
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 153: Big Mom's Tea Party Turmoil

Imu saw Hozumi rescue Tanjiro and sighed in his heart that the relationship between the 'protagonist' and the 'protagonist' was indeed wonderful.

Honestly speaking, Imu had some appreciation for little Hozumi. However, he was not so obsessed with her that he would constantly protect her.

When he saw Hozumi kill the Hand Demon, he was no longer interested in watching. Because he knew very well that there was nothing to see next.

Furthermore, he would have to wait fifteen days for the new Nichirin sword to be forged, which was a considerable amount of time in this ever-changing world.

Imu waved his hand to summon the Enma sword that was on the shelf not far away.

Since he officially broke the limits of his Haki after his first trip to the underworld, he made a plan.

That is, he would spend ten hours a day in underworld to practice and improve his soul strength. For this reason, his life became a little lonely again. But this feeling of getting stronger every moment is really fascinating.

The next second, the blade was half pulled out, and as wisps of purple air overflowed from the blade, and then spread from the hand to the whole body, Imu's eyes slowly closed.

Three days later.

"Saint Nerona, we have arrived at the sea area of the Capital of Water." Stussy Ad.

"I understand." Imu nodded.

The Kingdom of Totto Land has become particularly lively recently, especially those residents living on the Whole Cake Island.

The reason was that there were suddenly many foreign ships in the port and some unfamiliar faces hanging around the streets.

Big Mom has organized another Tea Party!

Both sides of the main street were filled with men and women watching the important figures coming from the port. Although they had seen them many times before, they only saw them once a year, so they still had some interest in seeing them.

Lu Feld, known as the God of Fortune, is the Loan Shark King.

Big News Morgans is the president of the World Economy News Paper and one of the emperors of the Underworld.

Giberson, known as The Concealer, is a veteran warehouseman and one of the emperors of the Underworld.

Drug Peclo, also known as the Major Undertaker, is an emperor of the Underworld.

And finally.

Deep Ocean Current Umit is a shipping magnate and one of the emperors of the Underworld.

The interesting thing is that there is still no emperor ruling the entertainment sphere, that is, red light districts and pleasure streets around the world continue to operate independently.

[Bang! Bang! Bang!]

Suddenly, a group of fireworks exploded in the sky.

Inside the Whole Cake Chateau, Charlotte Linlin, sitting on her throne, listened to the fireworks outside and smiled mischievously.

"It seems they have arrived."

Perospero said with a smile: "Hehehe, in this way, our friendship with the underworld for more than ten years will be completely severed, Mom~~"

"It doesn't matter. You all know about the Dimensional Gate and the other world. The future is destined to be a great era for the World Government."

"These so-called emperors are just the gifts that mom will send, and it is a substantial gift!"

Linlin laughed coldly, then turned her gaze towards Katakuri, Daifuku, and Oven beside her.

"When the time comes, you will be responsible for dealing with them. Don't embarrass mom!"

"Yes." Katakuri crossed his arms and had no expression on his face.

"Leave it to us, Mom!" Daifuku and Oven shouted in unison.

Linlin nodded with satisfaction. She was still very confident in her sons, and then looked at Perospero. "By the way, where is that little Celestial Dragon kid?"

"He said he wanted to go shopping and left on his own."

"But I guess I shouldn't interfere with our affairs... right?" He added with some hesitation, as he did not have much confidence in the reliability of the Celestial Dragons.

"That's best!"

Linlin snorted coldly and refrained from saying anything more unpleasant. If it were before, she would have no scruples, but now that she has joined the World Government, even she has to be wary of the Celestial Dragons.

"Okay, go out and get ready, they should be almost at the square!"

"Yes, Mom!"


Meanwhile, Umit, Giberson and others were following the usual protocol. After passing a simple inspection in front of a large pink talking door, they entered the plaza designated for the Tea Party.


The first to come in, Giberson, looked at the empty square in surprise.

This situation also caught the attention of those who arrived later.

Lu Feld asked in confusion: "Has the location of the tea party changed?"

"Maybe, it will be held in that cake castle?" Umit looked at the huge 'cake' in the distance.

"That's great. I haven't seen what it looks like inside. I can take a few pictures when the time comes. This is also interesting news!" Morgans touched the camera hanging on his chest and laughed excitedly.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter sounded, causing everyone present to stop arguing and look up in search of the source of the laughter.

They saw a young blond man in knee-length red pants, a pink feather coat, and sunglasses, arrogantly looking down at them, with a defiant and mocking smile on his face.

"Have you finally arrived, dear emperors of the underworld? It's very difficult to meet you~~"

Lu Feld was confused again. "Who is this guy? A new guest?"

At this time, Morgans and Umit said in unison: "Doflamingo!"

After that, the two looked at each other.

Umit frowned and said coldly: "This kid has been stealing my shipping business recently. He has basically taken over the North Blue!"

"He is still a Celestial Dragon. Although he was deprived of his identity a long time ago, but..." Morgans made an expression that you know what I mean.

"I see." The other emperors nodded in understanding.

At this moment, Drug Peclo looked at Doflamingo, and joked: "So even if he is killed, it won't be a big problem, right?"

Although he had never killed a Celestial Dragon, he was curious to try it out.

Doflamingo raised a hand and faced Drug Peclo, who radiated strong killing intent. "How can a dead person be so arrogant? You are the least valuable among them."

In the next moment, countless transparent threads burst out from the palm of his hand, causing the emperors present to change their expressions.

"This bastard really dares to attack here?"

"This is Big Mom's territory!"

In an instant, thousands of transparent silk threads formed a huge arch-shaped cage that covered the entire square, including the Castle.

Then, Katakuri, Daifuku, and Oven slowly entered from different directions.

"Welcome to my birdcage and your birdcage, little birds from the underworld~~" Doflamingo stepped on an invisible thread and laughed wildly with his arms open.


Noah's Ark.

"Imu-sama, the operation at Big Mom's Tea Party has been completed successfully."

"Morgans, Giberson, Umit, and Lu Feld were captured alive, and Drug Peclo was accidentally killed by Doflamingo."

Imu was sitting on his throne listening to the Den-Den Mushi's report.


"Have Morgans reveal the location of the World Economy News Paper's flying ship. In the future, the world's largest newspaper must be controlled by the World Government."

"As for him, if he is willing to be obedient, he will be assigned a position in the News Bureau."

"Lu Feld is useless, get rid of him."

"Regarding Giberson, have him hand over all of his warehouse locations and supply routes. If he is willing to cooperate, find him a suitable job in the Administration Department."

"As for Umit, confiscate all of his family's shipyards, shipbuilders, and ships, and give 30% to the Flamingo Shipping Company founded by Doflamingo. The most important thing is that you get all the information about the Deep Ocean Current from him." Imu said seriously.

The Deep Ocean Current is equivalent to the super high-speed underwater channel. If used properly, regardless of the distance, you can basically reach it in half a day.

"Understood." The Den-Den Mushi replied respectfully.

After ending the call, Imu decided to directly leave Water 7. Since the island had just suffered from the Aqua Laguna and was in ruins everywhere and in urgent need of repairs. At that time, his arrival would not only cause trouble, but there would also be nothing to see.


I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar
