
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 151: Demon Slayer Corps' Final Selection

The sudden burst of Haki was like a gust of wind that swept in all directions.

Even the floor and walls of the throne room cracked instantly, spreading through layer after layer of walls outwards.

"What's going on?" Stussy, who had just returned to her room, avoided the first wave of mental shock and walked away.

Meanwhile, with the sound of air breaking, black shadows rushed into the hall: they were all members of Cipher Pol.

Immediately afterwards.

With heavy steps, the 'Giant God Soldiers' also came to the scene, surrounded by a large number of members of the Holy Guard.

However, even though everyone was present, they could do nothing but watch helplessly, as the imposing aura was so intense that no one could get close.


Soon, the imposing force that had shaken the entire Noah's Ark began to gradually dissipate, then a calm voice was heard.

"Everything is fine, disperse!"

Everyone outside looked at each other perplexed and then obeyed the orders, leaving Stussy alone on the scene.

Inside the hall, Imu was sitting on the throne and opened his eyes while holding the Enma sword with half of the blade drawn.

"This feeling..."

Suddenly, he felt many 'sounds', some strong and some weak. But these 'sounds' were just that, they contained no comprehensible information.

Except for one.

Imu's gaze returned to the Enma sword, because he 'heard' the sound of breathing on this sword, it seemed to have a life of its own.

"This should be the ability of Voice of All Things, but what's wrong with this sword?"

"Maybe it's because of the underworld..."

Lacking information, Imu felt helpless and sheathed his sword again. He began to sense the changes in his Haki.

After dealing with the female corrupt spirit, he encountered several other corrupt spirits.

By swallowing the concentration of spiritual particles, his soul has improved to a certain extent, but because the amount is still too small and the soul comprehension is not enough, it is still impossible to feel how much he has improved.

But his mastery of Haki had reached a new level. Imu could clearly perceive how her Haki had surpassed her previous limits.

"Even if it's slow, as long as it works, any method, no matter how clumsy, is still a method..."


Wano Country.

A flying warship arrived at the port of the Kibi Region.

This place has been blocked by a large number of shinobi.

They have unified the color of their clothing and even the samurai swords on their backs in black, and they also have forehead protectors with a five-circle cross logo on their foreheads.

As the warship slowly descended from the air to about four or five meters above the ground, the Marines deployed long planks. Then, a detachment of marines descended quickly.

The next moment, a burly navy rear admiral came down, first looking at the shinobi on the field and then at Fukurokuju. The former leader of the Oniwabanshu, and the current Kage of the shinobi village under the World Government.

The rear admiral approached Fukurokuju smiling. "You are the Kage of the Shinobi Village, right?"


"Just give us the prisoners and we'll take care of the rest." Fukurokuju said seriously.

"Tsk... Ok. " The rear admiral agreed after a moment of hesitation.

Soon, about fifty people dressed in kimonos, with their hands tied and their mouths covered, were urged by the marines to get off the ship.

The rear admiral knew that these people came from the Kabane world.

It is said that they are all stubborn elements who are unwilling to submit to the rule of the World Government.

"Thank you for your hard work. You can go to the Flower Capital. Food and accommodation have been prepared there." Fukurokuju said very politely.

The rear admiral naturally had no objection. After handing over all the prisoners, he left by ship, while Fukurokuju's expression suddenly became cold.

"Okay, take them to Mt. Shiroi!"

"Yes!" Kazekage immediately responded.

In fact, in such a simple matter, Fukurokuju, as Kage, did not need to come in person, but as the only person in the Shinobi Village who had information about another world, he was more or less curious.

The so-called Mt. Shiroi.

It is the three adjacent peaks on the easternmost side of Kibi Region. There is also a red torii at the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, 52 Kabane World criminals were kneeling on the ground in a row. In front of them were three mountains and the red Torii gate, and behind them was a black-robed shinobi holding a samurai sword.

Invisible to everyone in front of the Torii, there were two death guards waiting silently.

"It's time." Fukurokuju glanced at the sun in the sky, and his raised right hand fell instantly.



A boy and a girl were walking along a rain-soaked mountain path.

"Aren't we there yet?" Hozumi asked, with her hands behind her back, jumping happily as she admired the mountainous landscape.

Since leaving the village, they have been walking for nearly two days. They also encountered a village on the way, but the boy only bought some food and water on the grounds that there was not much time.

"We should be close. Actually, this is the first time..." The boy became a little uncertain, but the appearance of a purple flash at the end of his vision made his face light up with joy.

"Look, it's a wisteria tree!"

When the two approached the forest with a lot of wisteria flowers blooming, Hozumi was immediately shocked by the magnificent and spectacular scene, and murmured to herself: "It's really beautiful

The boy smiled excitedly. "Master told me that as long as you see wisteria flowers, you have reached the final test!"

"Oh~' Hozumi nodded without comment

In the past two days, she has learned a lot about the Demon Slayer Corps, breathing methods and that kind of strange swordsmanship from this simple boy.

He really answered everything she asked him very honestly, but from time to time he looked at her with a surprised look, as if wondering how she could not know something so simple.

Fortunately, her previous rescue and superhuman abilities did not arouse too much suspicion.

The path became steeper as they ascended the stone stairs. Upon reaching the top, they saw two large red pillars there.

"There are many people here!" The boy sighed as he looked at the twenty or thirty peers in the field.

Hozumi also looked around.

"Sure enough, when these people do not actively use that breathing method, their aura is about the same as ordinary adults."

Because the 'Nue' form has greatly enhanced her perception and spirit, she easily mastered the Kenbunshoku Haki when she was trained at the Cipher Pol headquarters.

Finally, Hozumi's gaze stopped on two short-haired girls dressed in deep purple kimonos. Their hair was one black and one white, and they were standing between the two red pillars, with their backs to the curtain of wisteria.

She noticed that these two girls were not carrying swords and their eyes were very strange.

At the same time.

Not far away, a boy's nose suddenly moved, he sniffed subconsciously and then his eyes followed the scent to locate Hozumi.

"The smell of human blood, very subtle, but it is not the smell of a demon."

It was the protagonist of this world Tanjiro Kamado.

Then the two girls in purple spoke in unison, attracting the attention of everyone in the place. "Thank you very much for participating in the final selection of the Demon Slayer Corps tonight."

The white-haired girl smiled and said: "Mount Fujikasane is home to many demons captured by the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps. They cannot escape."

The black-haired girl smiled too and added: "This is because from the base to the middle of the mountain, wisteria blooms, which demons hate."

The white-haired girl continued smiling. "But from this place onwards, there are no wisterias anymore, so demons are likely to appear."

Then, the black-haired girl spoke up again and said: "Please survive here for seven days. That is the condition to pass the final selection."

When they finished, they both bowed and said in unison: "Then we wish you the best."

The atmosphere in the place became very tense, and the expressions of all the young people became serious.

Hozumi also felt tense. She didn't expect that there were many monsters here that could not be killed without the Nichirin Sword. "Hozumi-chan, they didn't say that we can't act in a team. Let's go together later!" The boy also thought of the situation where she didn't have the Nichirin Sword.


At this time, Hozumi didn't act pretentiously, and agreed without hesitation, saying: "I will suppress those demons, and you will kill them!"

When the figures of the two purple-clothed girls walked away, the boys and girls in the field also moved. Some people rushed over alone excitedly, while others gathered in twos and threes.

At the same time.

On the trunk of a wisteria tree in the distance, Laskey heard everything through Hozumi's earphone and began to record the location of this place on the map he had drawn in the past few days.

He had been ordered to capture a demon alive, and now it seemed that he had exceeded expectations, as the demons of Mount Fujikasane were now the property of the World Government.


"Hey, Hozumi, what is this, a snail?'

Inside Mount Fujikasane, the boy had barely advanced when he noticed Hozumi take a small creature out of his pocket and place it on his shoulder. The creature's small eyes began to slowly scan the surroundings.

Hozumi simply smiled and replied: "Yes, her name is Rice, she is my pet, she was sleeping before, let her breathe now."

"But we will soon face the demons, aren't you afraid of that?"

"It doesn't matter, you know, I'm very strong~"


I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar
