
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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124 Chs

Chapter 98

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097: Shocking World, Changes Over Mariejois!

As Im's entire body was incinerated by the 15-million-degree heat from the residual fire sword, the remaining puppets controlled by Im's ability began to collapse and dissipate. This marked a significant moment since the establishment of the World Government. Hidden behind the scenes, Im, who claimed to be a "god" and controlled the whole world, was completely dead. There was no possibility of survival for Im.

At this moment, the entire Grand Line and the world fell into a profound silence. After a long pause, the "remnant fire sword" in Bai Ye's hand faded away, revealing the unadorned blade of Ryūjin Jakka once again. Immediately, the whole area, which had been evaporated due to the high temperature, began to accumulate unimaginable amounts of water vapor. The heat dissipated, and simultaneously, a large amount of water vapor began to fall, forming a torrential rain that covered the entire Grand Line and even the surrounding seas.

When raindrops fell on the faces of countless people around the world, someone finally spoke up, swallowing hard and trembling:

"Is it… over?!"

"Did that man really overthrow the entire World Government by himself?!"

"Hey, hey... is this a dream?!"

Witnessing the unprecedented event on the Red Line, which was destined to shock the entire Grand Line, and seeing the 'Holy Land' Mariejois completely vanish, the whole world was in shock. Countless people felt a strong sense of "unreality." Whether it was the Grand Line, Naval Headquarters, Calm Belt, Amazon Lily, New World, or anywhere else in the world, everyone was affected.

At Naval Headquarters, a Marine knelt on the ground in shock and whispered, "Did he really destroy the World Government?! It's all..."

High-ranking Marines like Aokiji, Sengoku, Garp, and Crane looked on in disbelief. They could not fathom that Im, with the space fruit ability, could be beheaded by that man.

Meanwhile, on Amazon Lily, Hancock's pupils flickered in amazement. Empress Hancock remained in long silence, her slender fingers quietly clenching.

In the New World, at the Kingdom of Dressrosa, Trebol looked at Doflamingo and said, "...D, Joker!" Doflamingo remained silent for a long time before speaking in a tone full of unease, "It seems that the world... is about to change."

Trebol shuddered in response.

At this moment...

This scene is similar everywhere and is happening wildly all over the world.

Big Mom Pirates' base.

Beasts Pirates' base.

Red Hair Pirates and others.

Without exception.

Before all this happened, no force or person would have thought of it. The organization that ruled the seas for 800 years had never fallen. Under its banner was the "most powerful" Marine government agency, with a terrifying background that ordinary people can't imagine. 

Yet, in just one day, it was totally destroyed! And this is despite the fact that behind the World Government was a monster almost equivalent to a 'god.' 

That man, alone, boarded Mariejois and destroyed the World Government. This government would never have been captured, even if all the Four Emperors pirates in the New World joined forces. He even completely wiped out the entire Mariejois and all the Celestial Dragons on it.

Immediately, someone suddenly remembered the news that Morgans had previously reported.

"A new era... is coming?!"

Countless people were shocked again.

However, suddenly, "Roger...it looks like you may rest in peace too," Rayleigh said, staying on the Sabaody Islands. He witnessed that after Roger's death, he was actually controlled by Im as a puppet. Rayleigh first showed disbelief and then felt conflicted inside. 

Witnessing Im's death, Roger also began to dissipate. Rayleigh let out a sigh.

At the same time, looking at the back of the man who did it all alone, Rayleigh still couldn't believe the scene in front of him. After all, who would have thought not so long ago that he had tried to persuade the man to give up? Although the other party let him see how Mariejois was destroyed, Rayleigh never thought it would work.

Thinking about it now, Rayleigh shook his head. It seems that he is indeed old. He is so old that he never even dared to think about such things as subverting the World Government. 

Suddenly, Boom...!

"Hmm...what's going on?!" Rayleigh's pupils froze as he felt a strong vibration. Rayleigh looked around, then sharply at the sky where Mariejois had been. "...Up?! Is it up?!"

"What happened?! Is there any trump card left by the World Government?!" Rayleigh shuddered. 

At the same moment, the heart of the whole world suddenly hung again!

On the Red Line, Bai Ye felt the dark clouds that had gathered on the rainy sky gradually being torn apart. Bai Ye frowned, holding Ryūjin Jakka as he lifted Bankai. Bai Ye looked towards the sky.

Im's trump card? No, because if Im still had a trump card, he would never have shown that kind of despair before death.

In other words? Bai Ye raised his head and stared at the dark clouds in the sky that were being torn apart. Could it be the real body of 'Uranus' after losing Im's control? Or... something to do with the "Ancient Kingdom" that the World Government has been covering up?