
Chapter 75

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He calmly gazed at the Sabaody Islands lying below the sky, and behind him was the World Government. A fearsome reiatsu descended with a thunderous boom. At that moment, the sea near the Sabaody Islands began to swell violently, turning the spreading ripples into huge waves. The space above the sea trembled and distorted.

On the Sabaody Islands, the colorful soap bubbles produced by the Yarukiman mangrove burst with a 'click.' Following this, there were constant falling sounds as pirates, attempting to leave or gather their underlings, felt a terrible pressure envelop the islands. Within moments, a large number of pirates were crushed to the ground, unable to move.

"What's going on?!" they exclaimed in confusion and fear. "Has another monster appeared in the first half of the Grand Line?!"

The pirates didn't understand what was happening, and as they tried to force themselves up, they strained so hard that their veins bulged and their faces reddened. Blood spurted from their mouths, and they passed out.

To the pirates' horror, many who were still barely conscious discovered that more than half the pirates on the Sabaody Islands had been killed or injured. Bodies were turning cold.

In Area 12 of the Sabaody Islands, 'Strange Monk' Urouge stood on the grass, drenched in sweat, his heart urging him to flee, but his body unresponsive.

"It's impossible that someone exerting just 'Conqueror's' can be this powerful!" Kid noted that many pirates had already perished. Of his own crew, only a few like Kira and Hitt, who were spitting blood, still persevered.

Kid felt a shiver run through him as he sensed the tremors from the sea, the product of the approaching monster.

"Huo, Hawkins, you're saying we have a 100% chance of defeat if we fight this thing?" asked another supernova, Apu, quivering from the force pressing him to the ground. He struggled to speak, "So you're telling me that just with the 'Conqueror's,' this man could wipe out all the pirates here?"

Hearing Apu's remarks, Kid's group felt a cold dread. They looked up at the figure approaching the islands as if walking on firm land. A terrifying realization set in that they might be eradicated by this 'Conqueror's' alone, without the mysterious figure even needing to strike.

"Come on, body, move!" Kid urged himself silently.

But the horror of the Reiatsu was not confined to the Sabaody Islands. Above the Red Line, in 'Holy Land' Mariejois, the various Celestial Dragons were shaken.

"What in the world is happening outside?!" they cried out. "Are pirates attacking Mariejois?!"

The trembling of the Red Line beneath their feet alarmed them, and they turned their anger towards the CPO, demanding protection.

"Lord, we will report this immediately to the Five Elders, please rest assured," the CPO members reassured through their fear, "With the safety of the Holy Land ensured, no one in this world can threaten Mariejois—not even the Four Emperors of the New World!"

Hastening to act, the CPO spread throughout Mariejois, responding to the crisis. Meanwhile, on the Sabaody Islands, the reiatsu unleashed by Bai Ye claimed the lives of countless pirates. The once 'Crime Paradise' was now sheer terror.

As Bai Ye landed on the Sabaody Islands, he witnessed the deaths of numerous pirates with utter indifference. Insignificant people were not worth his time. The number of pirates who would die was of no concern to him, for there were no innocents among those who came to the Sabaody Islands.

The auction houses that were responsible for the slave trade and others have made it a haven for criminals. Pirates who have not been guilty of massacring cities are like sheep among wolves here, devoured without a need for a fight, day or night. This time, Bai Ye encountered Kid, a notorious pirate from the "Evil Generation."

In Area 12 of the Sabaody Archipelago, beneath the Alchiman mangroves:

"What should we do? That monster is coming... here it is!"

"Are we going to fight a war?!"

'Strange Monk' Urouge's mind raced, but his body would not respond.

Kid, Hawkins, and their companions felt the same way. As Bai Ye approached the islands, cold sweat soaked their backs, an overwhelming, inescapable fear palpable only when seen firsthand.

"We are going to die. There's no doubt about it."

"That kind of monster is beyond us. There's no chance of winning!"


Suddenly, a pirate unable to contain his fear burst out.

Kid's group's eyes froze as they recognized the bearded pirate, 'Giant Claw' Char, who had a bounty of 110 million Baileys. Although not one of the "Evil Generation" supernovas, his strength on the islands was not insignificant.

"That idiot!"

They saw 'Giant Claw' Char charge at Bai Ye, recalling the result of Hawking's tarot card divination, and their hearts raced.

"Stop him!"

'Strange Monk' Urouge managed to shout, but 'Giant Claw' Char, enraged by the sight of his dead and wounded men, ignored everything except Bai Ye.

Before Kid's group had time to react, 'Giant Claw' Char confronted Bai Ye, transforming into an ancient Zoan Dragon Fruit 'Sickle Dao Long' with sharp claws!

As expected, Kid and his group's faces paled. Bai Ye did not seem to move, or perhaps moved too fast for them to catch. A slash of light appeared and 'Giant Claw' Char was split in two, blood splattering the grass.

The scene seized Kid and his group with instant fear.

"He's unbeatable!"

Eyeing each other, Urouge, Kid, and the others knew they had to flee.

Hawkins, knowing the danger, became a large scarecrow and fled. When 'Giant Claw' Char attacked, everyone saw their impending death.

Hawkins, including Kid and Urouge, would die if they stayed.

"Hadō 4th White Thunder!"

As Hawkins turned, Bai Ye's indifferent voice sounded. A force struck from behind, engulfing Hawkins' 'Scarecrow'. Hawkins rose again as his last companion dropped dead, their death taking the place of his own.

Bai Ye saw Hawkins stand and sent another Hadōzhi·Sibai Lei his way. Bai Ye did not wish to linger in the Sabaody Archipelago. He saw every pirate there, with blood on their hands, as deserving of death for a better world.

Meanwhile, supernova 'Strange Monk' Urouge ran but then stopped and faced Bai Ye. Sweating profusely, he threw his weapon at Bai Ye.

"Since escape is futile, let me witness the world's greatest monster!"

After seeing Hawkins' fate, 'Strange Monk' Urouge decided to attack. Perhaps in their desperation, some could survive.

As he attacked, he wondered how long he could delay Bai Ye—ten seconds? Five? Three?

In less than a second, Urouge had his answer as both his body and weapon were cleaved in two. The dead supernova fell to the ground.

"This can't be real!"

Apu, overwhelmed by the power in the grass, saw the end of 'Strange Monk' Urouge. He knew they could not win. Confronting the immense gap in power, Apu realized they would all meet the same fate as foretold by Hawkins.

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