash Wave,

"Mom's Rush!"

As she brought the sword down, the complex energy Slash Wave was unleashed.

It sliced directly across the green dragon's belly.

Kaido was thrown into the air by the potent attack and plummeted into the earth.

This was much stronger than the previous "Mom's Rush"!

The soft soil swallowed him several meters deep,

Yet Kaido's expression remained unaltered as he clawed his way out of the mud.

His body was unscathed.

Even after such a forceful blow,

Not a single mark marred his dragon scales.

His defense was seemingly boundless!

"Good! This power nearly matches mine!" Kaido stated, offering sincere praise.

His dragon form quickly shrank,

Transforming into a hybrid of man and beast in a flash.

Covered in cyan dragon scales, his limbs became draconic claws.

Above his head sprouted not only the giant horns of his ghost lineage but also the green dragon's horns.

From the tip of his spine extended a thick, long dragon's tail,

Doubling his usual size!

Even his mace grew under his Haki, its end resembling a meteor hammer!

With a powerful kick, he soared upwards again with explosive force.

Big Mom's clouded consciousness couldn't keep pace with his speed.

In a moment, he was hovering above her,

Wrapping the top of his iron rod in red and black lightning—a mix of Emission and intimidation—

he targeted the back of her head for a thunderous strike!

"Thunder Bagua, Indra's Descent!"

Big Mom slowly raised her head, unable to dodge any longer. The mace, which seemed small compared to the gigantic Big Mom, carried an irresistible force and Haki as it smashed directly onto her broad forehead. Upon impact with her steel-like skin, a ripple spread across her head, and an air boom resonated from the iron rod, shaking the surrounding space. The blow to her head was so severe that her eyes rolled back, and the powerful force sent her tumbling backward.

Kaido prepared to watch her fall, but he forgot that even unconscious, she fought on instinct! Big Mom nearly reclined onto Hera's back, yet at the last moment, she tightened her back muscles, stepped forward, and slowly pushed herself up. Using this momentum, she counterattacked. The posture that nearly led to a fall quickly shifted into a forward charge. Her forehead, covered with Haki, turned black and tough, and she directed her unstoppable momentum toward Kaido.

Kaido gripped the iron rod, unafraid, and power surged through his body. He met her attack head-on! As he swung the iron rod again, it collided with the oncoming forehead, and a concussive burst of air dispersed everything in the vicinity. Big Mom resisted for less than a second before her head was forced back with a thud. Blood began to seep from her swollen forehead, and twin streams of scarlet trickled down her nostrils. A painful groan escaped her lips, and she refrained from engaging Kaido's mace directly.

Hera complied with her orders to retreat, creating space for Big Mom to wield her great sword. She gripped the sword handle in her left hand and drew the blade from her right side, the strike breaking through the void and aiming straight for Kaido's upper body. Kaido lifted his iron rod, altering the sword's trajectory. Big Mom's hands, driven by the blow's residual force, moved diagonally. Seizing this chance, Kaido kicked off from the air as if it were more solid than the ground itself. A sonic boom radiated out as he rocketed toward Big Mom's swollen abdomen.

Kaido's iron rod moved in a frenzy—lifting, sweeping, thrusting, slashing, slamming. The stick pummeled Big Mom's target-like body, the violent airflow spilling out in torrents. A sequence of rapid strikes pounded the same spot, denting the unscathed steel balloon of her abdomen and creating a large cavity in her belly.

Big Mom's eyes bulged, her mouth gaping in silent agony. Then, with Kaido's climactic strike, her belly nearly touched her backbone, and she was propelled backward, flying out like a dented cannonball. Blood erupted from her mouth, drawing a bloody arc across the sky before spattering to the ground. She crashed down like a meteorite hitting a building, the structure crumbling beneath her. Bricks shattered, and she skidded across the ground for meters until a tree halted her motion.

Kaido stood still, a satisfied smile on his face as he watched Big Mom fly away. His body, red and emitting smoke, flBig Momed muscles that flexed in anticipation; the iron rod in his hand was ready for more. He shouted, "Stand up! Fight again!"

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